Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 88: Time to go to Marquis City

After arranging the sheet metal made of the Silver meteorite san aside, Sam came out of the tower and immediately went to the Artisan tower to order something. He needs some items to use his gadget more efficiently and even though he can do this himself, he doesn't want to waste his time on these little things.

He is rich and if he can make others do his bidding on some minor things, why tire himself out.

So, Sam went to the Artisan tower and quickly placed the order on the things he needed and came back. But just when he was about to go upstairs, he saw, Watt walking towards him in a hurry.

"Boss, I did it." Watt said as soon as he came near him.

"What?" Sam didn't get what he meant immediately; he is still in zone. All he had in mind is his new gadget.

"I cut the leaf." Watt replied with excitement.

"Oh. Okay then let us go to yard." After saying that Sam led him into the Yard.

"Show me." He said as soon as he entered the yard as he pointed the only tree standing there. Watt took a dep breath and took out a small piece of tree bark from his pocket. The tree bark has a smooth surface and it might have been peeled of from a large tree. The shape and size of the tree bark are almost same as a playing card.

Watt immediately flicked the tree bark and it spun in the air as it flew towards the tree. A single leaf fell as the tree bark returned to Watt's hands. He controlled the wind to let the light weighted piece to come to him.

He looked at Sam, in anticipation. Even though he didn't use the same technique as Sam, he felt that his approach isn't wrong. After all, Sam himself said that all types of tricks can be used and achieving the goal is more important.

And as expected, Sam really nodded his head in satisfaction. "Good, your approach isn't wrong. But since you took an approach you shouldn't leave it halfway, try to master it as much as possible. There are almost two months to the admission in marquis academy, but I will be going there earlier and will be going in next fifteen days.

You have these fifteen days, to make improvements in your technique and use it in the most efficient way, if you can satisfy me, I will give you a gift, otherwise, you have to come to Marquis city along with the rest." Sam left these words and went back to his room.

He must finish his new project in this moment of inspiration only, this will be the best time to achieve maximum efficiency.

Sam went back to the second floor of the tower and took a piece of black wood in his hands. He started carving and made a small cylindrical wooden stick, then with another piece, he made another wooden stick, but the piece has larger diameter.

He cut the stick of large diameter along the length and made it into two equal halves. When making the mould this time he placed the lower half in separate box and the upper half in a separate moulding box which is placed on the first box. These two pieces are called Cope box and Drag box in the casting process.

There are two holes on the Cope box which is also the upper box.

Sam lifted the cope box carefully without disturbing the mould and placed the stick with a smaller diameter inside it.

After everything is done, he went back to the Cauldron and started melting the Black meteorite sand, After the metal is molten, he poured it into the newly made mould.

After a few hours, the casting is cooled down and when he opened the mould, a circular pipe is there. Even though this is not the most efficient way to make a pipe, Sam didn't have much of a choice.

Sam repeated the process for a the next few days, more than twenty days have passed as Sam manufactured each part slowly and steadily to make sure that the product is precise as he has a very high expectation over it.

Finally, Sam was done with the parts of frame and got ready to assemble it.

The frame initially is rectangular. Two long pipes of length 3 feet approximately and two pipes of one foot each. After welding the rectangular frame, he took out another pipe which fit perfectly between the two long pipes and welded it at the mid-point.

Next step, there are two rectangular rods which perfectly fit between the mid-point pipe and the end pipe. But this rectangular bar has a sphere in the mid-span which is connected with a joint which allows the sphere to rotate gyroscopically.

He welded the two bars on both sides of the mid-point pipe. Now the most major part of the frame is complete and the he has to place the Energy Cell holders and the extrusions for holding the sheet metal body over it.

Sam went back to work after making sure that major frame is perfect, he went back to work again.

The work this time is to bend and cut the sheet metal carefully and use the brazing technique to join them.

He took more than 70 days inside the tower to make it. He came out only one time to take the items from the Artisan tower.

Now, he is inside the tower, sitting with his product in his hands. The final step is the only thing that is left to finish it and that is to install the final set of energy cells.

He took the two energy cells which looked like the Hemispherical sections or simply bowls. Now, there are some metal protrusions added inside the cavity of the cell.

His gadget was now mostly done, and the sheet metal operation is also completed, the two spheres are exposed outside of the sheet metal, and they exposed at the bottom side. He rotated the spheres until he found a small slit. This slit is in same shape as the protrusion of the Energy cell. He inserted the metal protrusion inside the slit and rotated it anti-clockwise and the Energy cell was fixed there with a click.

He repeated the action with another cell at another sphere. Now, the process is complete. The project is finally done, and Sam kept it on the floor and the two energy cells touched the floor without letting the whole surface touch the floor.

Sam looked at the Hover board he made and felt satisfied.

