Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1160 - Ghost Substitute, Tracking  

Chapter 1160: Ghost Substitute, Tracking


Feng Yuanlin was really worried when he heard Shuyan’s words. Seeing Shuyan turn around and leave quickly, Feng Yuanlin looked at the reactions of the people in the home. He really couldn’t leave for the time being, and could only give up.

Chi Shuyan lifted the iron cover and went down into the sewer. As soon as she entered, the stench almost bowled her over. Chi Shuyan could only draw a temporary Purge Talisman and stick it on herself as she went into the sewer. Ever since she started cultivating, her five senses were very sharp. Seeing in the dark wasn’t a problem, and she didn’t need a flashlight. It saved her a lot of trouble and was very convenient.

The sewer was filled with smelly water. The ground was damp and cold, and the sound of skittering rats never stopped.

Chi Shuyan saw the path clearly and walked in the direction of the fluctuations. The sewer was very quiet, and there was the occasional sound of water dripping. Chi Shuyan walked dozens of meters along the path, and the closer she got, the fainter the fluctuations became.

She couldn’t say for sure if the ghost thing had left since it could hide its aura. She had found some of its aura on Shi Ran before, so she could search for it with a Tracking Talisman. However, every time she used a spell to track it, the aura became weaker and weaker, making it difficult for her to accurately determine its whereabouts.

Chi Shuyan had no other choice at that moment. She could only focus on the fluctuations to search, until she smelled blood in an open area.

Chi Shuyan looked around, crouched down and took a pinch of the dirt. She leaned in close and clearly smelled blood. She looked down and saw a trail of bright red blood drops on the ground.

Chi Shuyan could only keep walking as she followed the blood trail. After walking for a few hundred meters, she came to an exit. It was a deserted road with practically no signs of people or cars.

Chi Shuyan stared thoughtfully at the road and the surrounding mountains as she walked out of the exit. There was a rather deep river at the foot of a slope. There were no ripples on the river, and the water was quite clear, but she couldn’t see the bottom.

Chi Shuyan wondered if that thing was in the water. She wanted to go down and take a look, but her phone suddenly rang.

Chi Shuyan picked up the call. “Shuyan? Where are you? Come back quickly!”

Hearing Brother Feng’s anxious voice, Chi Shuyan thought that something had happened, so she could only stop her search. She nodded and immediately went back.

Before she left, she looked up at a sign which said “North Bridge Mountain,” and casually threw out an Exploding Talisman. Only when the river surface remained calm did Chi Shuyan turn away!

Feng Yuanlin had just about handled the matter, but news of the death couldn’t help but alarm the entire community building, especially the immediate neighbors. When they heard that someone had died, they panicked and their faces turned white.

Pretty much everyone had been evacuated by Captain Chen, Xiao Shan and the others.

Feng Yuanlin was worried about causing more panic, and also couldn’t say that this matter was related to the supernatural, so he strictly blocked off the information, including what happened to the family.

The family had seen the dead woman with their own eyes, and just thought that she had been killed by some murderer. The father and son weren’t as impatient and arrogant as before, and kept begging Feng Yuanlin to catch the murderer. At the same time, they were afraid of the murderer coming back, and asked Feng Yuanlin with alarmed expressions if he would arrange police to protect the rest of the family.

Since someone had died, this place naturally had to be cordoned off for the time being. Feng Yuanlin said that he would arrange for them to stay somewhere else for the time being, and the family immediately nodded. After the murder, the family itched to move out that very night. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the money, so when they heard of Feng Yuanlin’s arrangements, the father and son heaved sighs of relief and immediately nodded.

This was a family of six, but the children had gone out to work and didn’t live here. Only the husband, wife and two elders lived here, and the deceased was the middle-aged wife.

After making the arrangements, Feng Yuanlin walked out of the door and saw Shuyan striding over from afar. He heaved a sigh of relief. Although he knew that Shuyan was capable and skilled, he still subconsciously treated her as the fairer sex, not to mention that Shuyan was Zhenbai’s wife. Feng Yuanlin had been a little worried not long after she left.

Seeing her return unscathed, Feng Yuanlin relaxed.

Chi Shuyan walked up to Feng Yuanlin and told him the rough situation in the sewer, saying that the thing had escaped. The sewer led to an exit which faced a very desolate suburban road, with a very wide and deep river down a slope from the road.

