Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 664 - Cut Open

Chapter 664: Cut Open

Even if he was somewhat familiar with the Meng family, Lin Chongchang didn’t immediately agree since this concerned Master Chi. He only said that he would let Master Chi know first and ask if she was free or not.

No matter how unwilling Chen Meilin was, she could only accept it.

Chen Meilin waited for a day or two, but still didn’t receive a call from the Lin family. She was worried and scared, afraid that the ghost would come again and the chair would move again.

In addition, Jiang Xue had thoughtlessly thrown away a few of the precious talismans before. Now, Chen Meilin only had one left, and the golden pattern was half-black. Who knew how long it would last.

Chen Meilin felt uncomfortable whenever she thought about how Jiang Xue had thrown away those talismans and offended Master Chi, but she didn’t have the heart to blame her niece.

Chen Meilin went in and looked at her unconscious daughter on the bed. The child hadn’t been convulsing for the past few days. Chen Meilin heaved a sigh of relief. At the same time, when she thought of the ghost, Chen Meilin’s right eyelid twitched violently and she felt even more uneasy.

Just then, Chen Meilin received a call from her precious daughter’s form teacher.

Chen Meilin was puzzled. She picked up the call and heard the other party’s weak and probing tone. “Sister Chen, how has Shuyi been?”

Chen Meilin was on good terms with Shuyi’s form teacher, Xiao Yang. The woman also used to be close friends with Chen Meilin’s sister, so Xiao Yang was especially concerned about Shuyi in school, which relieved Chen Meilin. Who would have thought that this would happen all of a sudden?

At that moment, Chen Meilin thought that Xiao Yang was calling because she was concerned about Shuyi. Since no one believed in superstitions nowadays, Chen Meilin didn’t dare mention anything supernatural. She only choked out, “Shuyi is still unconscious!”

After a long silence, Xiao Yang suddenly said, “Sister Chen, if you believe me, I advise you to find a capable Celestial Master to look at Shuyi.” Afraid that Chen Meilin wouldn’t believe her, Xiao Yang hurriedly said, “Sister Chen, I don’t believe in these things to begin with. It’s just that this matter is too strange. The girl who played with Shuyi just jumped off a building a few days ago. Last night, another girl was suddenly cut open in the middle of the night in the hospital.”

When she mentioned this terrifying scene, Xiao Yang shuddered and her voice trembled as he continued, “Sister Chen, you can’t imagine how terrifying that scene was. The school is now keeping it quiet. If I wasn’t close to you, I wouldn’t dare tell you about this. The more I think about it these days, the stranger it seems. One of my colleagues is the girl’s form teacher, and he saw her tragic state in the hospital with his own eyes. I heard that some of the hospital nurses were so scared they even fainted. The hospital is also in a panic now. Whether or not there’s something evil about this matter, Sister Chen, I suggest you find a Master to take a look!”

After hanging up the phone, Chen Meilin only felt her body grow colder and she grew more desperate. She vaguely guessed how that girl’s belly had been cut open. If it wasn’t for Master Chi’s talisman back then, Chen Meilin felt that her precious daughter would have been cut open.

At the thought of that terrifying scene, Chen Meilin shuddered violently. She subconsciously looked at the calm and unconscious Shuyi on the bed. Chen Meilin examined her stomach with trembling hands, afraid that there was a wound on it.

Chen Meilin checked repeatedly and only heaved a sigh of relief after confirming that there were no other wounds on her precious daughter’s stomach.

Thinking of the rattan chair that had been thrown away, Chen Meilin immediately pulled open the curtain and looked out at the balcony. Seeing that it was empty, Chen Meilin heaved a sigh of relief.

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