Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1963: Eccentric Architect

Chapter 1963: Eccentric Architect

After collecting the huge amount of money, Sam got started with something else.


Now that he bought a large plot of land, it is time to change it into something that would suit his tastes and serves his purpose properly. But for the construction of it, he is not doing it himself and he is also not taking the help of other Dusk members.

Instead, he is outsourcing it to someone else.

Sam met with the trio who are still cultivating. He gave them a token each and said.

"After you reach the peak condition, go to the restaurant. That guy is now our business partner and he is a great chef. He will make you guys a special soup that is suitable for your cultivations individually.

That soup will help you with the breakthrough.

There are some special areas within the city that can be rented out for the breakthrough purposes. This spatial ring contains the maps, the detailed procedure and finally the coins that are needed to access those areas.

Breakthrough as fast as you can.

Because within the next week or so, more people from our organization would be coming and I need you guys to guide them through the same process."

"Got it. No problem."

The three of them answered and Sam distributed the tokens and rings. He met the chef and told him about the tokens before leaving the area.

The current area that he is in is where most of the Olympian schools are and only the Gambler's academy is the exception in the immediate vicinities.

The realm does have a lot of open space for the students to explore and they mirror some unique wilderness and they are suitable for students to train. Of course, this distance also helps in reducing the conflicts between rival groups.

Sam travelled for half a day and moved to a certain area. The area that has another group of academies. The academies established by Hindu gods. Indra, Karthikeya, Agni, there are many other gods who have their academies here.

But Sam didn't come for any of them.

Instead, he came to meet a contract architect within that region. He went to the office directly and met with the receptionist.

"I would like to meet your boss."

"I am sorry, you might have to wait. You can give me your details on a scroll and I will pass it on to him. He will decide if he wants to meet you or not."

The receptionist took out a scroll, a brush and some ink. Sam chuckled and took the brush.

He has heard of this man. On the first day, apart from inquiring about the surroundings, he also managed to sneak in some other information and when he came across some knowledge of this person, he modified some of his plans.

He heard about this architect's eccentric behavior.

So, he is not exactly surprised.

He dipped the brush in the ink and started writing down on the scroll.

His aura changed and some earth elemental energy seeped into the brush as he wrote him name in the ink.

He didn't write anything else.

All that scroll has is the clear and beautiful word written in ink and the spiritual energy signature along with his own aura clearly imprinted on it. The receptionist was surprised by this and gave Sam a look.

He took the scroll and went inside.

Inside the room a young man who looked to be in his early thirties is standing upside down as he looked at a weird shaped rock that was placed inside a weirdly shaped glass prism.

His head is bent in a weird angle as he looked at the rock carefully from those distorted faces of the prism.

The receptionist came in silently like a cat. He placed the scroll on the floor and spoke in a very silent tone.

"Sir, someone has come to see you."

"Did you collect their name and details?"

"Yes, Sir. He is waiting outside for the response."

"What did he write on the scroll, read it for me?"

The young man asked as he changed his posture a bit.


The receptionist read and stopped.

"Go on."

"That's it Sir. That is all he has written."

The young man finally felt interested. This is the first time someone gave him such a short introduction of themselves. He stood up and took the scroll.

His eyes landed on Sam's writing and all of a sudden, he felt a weird sensation in his head. His eyes widened before he closed them shut. The one word stuck a cord in his heart and behind that one word, he started seeing many different things.

Different qualities of earth came to his mind. Strong, solid and stubborn. Everything is so heavy and stable that it is impossible to move and within that immovability there is this sense of stubborn pride.

He looked the name from different angles and a weird smile crept on his face. He picked a coat hanging on a stand nearby and walked out hurriedly.

He arrived at the front desk, where Sam is leisurely standing while looking around. He is admiring the architecture of the building.

"Who are you?"

The architect asked directly.

Sam smiled and replied.

"I am Sam. That is only identity of mine that matters and I am here to give you a job."

"I don't just take any jobs, you know?"

"Don't worry, I can assure you, this job will be of great interest to you. You will absolutely love it."

"Before that, let me ask you something. Did you genuinely write this?"

He asked as he pointed at the scroll.

Sam looked at it and said. .com

"Of course. Not only did I write it, I drew this too."

Sam then took out a larger scroll and threw it to the architect.

The architect, looked at the large scroll and crouched down before spreading it. His squat position looked weird, but he didn't care.

The scroll spread and he glanced at the design that was unraveled.

He carefully looked at the design and placed his hand on the floor beside the scroll. Earth energy seeped into it and the stone floor started morphing. A protrusion appeared which was automatically moulded into a specific shape.

Sam looked at it and was surprised. It is one of the complex walls that are part of the blueprint.

The wall is not exactly the most complex thing in the design, but it is not easy enough for someone to build it in a single glance.

But this only made Sam think that this guy is the right choice.

"You designed this?"


"This is one of the greatest combinations of architectural design and machines that I have ever seen. Once it is done, it is going to be an absolute fort. Where are you planning to build it?"

Sam gave another scroll with the map and the location of the area.

"In the outskirts of the Olympian area? That is a tough place to build this on. What are you planning to do with it?"

"Play a game."

"What kind?"

"The kind that shouldn't be revealed to the rest of the world."

"If that is what you think, then fine. But there is just one thing, I am not proficient enough in the inscription part of this blueprint and even the formation is not my strongest forte. I can only help with the machinery and architectural part."

"Don't worry. I will handle the remaining two."

"So, what is this place called again?"

"It is called the Hub. I will be opening it real soon."

"I am looking forward to finishing it. I will need one week at least though."

"It is fine. After you are done with it, we can talk further. I have a feeling that we will be working for a really long while."

"Let's see. If you can acquire blueprints like this, I wouldn't mind.

Anyway, I am Harsh. Also known as the eccentric builder. Whatever you want to call me."

He finally extended his hand.

Sam shook his hand with this eccentric architect with a smile.

"When it is the work gonna star?"

"In one hour. Let me just finish with some packing."

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