Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 741 - Director Feng Is Here

Chapter 741: Director Feng Is Here

Class 9 was in a miserable state, and the other classes were also in chaos with non-stop screaming.

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan had always never believed in superstitions, and only believed in science.

However, they saw a deformed ghost that was nothing more than a head and two legs, with bulging eyes and a swollen face that was twice the size of a normal one, suddenly crawl down from the ceiling. It grinned hideously, and a long tongue lashed out to cut a student into two at the waist on the spot. That scared everyone into tears as they collapsed to the floor. Even Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan, the two police officers, were so scared that they almost pissed their pants and cried for their parents.

Holy sh*t!

What the hell was this thing?!

There really were ghosts in this world?

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming were so scared that their minds went blank. Seeing this ghost thing, they were about to run, when they suddenly saw a bloody hand reach out from the wall and suddenly pull a screaming student, who had been leaning against the wall, into a crack. Blood and minced flesh poured out of the crack non-stop.

“Master Chi… Old Wu, Old Wu, contact Director Feng and have Master Chi come and save us. It’s too scary! Too f*cking scary!” Xiao Shan’s face was deathly pale.

Wu Haoming’s face didn’t look any better. His face was deathly pale and he was leaning on Xiao Shan. If not for that, he would have collapsed to the floor. “Holy sh*t! This is weird, I can’t call out at all.”

At that moment, a bloody hand which they didn’t notice suddenly grabbed Wu Haoming from behind and quickly dragged him into a crack in the wall.

Wu Haoming’s heart turned cold. Xiao Shan reacted quickly and immediately grabbed Wu Haoming. Xiao Shan would say he was very strong, but at that moment, the two adult police officers were dragged over the floor by a bloody hand.

Seeing that Wu Haoming’s body was about to be dragged into the crack, Xiao Shan’s heart turned cold and he roared, “Old Wu!”

Wu Haoming didn’t expect to die so wretchedly. Seeing that he was dragging Xiao Shan down, Wu Haoming immediately let go of his hand.

“Old Wu!” Xiao Shan roared.

“Ignore me!” Wu Haoming yelled.

At that moment, the door was kicked open. Xiao Shan turned around and saw his Director Feng enter with a few people. Before Xiao Shan could ask for help, Feng Yuanlin threw out a talisman. The talisman glowed with a golden light and smashed into the bloody hand, directly burning it black. With a mournful wail, the charred hand immediately pulled back.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming were thrilled to see Director Feng. They were even more excited than seeing their own parents, and they hurriedly called out, “Director Feng!”

“Director Feng, what did you throw just now? Give me a few!” Wu Haoming was a carefree person to begin with, and he bounced right back after his fright, and immediately stretched out his hand to Director Feng.

Xiao Shan also hurriedly stared at his Director Feng. Feng Yuanlin’s cold eyes swept over his two men, and he said, “Didn’t you not want them back then?”

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming: … When did the two of them say they didn’t want this thing?

Feng Yuanlin didn’t have time to talk to the two. The classroom was incomparably chaotic, filled with all sorts of terrified screams for help, and he glanced at the ugly ghost thing.

Feng Yuanlin and Gu Yunzheng next to him looked at each other. Gu Yunzheng’s eyes fell on the talisman which Feng Yuanlin had taken out of his pocket. He narrowed his eyes as if he wanted to say something, but this wasn’t a good time to talk. He shifted his gaze to the ghost thing not far away. His expression was a bit heavy as he said, “Take the others out to the field first. Leave this thing to me!”

Feng Yuanlin believed in the person Zhenbai’s wife had found. Seeing the chaos in the classroom, Feng Yuanlin said seriously, “Come with me if you want to live!”

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