Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 689 - Unusual Rain

Chapter 689 - Unusual Rain

Name: Heart of the Immortal Hydra

Rank: True World(Unbreakable)

Usage: «Sealed»

Special Note: This heart belonged to the Immortal Hydra, a beast birthed by the True World that has lived through countless cycles. But, having been sealed for so long, the Immortal Hydra's heart is only capable of displaying a portion of its true potential. The seal on this item must be removed before use. The only one of its kind in existence.

While Morrighan, Sacred Blade, and Gram were too far away to see it, Niflheim and Colorful Nimbus were dumbfounded. Even with it right before them, the two still had a hard time believing their eyes.

A heart—it was actually the Hydra's heart!

"I knew that he was up to something, but this... Is something like this even possible? No, if it's him, then..." Niflheim thought to himself as he inwardly shook his head.

"You... No, forget it. It's good to have you back in one piece." Niflheim stated with a helpless smile.

Niflheim figured he had seen it all between the raid, their fight against the puppets, Izroth's creation of a guild, and Izroth holding first place in the event—at this point, Niflheim was positive that there was nothing else Izroth could do to shock him.

But, to move around inside the Hydra's body filled with its foul blood and essentially rip out the heart of a World-Class beast—this far exceeded Niflheim's expectations!

Colorful Nimbus, on the other hand, was speechless. Like many others, he heard the numerous rumors surrounding Izroth. However, like most rumors, Colorful Nimbus found some of them to be plain ridiculous. But, after what he just witnessed...

"This guy's even crazier than what the rumors said..!" Colorful Nimbus internalized with an excited grin on his face.

Izroth looked towards the Hydra, who now had more than forty heads thrashing around in disorder. The HP of each head was in a constant state of decline—no doubt a result of Izroth removing the creature's heart.

'It still has quite a bit of energy remaining.'

After destroying the barrier around the Hydra's main body and using the opening he created that led inside the creature, Izroth began attacking the Hydra from the inside.

However, moving around inside the Hydra's body was not without its difficulties. Even with his resistances in place, Izroth was still affected by the Hydra's putrid blood. And, since he was in direct contact with it in massive volumes, Izroth was losing roughly 8% of his HP every second!

His in-battle HP regeneration was able to offset some of that damage, but only enough for him to survive for few extra seconds.

However, with the thanks of one of his armor skills, Rapid Regeneration, Izroth increased his in-battle HP regeneration by 200%! Along with his 6% lifesteal, Izroth was able to increase the amount of time he could spend within the Hydra's body.

But, Izroth found that the longer he was exposed to the Hydra's blood, the more vicious it became. And, Izroth knew that it would not be long until his HP started to drain faster than he could keep up.

Therefore, instead of random destruction, Izroth centered his focus to deal the largest amount of damage in the shortest amount of time.

Though that was easier said than done. The seemingly unlimited mana inside the Hydra's body was incredibly chaotic, making it impossible for Izroth to use his Energy Vision Sense as a means of navigating through the creature's massive body. In addition, Izroth had no idea if a World-Class beast like the Immortal Hydra even possessed an internal weakness!

That's when Izroth had an idea. He infused some Essence into his Ninth Sword Form: World Quelling Ripple and doubled the range of its effectiveness. This was also why the Hydra abruptly stopped in the middle of its breath attack earlier.

With the mana disrupting effects of the Quelling Ripples, Izroth managed to clear up a lot of the chaotic mana in his immediate surroundings. However, there was one area in particular that appeared to ignore the effects of his Quelling Ripple. And, after heading over to that area, Izroth found what he was looking for—the Immortal Hydra's heart!

The Hydra was not part of the dragon race in RML, but it shared many similarities.

Izroth was aware that all pure-blooded dragons possessed a Dragon's Heart. It was what gave them their boundless mana, insane growth potential, and practically guaranteed their ascension to the legendary realm.

Given the Hydra's power, Izroth figured that it must have something similar to a Dragon's Heart. If it did, then with the quantity of energy gathered within it, Izroth knew that his ninth sword form would be unable to suppress it.

