Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 82: Gains

Sam opened his eyes with difficulty. He felt his whole body aching and heavy to even move. He saw the very familiar ceiling of his room. With much difficulty he moved his sore body and sat up as he leaned his body on the head rest.

Suddenly, he remembered something and immediately checked his hands, he saw his ring which has divine dimension attached to it was still there and heaved a sigh of relief. When he peered into the dimension, he saw that ten shadow mice are resting in dark element one with their eyes closed.

They are only safe because, they used their elemental fusion and turned into shadows, which are intangible to have any affects of the poison, but they were full exhausted.

When he checked the surroundings of his room, he saw a few spatial rings that were left on the bed-side table. Before he tried to take a look at them, two birds flew into the room from the window. They are Yanwu and Sky, both of them are in their normal bird forms which are a raven and a falcon.

When they saw that Sam is awake, they immediately landed on the bed and nudged their heads gently in his embrace. Their movements are careful and gentle to not to hurt his wounds.

Sam saw that his feather coat was hung on the hanger. There wasn't much damage done to it. It is almost same as how it was before. Just a few stitches that could be fixed in a few minutes.

If Sam was a bit more powerful, he wouldn't have had this type of injury. Even though the great mage was completely weakened by the potent poison, the last-ditch effort was equal to an attack of a late stage Novice, which is still far away from Sam's level.

If not for his paranoia about the plans the general manager would make, he wouldn't have made an attempt to follow the manager himself along with the shadow mice and his plan wouldn't have been succeeded. His plan was a success mainly because of luck and coincidences.

Sam really took a risk by attempting to strike at the meeting.

When he was in deep thought with the two birds still in his embrace, Jack came into the room.

"You are awake. I am glad you are alright." He said as soon as he saw Sam.

"Thank you. So, how was it? Are you up for the deal I proposed before? This is what I can do and am capable of. The main thing is that from the next time onwards I will be more on passive side and you will be doing the most of the action." Sam said with a smile. He was pretty confident that Jack would agree. After all, he used his tricks and gadgets to take down an organisation with a Great mage as a leader and having hundreds of members under it. The best part is that they weren't caught and the casualties are none.

"It is a deal." Jack said and extended his hand. Sam shook his hand and said.

"Remember, the payment will be the resources that I get from them, all types of meteorite sands are mine."

"Don't worry. You can take all the meteorite sands and even the ninety percent of the remaining resources. The remaining will be mine. How does that sound?" Jack offered.

"Are you sure that you want to get the short end of the stick?" Sam asked with some confusion. Why give him such a big part of the share?

"Well, you are the one doing most of the work anyway. I don't need much resources too, since I am a solo person, but you have to take care of your beasts, right? Take it as me giving you payment for yesterday's matter. After all, you are the one took down the whole organisation. My help isn't much." Jack shrugged and said with a smile.

Sam didn't think of it much and just agreed. "Whatever you say. I will be a fool to not to agree to such a profitable deal. The fortune of a biggest underworld organisation, who am I to refuse?"

"By the way those spatial rings are the ones from yesterdays matter. We took some of them from the organisation's locker room. When I went in and saw, there are mostly only bunch of scrolls, there was a small hidden locker after I examined for quite a while and I found three spatial rings inside. The remaining are from the corpses in the bas.e.m.e.nt. Your mice companions are very capable." Jack said as he pointed at the spatial rings.

There are more than thirty spatial rings on the table. Maybe, the shadow mice took only some of them off the corpses, the rest might have been destroyed or they might have been unable to find out. Sam thought as he picked up the spatial rings one by one.

There are varying amounts of resources in each ring. The spiritual stones varied from hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands, for the five rings that belonged to the peak novices and the great mage, they altogether have about two million spirit stones. The rest of them had around three hundred thousand spirit stones.

But the biggest shock came when he checked the last three spatial rings. When Sam saw the contents in the first one, he didn't even react for a while.

The spatial ring was filled to brim with the eye-blinding spirit stones, there was hardly any space left in the storage and at the corner of the space, he found some scrolls.

Sam took them out and looked through the information. The scrolls are the income reports of the Black pond organisation. The information included, how many assignments they took and how much they earned and what is the net profit after paying all the wages of the members in the organisation.

The reports are on the monthly basis and he could see that they were being prepared to submit to the superiors.

There a total of six scrolls, that means the spiritual stones inside are the income of past six months. The total added up to a little over 18 million spirit stones. Sam took a deep breath to calm down.

