Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 463 - Something Happened to Zhou Manqing Again

Chapter 463: Something Happened to Zhou Manqing Again

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

When Yu Rong heard the news the next morning and rushed to the hospital in the city center, Zhou Manqing had yet to wake up.

Yu Rong stared fearfully at the bloody marks on Zhou Manqing’s face in fear. She thought about what the doctor had told her just now; a little more, and a hole would also have been torn open in Zhou Manqing’s stomach.

Yu Rong didn’t dare imagine what would happen if Manqing had died in the same wretched way as Daoist Fang. Although she hadn’t seen it herself, she had watched the news report. When she thought about how a Master’s stomach had been dug out by that malicious ghost until there was nothing left, Yu Rong felt her blood run cold as she stared at the stitches in Manqing’s stomach.

When she thought about how there really were ghosts, and even malicious ghosts, in this world, Yu Rong’s legs trembled uncontrollably. Standing in the ward, she felt cold all over. She went out to the ward’s balcony to stand under the sun. Only then did she calm down a little. She was afraid that she would be as unlucky as Manqing.

The more Yu Rong thought about it, the more scared she became. She decided to go to Longguang Temple to offer incense and ask for a Safety Talisman. Why not ask Master Chi for a few Safety Talismans?

Yu Rong waited until noon, but Manqing still didn’t wake up. At noon, Director Li, the assistant director, and a few of the main leads, including Xie Mingxuan, all came to visit Zhou Manqing.

Director Li and the rest had also seen the news, and suddenly remembered that Yu Rong had told them about Zhou Manqing being haunted. Director Li hadn’t believed it at first, and thought that Zhou Manqing was acting arrogant again.

However, when Director Li thought of the news broadcast and the miserable Zhou Manqing lying on the hospital bed, he felt a chill in his heart.

Director Li leaned closer to Yu Rong and couldn’t help but ask, “What on earth happened to Manqing…?”

Yu Rong was very afraid of the supernatural now, and didn’t dare say too much. Director Li patted Yu Rong and sighed. Yu Rong was now afraid that Director Li would give Manqing’s role to someone else because of time constraints, and she complained and pleaded earnestly with Director Li.

Director Li wasn’t an inconsiderate person. He agreed to give Zhou Manqing half a month to recover, and would film everyone else’s scenes first. If Zhou Manqing still wasn’t better after half a month, he could only replace her.

After all, every day that filming was delayed was a day of money wasted. Director Li wasn’t the investor; how could he afford this expense?

Yu Rong said gratefully, “Thank you, Director Li!”

“Alright, let Manqing recuperate first. She’s still unconscious, so we won’t disturb her anymore. If she wakes up, give me a call!” Director Li said.

Yu Rong hurriedly said, “Alright, Director Li!”

Director Li, the assistant director, and a few of the main cast members walked out of the hospital. The assistant director couldn’t help but say, “Director Li, Manqing’s expression didn’t look good the last few days. Do you think she really was haunted? Also, I heard from the news last night that the one who died in an especially tragic manner seemed to be a Daoist priest! Say, how did that Daoist priest die? Could it be that Manqing was haunted on our set?”

The moment the assistant director said this, everyone else felt their hearts skip a beat. It was clearly broad daylight, yet they felt chills all over.

When Director Li heard this, his face turned extremely pale. The male lead next to him was a young idol called Yu Qun. He wasn’t very brave on the whole, so after hearing the assistant director’s words, his face turned pale.

Director Li was afraid that the assistant director’s words would scare away all the main actors, so he said coldly, “How can there be so many supernatural things in this world? What have you been reading for so many years?”

The assistant director didn’t dare say anything after Director Li reprimanded him. Only then did the expressions of the other main actors improve.

However, after the main cast left, Director Li privately asked the assistant director to find someone to cleanse the set. Just as the assistant director was about to respond, Director Li suddenly said, “How about we find that Celestial Master Chi from last time?”

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