When he reached the Immortal Hydra's heart, Izroth first thought was not to destroy it, but to take it! But, since the heart was still inside the living Hydra, he could not simply place it into his inventory and walk away. And so, Izroth f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y removed the heart from the Hydra's body, creating a new opening and throwing it with all his might towards the land at the lake's edge.

Afterward, Izroth used one charge of his Primed Instantaneous Movement to leap into the lake and wash off most of the Hydra's blood. Then, he immediately used another two charges to arrive on land where the Hydra's heart crash-landed.

The Heart of the Immortal Hydra was, without question, a one-of-a-kind priceless treasure. But, it was not the sole thing Izroth acquired from the Hydra.

'I won't be able to use the Dark Abyssal Cauldron for a while. But, it would have been a shame to let it all go to waste. I suppose I'll have to find a different means of storage for it.'

Izroth obtained a blue liquid worth several times more than its weight in gold—the Hydra's blood!

Name: Blood of the Immortal Hydra

Rank: Mythical(195)

Usage: The Immortal Hydra's blood is one of the most deadly poisons in existence with an extremely unpleasant smell. While even inhaling a small amount of this substance can have detrimental effects, it pales in comparison to being directly injected into one's body and can even cause instant death. Despite its difficulty to acquire and work with, the Blood of the Immortal Hydra is one of the most sought-after substances for crafting not only highly potent poisons but also for top-tier elixirs.

The potent Hydra's blood would corrode most containers; however, Izroth's Dark Abyssal Cauldron was indestructible!

While it was unfortunate that he would be unable to use the cauldron until he found a suitable vessel to contain the Hydra's blood, the trade was well worth it. Izroth's only regret was that the Dark Abyssal Cauldron was not bigger so that it could hold even more of the mythical-rank liquid!

Izroth placed his hand over the pulsing blue light as it vanished.

〈System Alert: You have acquired x1 «Heart of the Immortal Hydra».〉

Now that the heart had been separated from the Hydra's body, Izroth could finally place it into his inventory.

However, even without its heart, surprisingly, the Hydra was still moving around with an abundance of energy.

Though Izroth was not alarmed by this. Although it was called a heart, he was aware that it did not function the same way as a human heart.

'It's losing HP every second and should still be in a state of confusion for a while after losing its heart. But, it won't be long before that confusion turns to rage.'

[Voice Chat] Izroth, "Since I removed the Hydra's heart, it should struggle to use large-scale magic or even magic in general. Before it has the chance to recover from its state of confusion, we must deal the finishing blow."

[Voice Chat] Sacred Blade, "Eh? Removed its heart? Is that what that light was earlier?!"

[Voice Chat] Morrighan, "That would explain the unexpected shift in its behavior and mana patterns. You have chosen a remarkable approach. You may leave the rest in my hands."

The moment those words left Morrighan's mouth, two arms reached out from the doors behind her with their hands balled into a fist.

The arms were like black phantoms and gave off an ethereal atmosphere. Around each wrist was a thick crimson restraint with chains attached to them. The other end of the chains seemed to be trapped inside the door, preventing whatever was lurking within from being unleashed upon the world.

The next moment, the phantom arms opened their hands as a giant six-meter pitch-black scythe materialized within at palms.

"Grand Magic: Reaper's Repose." With one smooth motion, Morrighan waved her wand in a perfect horizontal line in front of her.

Then, with blinding speed, the phantom arms gripped the scythe tightly and swung it forward near centimeters above Morrighan's head!


The instant its swing was concluded, the phantom arms withdrew into the doors as it closed behind them before disappearing into thin air.

As the doors vanished, a thin line could be seen across the neck of each Hydra's head.


Suddenly, the lake behind the Hydra exploded as a large wave of water was displaced.

Out of nowhere, one of the Hydra's heads fell off. It was soon followed by a second head, a fourth, a tenth!

In the blink of an eye, it was raining Hydra heads!

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