Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1059 Ghost Substitute, Master, My Name Is Jiang Duo

Chapter 1059: Ghost Substitute, Master, My Name Is Jiang Duo

After Lu Yunfeng brought the boys to the private room, Zhen Yu and Yang Lan left first.

Lu Yunfeng had brought a total of eight people: Jiang Duo, Chang Hao, Xiao Ningjin, Xiong Luoying, Wei Panyang, Shi Ran, Jin Ming and Fang Yinglong.

Their faces were pale and haggard, and their eyes were bruised and filled with fear as they entered the private room; it was obvious that they hadn’t been resting well recently.

When Lu Yunfeng saw Chi Shuyan in the private room, his face lit up and he hurriedly called out familiarly, “Sister-in-law!”

Only then did the attention of the group of boys behind him shift as they looked curiously at Chi Shuyan. When they saw that she was a young girl, many of them were somewhat disappointed.

However, the group still gave Lu Yunfeng face and didn’t say anything.

Chi Shuyan narrowed her eyes and looked at the boys. Clearly, birds of a feather flocked together. They were all people who didn’t lack money and came from well-to-do families. She took in their disappointed expressions and didn’t care. In any case, she had seen too much of this sort of mistrustful expression. It was up to them to believe or not; she was only responsible for collecting money.

While Chi Shuyan was sizing them up indifferently, a handsome young man with very good looks suddenly approached Chi Shuyan enthusiastically and solicitously. “Master, my name is Jiang Duo. You can call me Xiao Jiang or Xiao Duo!”

Speaking of which, after they ran into a ghost, he had been the one to ask Lu Yunfeng for help. Knowing who Lu Yunfeng had brought him to see today, Jiang Duo was very excited and relieved.

Speaking of which, it was all thanks to this Master’s Taobao shop that he had been able to live a good life recently. He had bought a lot of good stuff from the shop, such as the spirit rice and Nourishment Pills. Not only was his grandfather cured, when the hospital had declared that he couldn’t be saved, his father’s chronic internal injuries had also been taken care of.

When his father went to the hospital for another checkup, the effects of the Nourishment Pills and spirit rice shocked everyone in his family once more. They were even more certain that everything in this Taobao shop was extraordinary, priceless treasure.


His father also specially bought a very secret and complicated high-tech safe in which to keep the Nourishment Pills and spirit rice. His family checked them every day, for fear they would be stolen.

Stumbling upon such a miraculous Taobao shop could be considered the biggest merit Jiang Duo had achieved for his family. After that, his father never scolded him or docked his allowance again. He gave him a lot of money, for fear that he didn’t have enough. His grandfather treated him even better. Even though his father was already giving him money, his grandfather also gave him some. He was called all sorts of things, like “precious grandson” or “darling,” which sometimes made him feel very embarrassed. His parents’ relationship also improved significantly.

His family was doing well, and Jiang Duo was very content with his life now – who would have thought that he would encounter such a sinister and strange thing when he went on a trip with his friends?

Apart from Lu Yunfeng, he was the one who was most well aware of how miraculous the things in the Taobao shop owned by this Master were. Seeing Lu Yunfeng introduce him to a young and beautiful girl, Jiang Duo didn’t dare slight her or look down on her at all. There was reverence and enthusiasm in his eyes; he was afraid that he would offend this Master in front of him, and she wouldn’t sell him good stuff anymore.

Of course, if he hadn’t encountered this rotten and strange thing, the first question he would have asked the Taobao shop owner in front of him was when she would restock her shop, since he wanted to snatch up products again.

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