Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1307 - Strange Shadow

Chapter 1307: Strange Shadow

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin hurriedly sent Xu Tong to the hospital. Even though her stomach suddenly stopped hurting halfway, the thought of how much pain she had been in at home just now still scared Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin so much that their faces changed drastically. In particular, when Ruan Shenglin saw how Xu Tong had cried out in pain earlier, his whole body turned cold and his hands shook.

Fortunately, the attending gynecologist at the hospital said that it was nothing serious and that the baby had just moved a little. Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin heaved sighs of relief.

In the ward, Ruan Shenglin was still worried and wanted Xu Tong to do another scan. Xu Tong refused and said that she had just done one, and that it would be bad for the child if she had too many scans. Moreover, she had just done a scan yesterday, and the doctor had said that the child was fine.

Ruan Shenglin agreed, but he still felt a little uneasy. He didn’t know if it was because of what had happened to him, but he looked at Xu Tong and hesitated.

Yang Kun looked at the young couple and thought that they had something to discuss, so he found an excuse to go out first and let them talk.

As for them coming out in the middle of the night, he wanted to check if any paparazzi had followed them. However, Yang Kun wasn’t worried. After all, Shenglin wasn’t famous for scandals, but for his solid acting skills. He had a more stable foundation than anyone else. As for his relationship with Xu Tong, they had long made it public. It wasn’t a big deal if someone really took photos. What he was worried about was that the media would take photos and make up nonsense. Tong Tong’s pregnancy wasn’t stable. If the media made up nonsense and Tong Tong saw the news, it would be bad for her health. That was what Yang Kun was most worried about.

Ruan Shenglin didn’t think much of it because he was worried about his wife and child. After Yang Kun left, Ruan Shenglin suddenly blurted out, “Tong Tong, do you believe that there are… are ghosts in this world?”

Xu Tong, who was reclining in bed in the VIP ward, was startled when she suddenly heard Shenglin’s words. Of course, she wasn’t frightened by the word “ghosts,” but by Shenglin’s solemn and serious appearance.

She knew Shenglin’s character very well. Although there were many in the circle who believed in such things, Shenglin had always walked the path of the strong and didn’t believe in these empty superstitions. When she gossiped with him every now and then, about how so-and-so used lipstick made from the oil of a human body in order to become famous, for example, he would condemn the person for being absurd and laughable, and didn’t believe in such practices at all. That was why Xu Tong was alarmed when Shenglin suddenly asked this question.

When Xu Tong looked at him, Ruan Shenglin immediately corrected himself. “It’s nothing, Tong Tong, I’m just saying – don’t think too much!”

Xu Tong, on the other hand, didn’t believe Ruan Shenglin’s words. She felt that there was something wrong with him tonight. As for what was wrong, she couldn’t figure it out. However, she was afraid that someone in the industry might use such sinister methods to harm him. She wanted Shenglin to be more vigilant. Although she really didn’t know if there were ‘ghosts’ in this world, she had seen many people use such sinister methods to bite back at others. She had always felt that it was better to believe than not. There was no harm in believing more. So, after thinking for a while, she grabbed Ruan Shenglin’s hand and said, “Shenglin, I do believe in science, but this world is so big and there are too many things that can’t be explained. As the saying goes, it’s better to believe than not, right?”

The words “better to believe than not” poked Ruan Shenglin in his sore spot, but also dispelled all his gloom and worries. To be honest, if it wasn’t for Tong Tong’s stomach hurting, he would probably still be sitting at home with a cold and flustered heart. Whenever he thought of what happened tonight, his heart turned cold. Although he really didn’t believe that there were ghosts in this world, he felt a chill at the thought of how something inexplicable had happened to him tonight. If it wasn’t for the surveillance footage, he wouldn’t have known that he had almost strangled someone tonight.

Ruan Shenglin didn’t want Xu Tong to worry too much, and focused on confirming that she was fine. In addition, Tong Tong kept saying that she wanted to go home and didn’t want to stay in the hospital. After repeatedly confirming with the doctor that Tong Tong was really alright and that the child was fine, Ruan Shenglin decided to take her back. Before he went back, however, he discussed with Brother Kun whether or not Tong Tong should have another ultrasound.

One more scan should be fine. Xu Tong was also worried about the child in her stomach, so she didn’t refuse.

Yang Kun didn’t see that any paparazzi had followed them. He had nothing better to do, and also wanted to see his godson, so he simply accompanied the husband and wife as they went to do the ultrasound. Fortunately, although most doctors in big hospitals got off work at night, they were all on call. If it was an emergency, and coupled with Ruan Shenglin’s extraordinary identity, getting a doctor to help take a scan wasn’t hard.

In the ultrasound room, the doctor helped to do the scan. Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin were both very interested. The two were usually too busy, and while Ruan Shenglin had wanted to come with his wife several times, the timing just wasn’t right. He had signed on to a movie just before they found out she was pregnant, and because he had to film, he had too many things to do and couldn’t take leave, so he couldn’t accompany her.

Yang Kun was also in a similar position. Although he already treated the baby in Tong Tong’s stomach as his godchild, he was also busy with Shenglin, and thus had never had the time to come with her for an ultrasound.

On the other hand, because her husband was with her this time, Xu Tong was a lot more reassured. She lay on the bed as the doctor carried out a Doppler ultrasound. The main difference with a normal ultrasound was that the blood flow could be observed. At the same time, it could give a clearer image of the baby.

Xu Tong was almost five months pregnant now, so a 4D image could be generated.

The doctor placed the device on Chi Shuyan’s protruding stomach, and an image appeared on the computer. Xu Tong’s abdominal organs were very clear under the device. The female doctor pointed out to the two men where the baby was, and had them take a closer look. This time, the child’s facial features and limbs were quite clear on the computer image.

She said that the child was developing well and was indeed fine. At the same time, she instructed that they couldn’t do too many ultrasound scans, which contained radiation. Generally, pregnant women could only do a total of four scans on top of the initial scan to confirm the pregnancy.

Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin nodded repeatedly as they listened. This was the first time they were seeing the child’s fuzzy appearance. As the father, Ruan Shenglin rubbed his hands in delight when he saw that the baby’s appearance was beginning to take shape. His mind was blank and he only had eyes for the child. He turned his head frequently to touch Xu Tong’s stomach.

Next to him, Yang Kun was also very happy and excited at first. After all, he was the child’s godfather. Yang Kun was entranced and didn’t blink. He was taking a closer look when suddenly, a black shadow flashed behind the baby and gradually overlapped with it.

Yang Kun was so scared that he almost screamed on the spot. He rubbed his eyes and looked again, only to see that there was only the baby in the image and no black shadow. If this had happened before the press conference tonight, he probably wouldn’t have thought much of it and would only think that he had been mistaken. However, when he thought of that black shadow just now and confirmed that his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him, Yang Kun inexplicably felt cold all over.

At that moment, he felt as if there were two dark and cold eyes staring at him. Yang Kun trembled and almost didn’t dare look at the ultrasound image anymore, especially when he thought about how that extraordinarily capable young Master had said that Shenglin might have provoked something he shouldn’t have. Any traces of a smile disappeared from Yang Kun’s face. His blood froze and an inexplicable chill gradually filled his heart.

Yang Kun was still in a daze as he helped a smiling Xu Tong into the car. After Xu Tong got into the car, Yang Kun suddenly grabbed Ruan Shenglin’s wrist just before the latter got into the car. His voice shook with fear as he suddenly said, “Sheng… Shenglin, we… we should look for the Master! We should look for… that Master Chi, okay?”

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