Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 639 - Zhou Manning’s Body

Chapter 639: Zhou Manning’s Body

Speaking of which, he used to think that he and Qin Qing were quite compatible. He was rough, but Qin Qing was meticulous and gentle. Every man wanted to marry a gentle and virtuous wife. Their personalities had meshed pretty well over the last few years, so who would have thought that the two of them would be having so many cold wars recently?

After each cold war, Feng Yuanlin wanted the two of them to communicate properly.

It was a pity that the other party wouldn’t give him a chance. He thought of how he had forbidden Qin Qing from using their relationship to get the endorsement from Zhenbai last night, and she gave him the cold shoulder again. If he called, she would either refuse the call or say that she was busy filming again.

Feng Yuanlin was helpless.

“Brother Feng, what are you thinking about?” Chi Shuyan also corrected how she addressed him, and started to indirectly probe his relationship with Qin Qing and the matter of their marriage.

But obviously, when Feng Yuanlin heard Zhenbai’s wife ask him about marrying Qin Qing, his expression turned a bit unnatural and tired. It was mainly because his woman was making a fuss with him now. In addition, he was troubled by Zhou Manning’s disappearance.

Feng Yuanlin also knew that he had just been transferred here, and since he didn’t have anyone to rely on, he was treated like a pushover and the cold cases were tossed to him. Feng Yuanlin had also been investigating Zhou Manning for the past two days, but unfortunately, he hadn’t found any leads.

It was because of Zhenbai’s wife’s abilities that Feng Yuanlin came to find her.

Feng Yuanlin didn’t want to talk much about private matters, so he stubbornly said, “It’s fine; what else can we do but let nature take its course when it comes to marriage? I respect her opinion. We’ll talk about it in a few days!”

When Chi Shuyan heard that Feng Yuanlin wasn’t in a hurry to get married, she heaved a sigh of relief and buried her head in the barbecue meat. Qi Zhenbai, that man, would never bring her to a food stall.

Chi Shuyan treasured this opportunity very much. She ate the skewers happily and watched Feng Yuanlin eat a few skewers and down a cup of beer.

Feng Yuanlin thought that Zhenbai’s wife wanted to drink, so he immediately said, “Women shouldn’t drink too much when they’re out!”

Chi Shuyan pursed her lips and smiled. “Brother Feng, seeing how you down your drinks, I’m afraid you’ll get drunk again. I won’t be able to carry you later!”

Feng Yuanlin couldn’t help but think of how Zhenbai and his wife had brought him back to the apartment last night when he was drunk. His face immediately flushed red with embarrassment. “Fine, I won’t drink, I won’t drink! I’ll drink cola, like you.”

With that, Feng Yuanlin filled his cup with cola and got straight to the point. “Let’s not talk about personal matters. Zhenbai’s wife, I’m here to ask you about Zhou Manning. Don’t be nervous. I believe you definitely have nothing to do with Zhou Manning’s disappearance. I just think you’re capable and want to ask you about her whereabouts!”

If anyone else had asked, Chi Shuyan might not have said anything, but the person in front of her was Feng Yuanlin, her husband’s childhood friend. Chi Shuyan pondered for a moment before she suddenly said, “Brother Feng, I do know something, but you also know that Zhou Manning definitely can’t be considered a good person. You reap what you sow. I can only say that it was retribution!”

Feng Yuanlin wasn’t as glib as before, and said seriously, “You mean something happened to Zhou Manning?”

Zhou Manning had been killed by Zhou Manqing, but the police didn’t care about ghosts and gods, so Chi Shuyan didn’t feel the slightest bit of pressure about telling Feng Yuanlin the truth. She said that Zhou Manning was indeed dead, and her body was sealed inside one of the walls in the basement; Zhou Manqing had given her a taste of her own medicine.

Feng Yuanlin’s face changed drastically. “Are you saying that Zhou Manning is dead, and it was Zhou Manqing who killed her?”

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