Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1965: Aron

Chapter 1965: Aron

Time passed.

It didn't feel long and the month has gone by. Sam was constantly busy. Nobody knew what he was doing exactly. Even though there are a lot of people interested in him, the fact that he is not being seen made everyone become passive in pursuit of him.

Also everyone is sure that he would be attempting the exams, so they didn't really put in too much effort.

And now it is already time for the first entrance examination.

Since the academies wanted everyone to get a shot at their entrance examinations, there is a strict agreement on the overlap of the examinations. No two academies in a single region will conduct exams on the same day.

Another condition to support this is that an entrance examination for an academy can only be held for a day. It shouldn't extend more. Following all these conditions is a must.

And the first day of the examinations is for the apollo's academy.

It is mostly suitable for fire users and archers. The combination of both would benefit the most in this academy.

Even the whole examination is beneficial to the archers and long ranged fire users. Everyone knows this, but no one really cares about this disparity and unfairness towards the other element users and other types of warriors.

Sam finally made an appearance on this day and went to the examination site to register and participate.

Along with him, Philip and Five elemental king is also taking the examination. Sam's presence attracted a lot of attention. Not from his peers who are taking the exam, but from the seniors in the academy who are in charge of the admissions.

After all the candidates gathered in the testing site, the seniors came on to the stage and started addressing them.

"Welcome to all the candidates. This year after reviewing all the applicants, only six hundred people were selected to take the test.

The test is as direct as always. You will all be directed into the testing area. It is an artificial volcanic region that was created solely for testing and training of the people within the academy.

The settings of this area were altered so that people of your level that too going in there for first time can endure it properly.

The rules of the test are simple. Within this volcanic region, there will be some fire elemental creatures that will be travelling around. They are your enemies and their aim is to kill you guys. They will attack you with all their might.

There are exactly one thousand eight hundred elemental creatures and as their time goes on their strength will increase little by little. And if they kill any of you, they will not only absorb your energy, they will even copy your skills.

So, don't just expect some kind of fire skills from them. If they kill a lightning user and consume them, they will start throwing lightning.

Each elemental creature gives you a point and if a person who collected some points was killed or defeated by another person, they will lose all their points.

If you don't want to die in any scenario, use the escape token before your last breath leaves your body. Then even if you lose your points, you will get to live.

The last hundred people will be selected into the academy.

The last thirty people will be assigned to the special class.

The top ten will get a chance to get lessons from the Elder Instructors.

The top three get to meet Apollo's projection and the first place will get a custom made weapon from Apollo's Army's arsenal."

Everyone is excited.

At this moment, Philip raised his hand and asked.

"By any chance if a person ranks high, but doesn't want to join the academy, what would happen to the rewards?"

The Senior looked at him with a frown. That is not a proper question. After all, it means that some high rankers are looking at the academy with a disdain.

"That is unlikely to happen, but if they do, they will be awarded with a honorary student position along with the rewards they were promised."

They were they redirected to the testing area.

It is indeed an artificially created volcanic area. Sam could feel the massive formations functioning. Not a single ounce of it is pure spiritual energy. Instead everything is purely divine energy.

Sam is pretty impressed by the sheer amount of energy that is being transferred and manipulated every second.

All the candidates appeared at different points within the testing area. Within the immediately visible range, Sam couldn't see anyone. It seems like the area is quite vast.

The whole terrain has large protrusions of magma rocks. Instead of vegetation, these protrusions made up for most of the cover. It is hard for anyone to get a clear straight line view with them.

All the contestants did only one thing as soon as they arrived. They started moving. Not by flight, but by foot.

Everyone of them could fly as a Divine plane cultivator, but none of them did.

Instead, they all took advantage of the terrain and hid themselves while moving around.

Sam on the other hand took a completely different approach. He floated in the air. He took flight and reached a certain altitude so that he can get a proper view on the whole terrain. He acted as if he owned the place.

After Sam took that altitude, he took out his bow and activated partial fire elemental fusion. He didn't even any real arrows. He made energy arrows instead and aimed at one of the elemental creatures nearest to him.


The arrow whistled through the air as it left a tail of flames and smoke that is clearly visible to everyone in the testing site before it reached the elemental creature and exploded.

The creature was disintegrated in the explosion and disappeared as if it never existed before.The number '1' appeared on top of Sam's head, confirming his first kill.

And even before that number manifested completely, it flicked once again and changed into 2 because he shot another arrow at another elemental creature.

As everyone witnessed a rain of arrows were shot in different directions. Sam didn't sleep on his power. He just attacked ruthlessly. Only one attack was needed for every creature.

Before the people could even realize, he had already killed fifty creatures. Fifty arrows shot in less than two minutes. Sam felt like he is still slow and increased his speed.

The candidates are more or less elites in their own realms and territories, they easily saw the different in the speed and they made their move. In the last two minutes Sam already eliminated the hopes of a lot of contestants.

And of course, there are other people who are also a cut above the rest and they immediately made their move at the elemental creatures. .com

But there is another thing many people failed to notice since Sam just hogged a lot of attention.

Philip and Five elemental king, even though not as flashy as Sam, already started killing way before the rest started.

In the first two minutes, Five Elemental king killed twelve while Philip is at eight. They are moving faster and faster with each passing second. The three of them were slaughtered by the elementals. But among them, Sam did something else as well.

He started destroying the advantage of the other ranged users. He is shooting their attacks down and stole their kills as he moved around.

It is safe to say that the whole test is dominated by him.

This attracted the attention of a lot of instructors, but of course, it didn't really sit well with the rest of the contestants and some freshmen that joined through the special admissions.

One of them looked at Sam and cursed under his breath, because his brother is currently in the middle of the test along with Sam and the rest.

Of course, Sam could give a fuck.

Meanwhile, somewhere within the testing field, four people gathered together. One of them had a bow strapped on his back as he stood and watched Sam's fireworks flaring in the sky.

He had a smile on his face.

The remaining three sat nearby as they relaxed.

"What do you think boss, shall we start?"

"No, we are changing plans. Whoever this guy is, he is saving us a lot of trouble. Now because of him, everyone is gonna speed up and try to kill the elementals and it is going to stir up a lot of fights in between the contestants.

Let's fish in the muddy waters and also, since he is generous enough to not hold back his energy consumption and collect so many points, it would be disservice to not hunt him down and take those points.

Let's just make some preparations for it and reap the final rewards."

"As you say, boss. That guy can only blame his stupid luck for this then."

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