Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1196 - Going to Swan Lake     

Chapter 1196: Going to Swan Lake

As soon as Chi Shuyan said that, the boys stared at her with wide, pitiful eyes, each looking more horrified than the last. Chi Shuyan couldn’t help but laugh. Also Mother Wei’s cooking skills should be good; Chi Shuyan could smell the aroma from where she was sitting. She knew what the boys were afraid of. She took the initiative to say that she was hungry, and asked Mother Wei for a bowl.

Mother Wei was overjoyed to hear Chi Shuyan’s words. She didn’t recognize Chi Shuyan, and only thought that this young lady was a friend who had come to see her son. Mother Wei was very happy. Seeing the young lady in front of her take the initiative to eat her stewed pork rib soup, Mother Wei’s impression of her improved even more.

She hurriedly ladled a bowl and handed it over enthusiastically. “Child, eat as much as you want!”

Chi Shuyan thanked Mother Wei.

Chi Shuyan had just eaten. Although she wasn’t hungry, after a few mouthfuls of soup, she indeed felt that Mother Wei’s cooking was really good. She praised, “Aunt’s cooking is really good!”

Mother Wei’s impression of the girl in front of her immediately went up again. She beamed and hurriedly ladled more soup for her.

The others originally didn’t dare eat Mother Wei’s food because of their past trauma. Now, seeing Master Chi take the initiative to eat Mother Wei’s pork rib soup with relish, the boys started to grow restless. They also thought that Mother Wei’s soup was too delicious!

They really couldn’t help it.

Wei Panyang and Jiang Duo couldn’t help but copy Chi Shuyan. They ladled bowls for themselves and wolfed them down. When Wei Panyang and Jiang Duo moved, Xiao Ningjin, Chang Hao, and Xiong Luoying also couldn’t help but ladle bowls for themselves. They ate very heartily and quickly, afraid that if they were a beat slower, the soup would all be gone.

Mother Wei was excited when she saw her son and the other boys fight over the pork rib soup she had cooked, and especially when they praised her cooking.

With so many people eating together, not only wasn’t a single drop left in the thermos, the ribs were also eaten up. Mother Wei chuckled the entire time and picked up the thermos, indicating that she would prepare some more food for them to eat.


Mother Wei was too enthusiastic, and even her own son, Wei Panyang, couldn’t stop her. However, what worried Wei Panyang was that he knew that his mother was good at cooking noodles and making soup, but she probably couldn’t do other complicated dishes.

After Mother Wei left, Wei Panyang still felt hungry. He widened his eyes and said with a bitter face, “Master Chi, did you really cancel the takeout? Why don’t we order and treat you? Master Chi, can you stay a little longer?”

It was fine as long as Master Chi stayed. Although they had already seen ghosts before, they really couldn’t become immune to them after one or two encounters.

They were still scared when they thought about it occasionally. Whenever they went to the washroom and showered, they didn’t dare leave behind the jade pendants which Master Chi had given them.

Wei Panyang voiced everyone else’s thoughts, and they all looked at her nervously.

Chi Shuyan took in the nervous and terrified expressions of the boys and said, “Don’t worry, I’ve already pretty much taken care of that thing which you provoked, but there’s one thing I still need your help with.”

Chi Shuyan got straight to the point and said that the boys would have to go back to Swan Lake with her. She didn’t tell them about the baleful aura, but said in her usual calm tone, “You were the ones who provoked that thing back then, so if you can uncover its remains this time, you can bury them properly and sever karma completely. That thing will never haunt you again!”

The news that Chi Shuyan brought this time simply made them explode with elation and excitement. Wait, based on what Master Chi was saying, she had really gotten rid of that thing?

At that moment, the boys were so excited and happy that they couldn’t control their expressions. When Xiao Ningjin, the calmest of them, heard this news, he was overjoyed and excited. He suddenly stood up, swaying with sheer excitement, and his lips trembled. Overjoyed, he asked incoherently, “Master… Master Chi, is… is that true? I agree! I agree!”

Xiao Ningjin agreed, and the others immediately echoed him and nodded in agreement. They couldn’t wait to immediately follow Master Chi to Swan Lake again and put an end to this matter as soon as possible. They didn’t want to be cooped up in the same room and only dare to eat instant noodles every day.

The fear and trepidation they had experienced recently made them understand what a luxurious and happy thing it was to be alive. Moreover, what they had been most worried about was that they would implicate their families.

They had also thought that they might end up like Wang Yu, Shen Zhihua and the others. Fortunately, they had met an expert.

At the thought that this matter was about to come to an end, Jiang Duo and the others inevitably thought of Shen Zhihua, Wang Yu, Jin Ming and Fang Yinglong, who had been killed by that ghost thing.

Wei Panyang was wild with excitement and burst into tears. At the same time, he regretted being blind back then and not seeing that Master Chi was an expert. None of them should have died, but they hadn’t believed Master Chi back then.

It could only be said that they had brought it on themselves!

He really regretted it now. The only thing he was glad about was that he hadn’t lost his life.

This matter could be considered a profound lesson for Wei Panyang. In the future, he couldn’t just judge a book by its cover.

When Wei Panyang burst into tears, Jiang Duo patted his shoulder and said, “Why are you crying over such a happy thing?”

Wei Panyang choked for a while before he said, “I’m crying because I’m happy and because I regret it. Ah Duo, how good would it have been if we had all believed in Master Chi from the beginning?”

Now, Wei Panyang kept saying “Master Chi” this and “Master Chi” that. Wei Panyang was no longer as arrogant as before. Whenever Master Chi showed up, Wei Panyang was more respectful, worshipful and enthusiastic than anyone else.

When the others heard Wei Panyang’s words, Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo, Xiong Luoying and Chang Hao couldn’t help but feel terrible. Oh, right, there was also Shi Ran, who was still unconscious.

Chi Shuyan saw how sad and upset these boys were, but she couldn’t comfort them. The only thing in this world which there was no medicine for was regret. She would do her best for these boys, but had a clear conscience when it came to the dead; she would also take a look at Director Huang for the sake of formality. Not wanting to disturb the boys, she just told them that the takeout would be here later, and to give her a call after they finished eating. They would go straight to Swan Lake in the afternoon.

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