Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 497: Gnyan's tough situation

The betting fiasco has put Gnyan in an extremely tough position.

At first, he thought he only has to cough up five hundred million, even though it is an insane amount and he couldn't take it out in an instant, he can still give it a try and see if he can arrange the amount by borrowing from his aides.

But now, it turned into one billion.

This made the situation completely out of his hand. Even though his family is rich and powerful, nobody would give him, a young master hundreds of millions of spirit stones as an allowance. The allowance he would get from his family is merely a few million and he would have to spend it on his cultivation growth.

Even then, the allowance is not sufficient at all, he still has to feed his subordinates and some elders to have enough power which made him even earn money.

He could take a couple of hundreds of millions, as for one billion it is impossible without the family intervention.

Sam looked at the whole situation with a smile.

He could hear everything too because Fidi, who is standing behind Rana is holding a communication device and Sam has his own communication device.

Things are going in a better way than they thought.

When Sam learned that Yodha placed a bet too, he already thought of this situation and gave two wine jars to their proxy who bet in their stead.

Even if Yodha doesn't have a great friendship with Sam, they still decided to count on him based on his character. That is the decision Sam made after he listened to everything related to Yodha from Rana. He even felt that Yodha is the ticket for his exit from this place.

At this moment, Gnyan is talking in his communication token, trying to raise the money. He wants to solve the issue before his father knows about it.

After all, his father doesn't know his exploits in the betting section of the Arena, and if he really knows that he messed with Yodha, he wouldn't let him go, even his mother couldn't save him.

But what he doesn't know is that after he made his first call, the news already reached his father.

Not just that, his call even ruined some of his plans in the family. He doesn't know that yet, but he made one of the major mistakes that ruined his place in the family.

As he was making calls continuously, a grand elder of his family came running towards the Arena and when Rana and Gnyan looked at him, both of them are surprised in different ways.

Even the rest of the scions and the citizens that are watching the show with interest are looking at him in surprise.

Because this grand elder is the person who works directly under the Family's head. He doesn't have any other position in the family and he wouldn't interfere in any matters related to the family business and younger generations.

All he would do is follow the orders of the family head.

He has black scales all over his body and could be easily picked out from this bunch of people who has purple scales all over. He doesn't have any hues and he looked rather plain.

He looked at Gnyan with a look of contempt and mockery and then at Rana.

"Family head asked you two to come back, he has some matters to discuss."

He then ignored the solemn faces of the two and looked at Yodha, he threw a spatial ring and said.

"The One billion, he owes you. I hope this matter ends here. My family told me to convey his apologies on behalf of his stupid son."

Yodha looked into the ring and noticed the spirit stones, he nodded at him after confirming the prize and didn't stay there anymore. He held the proxy of Rana and Sam as he left the place.

The crowd soon dispersed one by one, with only Gnyan and Rana in place along with the Black Naga.

"Uncle Black, what is the situation? Why does the father want me to come back?" Rana asked with curiosity.

Uncle Black looked at him and said.

"It regarding the current incident, he heard of it and wants to talk to you two. Let's go."

He turned around and started walking, Rana hurried to catch up and gave Gnyan a cold look as he did so, Gnyan is having a hard time moving his legs, he felt like they are extremely heavy and he was stuck in the mud, unable to move at all.

He walked with a heavy heart. He had an extremely bad premonition.

When they reached home and entered the family court an Old Naga who is sitting on the main seat is waiting there sipping something.

When he looked at Rana and Gnyan, his gaze became a tad bit colder, and said.

"Seems like both of you have grown up too much that you don't even remember that two of you are from the same family. You are more like archenemies."

Both of then clenched their fists as the man continued.

"Gnyan, didn't I say when I assigned your family jobs to both of you, that no one should interfere in other's works. Why did you mess with the bettings of Arena?"

Gnyan wanted to say something, but there is too much mental pressure on him, that he couldn't open his mouth on time, making the man continue.

"Not only that, it seems like you have grown so much and even wants to create a rebellion inside the family."

"Father, NO." Gnyan was quick to refute it.

"But your actions say otherwise. Not only did you mess with the Betting section, you used the earnings for yourself and even made more than eight elders as your accomplices.

All of you are embezzling the family money from the profits of the business under you to increase your personal stash.

Do you think, I know nothing?

I was already observing you for a long time, I should have never listened to your mother and gave you all these privileges.

You incompetent Bastard.

From today, onwards you would only get the family allowance. You are completely stripped from all your duties regarding the family businesses. Apart from that, you have to pay back two billion for the amount I paid today and the amount you and the elders embezzled together.

I don't care how you are going to pay it off, but no one from the family will help you.

Get lost."

Gnyan bowed and left without saying a word. From the looks of it, he understood that his good days are over.

He didn't even dare to stay here for one more second and even have a reaction to what his father said.

The first thing he wanted to do was get out of here and so he did. But after some time, when he made sense of his own situation, he felt like beating himself up for all the idiotic things he did.

He regretted messing with his younger brother's business and thinking that everyone else is a fool but himself.

Now, his attitude bit him in the butt big time. He understood that his mother's pillow talk can only do so much.

He has two billion spirit stones of debt on his head because of this.

Meanwhile, back in the family court. The situation turned awkward between Rana and the family head.

Rana had a cold look on his face and his father didn't make any eye contact with him.

"Why did you do this?" His father asked him in a relatively calm tone.

"Do what father?"

"Don't play dumb. I know the second person who made the bet is your man. Why do you have to deal with this matter in such extreme fashion?"


"Involving Yodha and the public. Don't you think it is the prestige of the family that will go down?"

"I think, the prestige will go down, if the city knew that a Duke is so smitten by a woman that he placed almost half of the family businesses in hands of her son and placed another equally talented son in a prison."

Father became dumbfounded. He noticed that obedient and calm Rana is nowhere to be seen.

As far as he could remember, Rana never talked back to him, he doesn't know how to act spoiled in front of him like Gnyan. And he never asked him for anything outrageous with honeyed words.

But now that such harsh words are coming out of his mouth, he couldn't fathom it for a second. He had a bad feeling in his heart.

"If you are thinking of making amends, it is the too late Family head. Just because, my mother was in a state of vegetable and couldn't speak, doesn't give you the reason to ignore her and her son's well-being.

But you already took that privilege. I was obedient, hardworking, and loyal towards you and your family, but was never appreciated, then only I realized that all you care about is the pleasure you get in the sheets and you seemed to be able to do anything for that.

In my heart, you are only my father in name, since you and your favorite wife are so keen on making that corrupt and greedy Gnyan the family head, you can make him.

But he has to make it past me.

I lost any hopes or desire to get your attention and love, all I wanted was for a correct time to get out of my situation and I got that along with the capital I needed.

You can keep all your fatherly love towards your favorite son, I don't need it. But you can forget about giving away the family head position because as an offspring of this family, I have every right to fight for it and I am going to do it.


With that, he completely turned around and left the place without even waiting for his father to reply.

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