Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 364 - Chi Shuyan Saving People (1)

Chapter 364: Chi Shuyan Saving People (1)

Counselor Zhang rushed back home at the last minute because his father-in-law had fallen and injured himself. As soon as he unlocked the door, he vaguely felt that something was wrong, and even seemed to hear his wife scream.

Counselor Zhang was alarmed. When he entered, the house was very quiet. The living room was also tidy and there were no signs of intruders. He must have heard wrongly just now. He felt that he had been brainwashed by the little girl in his class.

That little girl had been saying something like “your whole family will die” in the last few days, which scared him witless. He also thought about how his son was in the hospital and how he had just gotten off the phone with his wife. How could his whole family die?

Counselor Zhang closed the door and called for his wife a few times. He had clearly spoken on the phone with her earlier. Could it be that she had gone to her father’s place first?

But his wife didn’t know how to drive, and his father-in-law was in the countryside, so how could she not wait for him?

Counselor Zhang thought that his wife was in the bedroom and hadn’t heard him, so he simply pushed the bedroom door. When he did so, he saw a few men pressing his wife down.

His wife’s clothes had almost been torn off, and there were two red and swollen palm prints on her face. A furious man kicked his wife’s protruding belly. Blood was everywhere on the bed and on the floor. It was a ghastly sight.

He couldn’t even hear his wife gasping for breath.

Conselor Zhang’s eyes immediately turned blood red and his whole body trembled in anger. Without thinking, he rushed in to save his wife.

The leader of the group, a vicious bald criminal, saw Counselor Zhang, and kicked him into the wall and immediately said, “Hurry up and kill that man, don’t attract attention!”

After listening to their boss, the man who had just kicked Counselor Zhang’s wife in the stomach immediately picked up the axe next to him and walked over to Counselor Zhang.

Counselor Zhang clutched his aching chest and raged, “Who the hell are you? If you don’t let go of my wife, I’ll call the police!”

“Ah Qiang, hurry up and chop this idiot to death. Let’s see if he can still call the police.” One of the men, who was still tugging at Counselor Zhang’s wife’s pants, suddenly smiled lasciviously and said, “This woman looks good. After Boss has a taste, we’ll do it together!”

At that moment, Counselor Zhang looked at his wife, who was barely breathing on the big bed and bleeding from her big belly. These animals actually wanted to rape his wife?

Tears welled up in Counselor Zhang’s eyes. He got up and tried to get up to save his wife again, but the man with the axe kicked him against the door and then stepped on his back when he fell.

At that moment, Counselor Zhang was pressed down under someone’s foot and couldn’t move at all. He watched helplessly as those men tried to rape his wife, and his eyes almost popped out of his head. The relationship between the husband and wife was good to begin with, and now, Counselor Zhang wished that he was the miserable one on the bed. He gritted his teeth and kowtowed desperately. “I beg you, I beg you, let my wife go. My wife is seven months pregnant and about to give birth. I have money, I have money. As long as you let my wife go, I’ll give you all the money on my card!”

“Who cares about your money? If this woman didn’t have such a big belly, we wouldn’t be interested in sleeping with her!” The bald leader let out a lascivious laugh and didn’t waste anymore time. He immediately motioned to the man called Ah Qiang and said, “Hurry and kill this idiot, don’t let him alert the neighbors!”

Receiving his boss’s order, the man called Ah Qiang picked up the axe and swung it at Counselor Zhang’s head. This was the scene Chi Shuyan saw when she rushed over, and her expression changed. She threw out a talisman right away, and the axe immediately slipped from Ah Qiang’s hands and flew backward to lodge itself in his own shoulder. Ah Qiang immediately screamed.

The villains on the side were also terrified by this strange scene. They looked up and saw a little girl with a cold face appear out of nowhere. The bald leader swallowed his saliva and drooled over her beauty. “You… Who are you? I advise you not to meddle in other people’s business!”

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