Yes, he made a hover board. Even though, he prefer a motor bike for his transportation, that requires a lot of different materials and even more effort. The gear box manufacturing itself will take him a considerable time and he still has to take care of the tyre material, engine material, Gaskets, Piston rings etc.

If he want to make an advanced bike without any IC engine, he needs more technology and a lot of Electric and Magnetic materials which aren't available to him.

Even if there are available, he can't waste so much time and effort to make on which will not be useful in future.

But, this hover board, will just grow its grade with him and stay with him forever.

The Hover board, isn't like the pseudo-hoverboard with wheels which is popular in 2019& 2020 in his previous life, but it is more similar to the advanced invention he made himself in the late years of the 21st century.

The main reason the hover board isn't a feasible idea in early 21st century is because of the lack of suitable material for motor to generate enough thrust with minimum space and the lack of power source which provide enough torque required to provide the thrust.

But Sam himself made these break throughs in his previous life and now he did it again in this life.

The hover board is approximately three feet long and one foot wide.

It is basically rectangular in shape, but there are some differences in the edges and the corners.

The surface is of silver meteorite sheet metal and the on both short edges of the rectangular board are attached with a solid metal blocks, which is made of the Black meteorite sand.

The front side of the Board, the black metallic block is has chamfered edges and there is a small rectangular groove in the middle. This small rectangular groove is extended deep until it reached the frame pipe.

On the rear side of the board, the metallic block is divided into two parts, one to the left and one to the right and both are hollow in nature. Both are connected to the Wind energy cells which are hidden behind the sheet metal surface.

The Whole body is in silvery white colour, but Sam painted the upper surface with black.

On the upper surface, there are two Circular plates visible. But they are made in such way that they are in coincidental with the actual surface.

Sam walked forward and stood on the board. He placed both feet on each circle.

There are some small protrusions on the surface. One is near the rear circle and there are two at the centre of the board. There are two near the front circle.

If one looks at it normally, they can't even see the circles and protrusions due to thick Black coating.

Sam painted his signature Double S symbol on the black surface with white and green colours.

After positioning himself on the board, Sam took a deep breath and started the board. The two Wind energy cells in bowl shape are under the Circles on the surface.

The wind energy started getting out and converted into the wind. Since, Sam can control of the pressure, velocity and density of the wind flow, he made sure that the wind hits the ground with enough force to make the board hover in the air.

Now, the board is one foot high in the air. The two energy cells are emitting the wind as Sam controlled it. Now, he moved his rear foot slightly and touched the protrusion near the rear circle.

Immediately jets of wind came out of the rear hollow rectangular blocks. This jet is responsible for forward motion of the board. After testing everything and making sure that it is working properly, Sam exited the tower.

He is finally done with the Hover board and he wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. If he doesn't take revenge as soon as he can, he will have become more and more frustrated and by the time he finally took the revenge, the results would be too inhumane.

He has another goal for going this early. He needs some foundation in the Marquis city to make money. Even though, Sam has enough money, with a money- making business, he can also make some connections.

And from what he could guess, there is a great chance that he will be staying a long time in the Marquis city.

When Sam came out, Watt was waiting for him in the hall. He seemed to be here to make some achievements and here to show him.

Both of them went to the yard and Jack took out the tree bark piece again. This time when he flicked the piece, it drew an arc in the air and hit the highest leaf on top of the tree and it didn't stop.

Watt controlled the wind flow as he made the piece of tree bark, hit the falling leaf many times and by the time it fell on the floor, the leaf became powder.

Sam looked at him and said. "It is not bad, but can you hit this?" Sam took a stone from the ground and showed it to him.

Watt nodded and Sam threw the stone into the air. The tree bark made flew and just as it was about to hit the stone, an air thrust moved the stone away.

Watt looked at Sam and understood that things would be that easy. He started controlling the tree bark, and followed the stone.

The cat and mouse game went on and on. After a few minutes, Watt used his second hand and the tree bark tore into two pieces and one of them flew towards Sam.

Sam caught it with his fingers and at this moment the other piece went on and hit the stone.

"Good. Pack your things and get Falck ready. We are leaving tomorrow." Sam said as he went back to the mansion.

He went back to the mansion to speak to the rest of people. When they heard the news that Sam is leaving, they were shocked but they quickly understood. Since, when did Sam leave the people who came after him. He will kill a person for just calling him Bastard. He made a human being a tonic for his pets for harming them.

Now, a noble kid led twenty people to ambush him when he didn't even mess with the other party. Only, god knows what state the other party will be in.

Sam refused when Jack and Philip suggested that they would follow him and went to meet the Count.

After saying the he has some business to take care of and assuring that he would meet the other party in Marquis city again and again, he finally got to leave the city.

The Next day, there will be a Trading Carriage travelling to the Marquis city. So, Sam went back to the mansion to take rest and prepare for the next day's journey.

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