Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 723 - Handing Out Talismans (1)

Chapter 723: Handing Out Talismans (1)

After Principal Wang and Teacher Yang left, Captain Chen couldn’t help but throw the bottle of mineral water he was holding to the floor, and he cursed in a rare instance. “That f*cker isn’t worthy of being a principal at all! He’s always saying he’s busy. From the start, this f*cker hasn’t appeared at all!”

When something first happened at No. 5 Junior High, Captain Chen had learned a little about Principal Wang’s background. He just relied on a woman to climb up the ranks. Since he had a good father-in-law, he didn’t do any proper work all day long and was just busy currying favor to get a promotion. Captain Chen didn’t believe that this Wang guy really cared as much about his students’ studies as he said just now. Wasn’t it his future that he cared about?

It had to be pointed out that the school’s enrollment numbers every year were tied to the assessment for promotion.

The more Captain Chen thought about it, the angrier he got. For the sake of his own future prospects, this Wang person didn’t care about the students’ lives at all.

“Director Feng, we must pull this guy down!”

Feng Yuanlin frowned tightly. “It’s not a matter of pulling him down, but how to get all the students out of here!”

Feng Yuanlin looked at Chi Shuyan. “Zhenbai’s wife, do you have any other ideas?”

Chi Shuyan shook her head. “Actually, if these things weren’t so vigilant, I could set up an array. However, I’m afraid that if I act, I’ll alert them!”

Chi Shuyan couldn’t help but ask, “Brother Feng, what day is it today?”

After Feng Yuanlin said the date, he suddenly thought of something and hurriedly asked, “Zhenbai’s wife, you said before that these evil spirits are waiting for the right time to kill everyone. Exactly when is the right time? Can you guess the approximate date?”

Captain Chen looked at Master Chi seriously.

Chi Shuyan calculated it on her fingers. However, no matter how she calculated, she couldn’t determine a particularly special day. In addition, she hadn’t seen these evil spirits before, so she couldn’t confirm when they would really attack.

Seeing Zhenbai’s wife shake her head, Feng Yuanlin’s heart sank even more.

Captain Chen also couldn’t help but say, “Master Chi, is there no other way?”

Chi Shuyan looked at the time and suggested, “Brother Feng, why don’t we walk around the school again? Maybe we’ll find something?”

Feng Yuanlin nodded.

This time, they didn’t just go to the crime scene like before, but went around the entire school. The school environment was really good, and they could occasionally see a lot of students playing during gym class. If not for the evil spirits and the supernatural incidents, Feng Yuanlin and the others might still be in the mood to sign feelingly over the school’s atmosphere and the students’ innocence.

Looking at the carefree and playful students, Captain Chen was also moved.

Compared with Feng Yuanlin and Captain Chen’s occasional sighs, Chi Shuyan’s attention was on the school. She clearly noticed that there were many empty seats in many of the classes, and there was some suspicion in her eyes.

The three walked to the sports field at the back. Feng Yuanlin clearly sensed Zhenbai’s wife’s silence, and he didn’t disturb her thoughts.

A student ran over with a ball in his arms and shyly greeted them. It was Wang Daoping. He was of average height, and had a bit of baby fat on his face. He looked honest and cute.

Feng Yuanlin recognized the little fatty in front of him as the one who had run into trouble after he talked to Zhenbai’s wife. When Chi Shuyan saw that the little fatty in front of her was unscathed, she heaved a sigh of relief.

Wang Daoping said shyly, “My friend said that you helped me before! Thank you!”

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