This Black pond earned almost 3 million every month with both legal and illegal activities combined. Sam felt that even the Count might not earn this much in taxes.

After he came out of his stupor, Sam looked in to another spatial ring. This ring is filled with metals, ores, herbs. This could be said as a huge raw material inventory. These are all the materials that are used to make products such as medicines and weapons.

But one thing in common is that they are all on rare side of the availability in level 2 material category. They are exporting them to their superiors, maybe they have other businesses at other places. This is basically a treasure trove to a Novices and Acolytes.

Sam finally went to the third spatial ring and saw what he wanted to see the most. There are some glass cubes which have a side of at least five inches. The glass cubes are filled with a silver coloured sand like substance. When Sam saw the cubes, he was completely over joyed. Later he noticed that there is a scroll beside the cubes.

He took out a cube and the scroll instantly. First, he opened the scroll and went through the info in it. The info is about how these cubes should be used.

These cubes are from the higher authorities of the Black water. And why are they sent here? They should act as rewards for the members of the organisation who performed meritorious deeds.

Basically, what he understood from the scroll is that the Black water main base will send some meteorite sand to every other branch annually based on their scale of operations. But they cannot be used as they please. They can only use them when they performed a huge meritorious deed which benefits the interests of organisation.

There are around twelve cubes, full of silver colour sand. From the records he knew that the Black pond was established twelve years ago and the boss changed countless times, but not a single one seemed to have contributed something good enough to take some meteorite sand.

But Sam was a bit confused on why the main base is sending the sand annually, they could just send the reward after they confirmed that someone made a contribution, this way, they can even manage the resources better. After all, some places might have people who are contributing more and some places won't have much improvements just like the Black pond in this place.

Sam didn't think much of it and threw the thought to the back of his mind. The most important thing was to think on how to use this meteorite sand to its maximum.

He didn't immediately open the cube, but stored it way along with the other cubes in his storage and then he took out all the spatial rings that are from the members of organisations and passed it to Jack. After that he took the ring which was now emptied of the meteorite sand and transferred more than one million of spirit stones from the spirit stones ring and passed it too.

"This is your share from the Black pond. You can take the first pick on the resources from this ring and pass the rest to me." After that he passed the ring with the materials.

Jack didn't stand on the ceremony and took the rings. Then he left Sam alone to let him take rest.

Sam laid back on his bed and started thinking what to do next. He finished the Black pond matter and he didn't have much to do for the remaining two and a half months.

He thought for a while and set himself some goals.

First one is that he needs to find the most optimum usage of his wind element and let it combine with the fire element.

Second one is that he needs to find a way to use his light element for some attacks, even if they are small scale. Even though they are other ways to attack, he has an uneasy feeling that he didn't find any proper use for this light element to unleash its full potential.

Third one, he needs to train Watt. The kid already broke through to the Acolyte and he has to teach this kid properly and make him use the wind element in a unique way, only he can use. If he doesn't have any ideas, then I will pave a unique way for him.

Fourth one, he has to find an interesting research topic now. He needs to use the resources of this world to make the technology that will cater his needs and comforts.

Final one, he needs to construct a level 3 forge in the second floor of the tower. This will be his portable forge and he could also make his experimental gadgets without worrying of someone seeing him.

But before all of that, he has to make sure that he gets back in shape as soon as possible and attend the dinner in Violet dew family. After all, he agreed to contact Lady Maya after he was done with the business.

But the immediate action is.

Sam took out an empty spatial ring and placed all the scrolls of the info about Black pond organisation, the shadow mice initially gathered in it.

He called one shadow mouse over and said.

"Leave this ring in Count's mansion, somewhere that Count would find out easily." The shadow mouse acknowledged and then left with the ring.

"This will erase all the suspicions on me." Sam muttered and closed his eyes.

In the evening, Count Falcon is looking at the scrolls in his study. The more info he read, the more surprised he became.

The most shocking thing is that there was a letter inside the spatial ring, which said.

{These are the details of the sc.u.m of the society which I eliminated. They are parasites which are leeching off of the commoners. I hope you will take care of the rest.} Under the letter it was signed as Robin hood.

When Count put the letter down, he was a bit confused but he erased all kinds of suspicions on the people he previously had and that included Sam. Because, he can't imagine them being this selfless.

And this is exactly what Sam wanted. He wasn't a person who will be a saviour of the society. And the scale of the organisation is not an ordinary Novice can deal with. So, Sam used the name of Robin hood and an incredibly chivalrous reason to divert his attention of the others.

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