Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1705 - 1705 Unmasked

1705 Unmasked

After another night of torment, Chi Shuyan’s whole body was still sore when she woke up the next day, but whether or not it was because she was getting used to the torment, there were no other side effects. After getting out of bed, her legs didn’t tremble. At most, they were a little sore and soft. She heaved a sigh of relief.

When she got up to wash up, she didn’t see the man. After washing up and going downstairs, she still didn’t see him. Sure enough, the man had already left the villa for the company.

Chi Shuyan found a few post-it notes on the fridge. The man said that he had something urgent to attend to at the company. There was hot porridge in the pot and some side dishes for her.

In the kitchen, Chi Shuyan saw that there were indeed a lot of side dishes as well as plain porridge in the pot. The porridge was a little clumpy and didn’t look good it was most likely Qi Zhenbai who had cooked it. On the other hand, the side dishes, which looked good, had probably been prepared by Chef Li.

Chi Shuyan brought the food to the table and ate slowly. Although she had woken up a little late, it was still close to 7:10am, which still wasn’t too late. As she ate breakfast leisurely, she suddenly remembered that she hadn’t sent the skincare products to her teacher.

Recently, when she had the time, she whipped up a face cream that was gentle and good for the skin. The herbs she used were all from her Cosmos Ring. Although they were only a few decades old, they did contain some spiritual energy. Moreover, when she was mixing the face cream together, she also injected some spiritual energy which could be absorbed by the skin. This cream should be very useful.

Taking out several medicine bottles which she had previously bought and disinfected, Chi Shuyan then took out the pill cauldron from her Cosmos Ring. She first gently rubbed the white cream that had been brewed in the pill cauldron on the back of her hand. Not long after, the back of her hand heated up slightly. It looked very shiny and moist.

Not only that, anyone with a bit of cultivation would be able to see faint spiritual energy seeping into the pores and nourishing the skin. It wasn’t a lot of spiritual energy, and it wouldn’t cause harm to an ordinary person. On the contrary, it wouldn’t just improve the skin, but could also improve the body to a certain extent.

It was just that there was very little spiritual energy in this cream. Unless one used it consistently, it could only improve one’s skin to a certain extent. It could shrink the pores and make the skin fairer and shinier.

After confirming that the face cream was pretty effective, Chi Shuyan poured the cream from the cauldron into the bottles one by one and cast a spell to prevent the cream from spilling. After filling the bottles with the cream, Chi Shuyan realized that she had brewed too much, and there was still some left after filling five bottles. Chi Shuyan could only put the pill cauldron back into her Cosmos Ring; she would send all five bottles of face cream to her teacher later.

She could put the rest up for sale on Taobao and earn some extra money.

After putting away the extra face cream, Chi Shuyan found a delivery box and packed the bottles; she would send the parcel off on her way to school later, in case she forgot about it again.

After washing her cutlery, she was about to head out with the parcel. As soon as she reached the door, however, Chi Shuyan’s face changed slightly. She immediately took out a high-level Tracking Talisman from her pocket, which was burning hot.

Chi Shuyan put the parcel on the side and immediately circulated her spiritual energy. Spiritual energy seeped out of her fingertips, and she drew a circle to create a mirror. Not long after, the spiritual energy scattered, and an image actually appeared in the spirit mirror. The person in the mirror was the Yuan woman.

Chi Shuyan saw that the other party had taken out a set of matryoshka dolls from the safe. On the surface, they looked no different from any other doll.

Chi Shuyan then saw the woman in the mirror bite her index finger and write the name “Li Xiaoyan” on the back of one doll. There was a flash of red light, and it was as if the words were engraved on the doll and couldn’t be erased.

The woman in the mirror kept staring at the name, and a sinister and gloating smile appeared on her lips. All the faces on the matryoshka dolls in front of Yuan Yuan also had expressions, and the corners of their lips curled up stiffly. On a closer look, the smile on Yuan Yuan’s face was very similar to the stiff expressions on the dolls.

Chi Shuyan inexplicably got goosebumps.

A taxi stopped on the side of the road in front of a restaurant. Not long after, a woman hurriedly opened the car door and was about to rush into the restaurant, when there was a sharp cry for help above her. The woman subconsciously looked up curiously, and was scared out of her wits.

A window cleaner fell from the sky and was about to hit the woman on the head. In the image, the woman seemed to be scared silly. A second before she was hit, she screamed and twisted away. Her head was fine, but her lower body wasn’t. The window cleaner crashed down on her waist and legs. The sound of bones breaking rang out, and the woman’s face twisted in agony. She couldn’t even cry out in pain.

This undeserved calamity wasn’t over. Before the woman could scream, two mops also fell from the sky. The ends of the mops just happened to stab the woman directly in each eye. Blood immediately splattered from her eyes, and the woman’s mournful and tragic screams didn’t stop for a long time. Her body twitched violently in agony before she abruptly stopped breathing. The two mops remained upright and swayed from where they had pierced the woman’s eye sockets. Everyone around the two bodies screamed in extreme horror and panic.

Chi Shuyan also recognized the woman in the image. Who else could it be but Li Xiaoyan? Her expression changed drastically!

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