Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1265 - Evil Buddha Hand, Scream

Chapter 1265: Evil Buddha Hand, Scream

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Chi Shuyan followed, determined to stop the thing before it attacked the family. However, this wasn’t the time to do so. She didn’t know where it had come from at all. Who had made such a disgusting thing, and how was it related to the child in Sister Yu Wei’s stomach?

Chi Shuyan stood at the door and stared at the scene inside. She saw the thing suddenly walk over to Yu Wei’s bed with the knife in its hand. At first, she was afraid that it would directly slash at Sister Yu Wei with the knife. She stared intently inside and channeled her spiritual energy to form a blade in her hand.

The thing stood in front of Yu Wei’s bed with a smug and sinister smile. Its eyes were glued greedily to Yu Wei’s stomach, as if it was staring at something delicious. That greedy and evil gaze was really strange and terrifying.

Chi Shuyan wondered if the thing saw the child in Yu Wei’s stomach as food. Her face changed drastically.

Fortunately, that thing inside had yet to do anything after all this time. Thinking about how the child in Yu Wei’s stomach had yet to be born, Chi Shuyan had always felt that this matter was strange and didn’t make sense. Now, she was even more certain that someone was behind this and was raising something they shouldn’t in order to harm people.

Chi Shuyan pondered as she stared inside. She saw the thing reach out and gently stroke Yu Wei’s slightly bulging stomach. The way it looked at it like it was looking at food gave her goosebumps.

Not long after, the thing looked reluctantly at Yu Wei’s bulging stomach before it turned around and left. Seeing that it was about to come out, Chi Shuyan immediately flashed to the washroom.

It seemed the thing was very sharp. After walking out of Yu Wei’s room, it suddenly stopped and took a sniff. However, Chi Shuyan’s cultivation level was quite high now, so the thing didn’t sense her even after a while.

Seeing the thing walk toward Teacher Yu and Sister-in-law Kong’s bedroom, Chi Shuyan’s right eyelid twitched, and she immediately followed.

Sure enough!

The thing deftly opened the couple’s bedroom door. There was a loud creak in the middle of the night.

Teacher Yu and Sister-in-law Kong were sleeping soundly on the big bed inside. Compared with Teacher Yu, who wouldn’t wake up even if there was thunder, Sister-in-law Kong was a light sleeper. She kept feeling like she heard something, but also felt that it was unlikely at night. Her mind was very fuzzy.

But Sister-in-law Kong still had some sense of crisis, or maybe it was out of habit. Even when she was so sleepy, she still subconsciously looked in the direction of the door, and saw that it was slightly open.

Why was the door open?

Sister-in-law Kong, who was about to fall back to sleep, didn’t react at first. After a while, she thought of how the bedroom door was open in the middle of the night, and she shuddered. Afraid that she had seen wrongly, she hurriedly propped herself up for another look.

In the middle of the night, everything in and outside the room was dark. Some light did come in through the narrow gap in the curtains, and she could vaguely see the things inside the room as well as the open door.

Seeing that the door really was open and that it was the middle of the night, Sister-in-law Kong felt very flustered. However, she didn’t think much of it. She elbowed Old Yu, who was sleeping next to her, and said a little angrily, “Old Yu, why didn’t you close the door when you went to the washroom in the middle of the night? Hurry and close the door!”

Old Yu cried out in response.

Sister-in-law Kong’s head hurt from Old Yu’s loud shout. She couldn’t stand it, and elbowed Old Yu in the side again. Only then did Teacher Yu wake up a little, but he didn’t open his eyes. “Don’t touch me. I was sleeping so well. I didn’t go to the washroom!”

Not long after that, Teacher Yu started snoring again.

Sister-in-law Kong was also very sleepy, and planned to close the door later. When she rested her head on her pillow, however, she suddenly remembered that they had an ensuite in their bedroom. It was smaller than the one outside, but the couple usually used the ensuite, so it was unlikely that they would use the washroom outside. Old Yu might have done so if he wasn’t married.

But Old Yu hadn’t gone out, so why was the bedroom door open? The more Sister-in-law Kong thought about it, the more she felt that something was off. Her memory was good, and she clearly remembered that she had closed and locked the door herself before she went to bed.

Who would open their door in the middle of the night?

And how did the door open even after she locked it?

She didn’t know if it was because of the Buddha statue and the dark atmosphere in the middle of the night, but the more Sister-in-law Kong thought about it, the colder her heart became. She felt that something was off. Looking at the dark around her, she didn’t feel safe at all. For one moment, she didn’t even have the guts to go and close the door.

Sister-in-law Kong was a little frightened. She thought of many absurd things and her face turned whiter and whiter. However, she still had some guts and gradually realized that she might just be scaring herself. Maybe Old Yu really had gone to the washroom and had forgotten about it.

Thinking that, Sister-in-law Kong calmed down a little. She was about to go back to sleep, when she saw a long shadow on the floor next to the bed, which hadn’t moved since just now.

She hadn’t noticed earlier, but she now saw the thing move faintly, and she clearly saw that the black shadow on the floor looked like a human hand, which looked like it was holding a kitchen knife.

Sister-in-law Kong subconsciously looked up, and she saw a face with abnormally large eyes. It wore a twisted and smug smile, and she heard the thing spit out hoarsely, “Die!” Then, the sharp kitchen knife immediately slashed down.

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