Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1391 - Leaving the Village (1)

Chapter 1391: Leaving the Village (1)

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Chi Shuyan had been incomparably nervous and anxious before, but after listening to Brother Feng, it was as if she had accepted the truth. She calmed down significantly, and the panic that occasionally flashed in the depths of her eyes also disappeared. Her face was much calmer. No matter what, things hadn’t reached the worst stage yet. They still had a lot of time. As long as they left the village immediately, it shouldn’t be a big deal.

Seeing that Brother Feng had returned, she relaxed but didn’t stop as she instructed Wu Haoming to immediately inform Ruan Shenglin and the others.

Wu Haoming immediately complied. “I understand, Sister-in-law!”

Wu Haoming was about to leave, when Chi Shuyan thought of something and called out to him. “If Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun ask you why, tell them that there might be a magnitude 9 earthquake in Dashan Village tomorrow. Tell them to let the others know, but don’t make too much noise. We’ll leave in an hour!”

As Chi Shuyan spoke, she thought of Xu Tong’s identity as a pregnant woman, and specially instructed Wu Haoming to avoid talking about this matter with her. However, Feng Yuanlin, Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming were stupefied and horrified when they heard the words “magnitude 9 earthquake.” They couldn’t accept this fact for a long time.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming had been about to reply with a joke, thinking that Master Chi was kidding. Now, they hurriedly swallowed and stuttered, “Sister… Sister-in-law, are you… joking with us?”

As the two asked the question, they carefully examined Master Chi’s expression – from how serious it was, she didn’t look like she was joking at all. A magnitude 9 earthquake happening tomorrow was absurd, no matter how they thought about it. No, they were terrified.

Master Chi, don’t make such a terrifying joke!

Feng Yuanlin, who was the closest to Shuyan, immediately believed her. His face immediately turned grim and horrified, and there was a trace of disbelief in his eyes. Feng Yuanlin immediately asked in shock, “Shuyan, are you serious? What on earth is going on? How did you calculate that?”

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming also immediately stared intently at Master Chi. Don’t scare them, they were cowards!

Wu Haoming still hadn’t moved. Time was tight, so Chi Shuyan told him to notify the others immediately. Her explanation didn’t change: There would be a magnitude 9 earthquake in the village tomorrow, and if anyone wanted to leave with them, it had to be tonight.

Wu Haoming saw how Master Chi made things very clear; it was impossible for her to joke about this with them. Thinking about Master Chi’s capability, what couldn’t she divine?

At the thought that there really would be a magnitude 9 earthquake tomorrow, Wu Haoming’s heart really pounded at that moment. Blood rushed to his head, and his mind went blank. His face flushed and his hands couldn’t help but tremble.

Holy mother!

This really wasn’t a small matter. It was a magnitude 9 earthquake. His legs turned to jelly just thinking about the reports of all sorts of earthquakes in the past.

Wu Haoming didn’t dare waste any more time, and ran to find Ruan Shenglin and the others. As he ran, his legs were still weak, as if he was stepping on dough, and he flailed all over the place.

Feng Yuanlin and Xiao Shan felt the same as Wu Haoming at that moment. After confirming the truth with Shuyan, the two of them were also flustered. Feng Yuanlin was calmer than Xiao Shan. Although he was flustered, he didn’t show it on his face, and his eyes grew darker and darker.

Xiao Shan couldn’t help but lose his composure and curse. “Oh my god! Sister-in-law… Sister-in-law, is there really going to be an earthquake, and it’s magnitude 9? My god, then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and run! Fortunately, Old Wu and I have already packed our luggage. No, I’ll go get my luggage now and check the car.”

With that, Xiao Shan ran away.

Feng Yuanlin was anxious, but didn’t stop Xiao Shan. He still wanted to ask Shuyan how she had divined it. After all, Shuyan could actually divine such a natural disaster – it was too heaven-defying. Feng Yuanlin had a new understanding of Shuyan.

But what he was most worried about now was Zhenbai, who hadn’t returned.

If there really was going to be an earthquake in Dashan Village tomorrow, what would happen to Zhenbai? At the thought that Zhenbai might die here, Feng Yuanlin’s face changed drastically again and was very unsightly.

Thinking this, Feng Yuanlin’s doubts about the earthquake tomorrow were swept away and replaced with worry for Zhenbai’s safety. Feng Yuanlin gritted his teeth and said, “Shuyan, Zhenbai isn’t back yet! If we leave, what will happen to him?”

As soon as he asked this question, Feng Yuanlin regretted it when he saw Shuyan’s pale face.

These words didn’t help and only indirectly increased the pressure on Shuyan. After all, Shuyan was human, not a god. She still had to take people away with her from the village, and she also had to consider Zhenbai. Given her relationship with Zhenbai, how could she not be worried about him?

It would be fine if nothing happened to Zhenbai, but if something happened to him, he didn’t dare imagine what Shuyan would do.

Chi Shuyan had long made up her mind to send Brother Feng and the others off first before she went looking for Qi Zhenbai. She wasn’t in a hurry to be honest with Brother Feng, but said, “Brother Feng, I have confidence in this matter. You don’t have to worry!”

Seeing Shuyan like this, Feng Yuanlin really thought that she had a solution. He sighed with relief and was no longer worried. Thinking of what might happen tomorrow, a car inspection was very important. Feng Yuanlin wasn’t in a hurry to ask what was going on, but went out to check the car with Xiao Shan.

Before he left, Feng Yuanlin remembered that there were many people living in the village. If there really was a magnitude 9 earthquake in the village tomorrow, as a police officer, he naturally had to immediately evacuate everyone in the village.

Before Brother Feng mentioned the date, Chi Shuyan was more or less sure that the abnormality in this village was most likely related to the Time Rewind Array, and this was pretty much confirmed after Brother Feng mentioned the date of 29 June.

But she didn’t have time to explain this to Brother Feng now, nor did she want to make him panic for no reason. She forced a smile and said, “Brother Feng, I understand! There’s no hurry. I have other arrangements!”

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