The search range was too wide, and she couldn’t be sure, but she felt that the thing was hiding in the water. She had thrown out a talisman, but there had been no reaction at all.

For a moment, Chi Shuyan wondered if she was wrong.

Feng Yuanlin wasn’t disappointed. If that ghost could be found so easily, how could it be a “great ghost”?

Feng Yuanlin nodded and said, “Shuyan, don’t worry. I’ll send someone to take a look at that place later. By the way, what’s that place called?”

Chi Shuyan was also glad that she had looked at the metal sign before she left, and said, “North Bridge Mountain.”

Feng Yuanlin nodded.

“Okay, it’s about time. I’ll send you back first!” Shuyan still had class tomorrow, so Feng Yuanlin couldn’t let her go back too late. It was just that before going back, Feng Yuanlin was still a little worried that the thing would return to harm others, or go somewhere else to harm others.

Chi Shuyan was sure that the thing probably wouldn’t return tonight. After all, they had almost caught it in the act tonight. She now very much suspected that the reason it hadn’t come out to fight them head-on was because it was continually increasing its cultivation level by harming others.

When she said this, Feng Yuanlin’s face grew more solemn and very unsightly.

As for where that ghost thing would go next to harm people, Chi Shuyan really didn’t know for the moment. She said, “Brother Feng, I was able to track it after attaching some of that thing’s aura to a Tracking Talisman. Now, however, that aura has almost disappeared, and I’ve used up most of it. I’m afraid it’ll be difficult to find traces of that thing in the future!”

But as soon as the ghost thing made a move, she wouldn’t need its aura to immediately sense its fluctuations.

The best method would be for her to immediately draw a Level 5 Tracking Talisman. Tracking Talismans at Level 5 and above had the ability to track a target automatically.

Level 5 Tracking Talismans could also be considered to have an elementary tracking ability. If she could really draw a Level 5 Tracking Talisman, she wouldn’t have to worry about not finding traces of that ghost thing.

After all, no matter how powerful that ghost thing was, it couldn’t break through the restrictions of this world. For example, if Chi Shuyan didn’t have the pill formula for the Mystic Yin Arts, she would probably be stuck at the fourth level for the rest of her life. Even with the pill formula, she would only be able to reach the fifth level at most.

The fifth level was already the limit in this world. There was a balance for everything; it was impossible to break that balance so easily. If it was broken, who knew what would happen to this world after that. She could only say that the consequences would be unimaginable.

Chi Shuyan hadn’t thought much of it before. She had always longed to break through to the fifth and sixth levels of the Mystic Yin Arts, but thinking about it now, it was like a cup of cold water poured over her in the middle of winter, and she calmed down a little.

With her current capability, drawing talismans at Level 5 and above was still very difficult.

After Chi Shuyan finished speaking, Feng Yuanlin’s expression immediately turned heavy and even more solemn. His brow furrowed tightly. Seeing that Brother Feng’s expression didn’t look good, Chi Shuyan could only tell him that the Level 5 Tracking Talisman could track a target automatically. Only then did Feng Yuanlin’s face look better.

No matter what, Chi Shuyan knew that it was best to deal with this ghost thing immediately.

Chi Shuyan couldn’t help but think of her leave application. She recounted how she had applied for leave too many times before, and how the university wouldn’t let her go this time. She said to Feng Yuanlin, “Brother Feng, I’m afraid I’ll have to trouble you with this matter!”

Feng Yuanlin patted Chi Shuyan’s shoulder. “Okay, leave this to me. When I’m free tomorrow morning, I’ll go to school and apply for leave for you!”

Chi Shuyan nodded. “Okay!”

“Come, get in the car first. I’ll send you back!”

Chi Shuyan nodded!

Chi Shuyan was about to get into the car, when Chen Mei’s family suddenly hurried downstairs and thanked Feng Yuanlin and Chi Shuyan gratefully.

The family wasn’t stupid. When the police suddenly rushed to their house just now, they had probably sensed that something wasn’t right. Otherwise, the tragedy might have happened at their place. Chen Mei thanked the two gratefully.

Chi Shuyan waved her hand. “It’s fine, it’s just a small matter!”

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