Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 587 - Stealing a Chicken Only to Lose the Rice

Chapter 587: Stealing a Chicken Only to Lose the Rice

When Zhou Manning dragged Yu Rong, who was barely breathing, into the villa under the cover of night and placed her in front of Wu Fuzhang, Wu Fuzhang saw that it was about time. He stared at the blood seeping out of the bag, and Zhou Manning hurriedly said, “Perfected Wu, she’s not dead yet! She’s still breathing!”

In just a few short days, Wu Fuzhang could see that this woman in front of him was no less ruthless than he was. He smiled with some admiration.

Zhou Manning was still thinking about Xie Mingxuan’s luck, and she hurriedly said, “Perfected One, can you do it now? We have the sacrifice now!” After a pause, Zhou Manning said in a fake tone, “By the way, Perfected Wu, I think that malicious ghost can’t be moved by force or persuasion. You should destroy that thing first. What if it hurts you again?”

How could Perfected Wu not see that this woman was just worried that this malicious ghost would harm her again? Seeing that this Zhou woman had really brought him a sacrifice, Wu Fuzhang was in a very good mood at that moment. He didn’t reprimand Zhou Manning impatiently, but instead smiled and said, “Miss Zhou, since I’ve received your payment, I will naturally settle this matter beautifully. When the time comes, I’ll refine this malicious ghost into a puppet. The puppet will only listen to its master, and will lose all its memories. Miss Zhou, don’t worry!”

Zhou Manning finally heaved a sigh of relief and waited anxiously for Perfected Wu to prepare the sacrifice and borrow luck again.

Wu Fuzhang motioned for Zhou Manning to prepare a bowl of Xie Mingxuan’s blood first. Zhou Manning immediately obeyed and cut Xie Mingxuan’s wrist to bleed him.

Wu Fuzhang stared excitedly at the bowl of bright red, sticky blood. He placed it on an altar, took out a mask, and put it on. He then had Zhou Manning pluck a strand of Xie Mingxuan’s hair.

Zhou Manning had borrowed Zhou Manqing’s luck before, so she naturally knew how important this hair was. With this hair, all of Xie Mingxuan’s luck would be hers.

Zhou Manning was excited at the thought that in the future, she would no longer be poor, but would enjoy a lifetime of riches.

Wu Fuzhang obtained Xie Mingxuan’s hair and started the ritual. Not long after, the golden light on Xie Mingxuan’s forehead flowed to Zhou Manning’s forehead.

Zhou Manning could also see the golden light at that moment. She looked greedily at Xie Mingxuan’s forehead as the luck flowed endlessly toward hers, her face filled with excitement.

On the side, Wu Fuzhang saw the golden light on Xie Mingxuan’s forehead become dimmer. If any more luck was borrowed, he would be angry. He still needed this kid’s blood, and Xie Mingxuan couldn’t die before that happened.

If this kid accidentally died, the effect of his blood for the Blood Pill that Wu Fuzhang wanted to refine would be greatly reduced. Wu Fuzhang immediately stopped borrowing luck.

Zhou Manning’s eyes were still greedily staring at the dim golden light on Xie Mingxuan’s forehead. Although she felt that it was a pity, she didn’t dare provoke Perfected Wu further.

So, when Perfected Wu stopped borrowing luck, Zhou Manning hesitated but didn’t say a word.

At that moment, Perfected Wu and Zhou Manning didn’t notice the yellow talisman around Xie Mingxuan’s neck suddenly burn and turn to powder. The emerald jade token wrapped inside the paper suddenly flashed.

The golden light that had been borrowed flowed back from Zhou Manning’s forehead to Xie Mingxuan’s forehead in a funnel, and at a speed that was dozens of times faster than Wu Fuzhang’s spell.

Wu Fuzhang didn’t even have time to work the spell again. In the blink of an eye, all the luck that Zhou Manning had just borrowed returned to Xie Mingxuan. Not only that, the remainder of the luck which Zhou Manning had borrowed from Zhou Manqing, as well as her own luck, all flowed to Xie Mingxuan’s forehead.

Only black rotten luck remained on Zhou Manning’s forehead.

Zhou Manning’s face changed drastically. “Perfected Wu, what’s going on? What’s going on? How can this be? My luck, my luck!”

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