Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1960: Reunion

Chapter 1960: Reunion

Watt has done the same thing for hours.

He would force the clan leaders to pick a card, he will then force him to assign the card to someone and kill them the cruelest way possible.

And that is not even all of it.

After he sat down, Watt threw a small orb towards the blood puddle left behind by the previous opponent. The orb whirred and sucked in all the blood from the puddle. All that was left was the meat paste of a human being.

He has been collecting the blood for their blood iron to make more cards for his collection.

He was planning on going for more, but at this moment, the token started vibrating. The bloody aura he had until them disappeared for a moment and he appeared like a brand new person. He smiled excitedly as he looked at the token and without even looking at the clan leader he said in a calm tone.

"Let's just end this. Pick ten cards and we will be done."

The clan leader was dumbfounded. He didn't know what to do. But he knew that he couldn't refuse Watt. At least with this game they have a very minute chance to make a come back, but if by any chance they refuse to comply, he knew that they would be dead in an instant.

Because unlike Philip and Jack, Watt came with a bunch of floating weapons of mass destruction. The devices that the dusk organization made when fighting with Sivan and his clan are modified many times based on the base cultivation level of the organization and unlike the other two of his friends, he didn't have any qualms or personal beliefs stopping him much.

The only thing he checked when he visited a clan or an organization is how they are treating the orphans and the kids of the commoners. He didn't even care much about the adults, their slavery and all that.

He only focused on kids and if they are being treated in a way he didn't like, he vacated the kids and sent them to Dusk to settle down, before raining hell on the whole organization. And if they treated them very badly, he set up a card game just like this.

Usually card games go on for hours and some times more than a day. This is the first time Watt is trying to end it early.

The clan leader knew his time has come to end. Watt has shown then enough despair to make him beg the gods on his knees for days. But he hasn't gotten any reply. He shed a tear as he picked the ten cards.

Watt's cultivation level was suppressed a bit, his wind element is gone. He can only use one leg and there are more of these handicaps.

The fight started. The grand elders and the clan leader himself jumped into the fight. Twenty minutes that is all it took. All ten of them laid lifeless on the ground. Watt threw the orbs and contacted the team.

"Finish it back and return to Desolate. Stop the ongoing invasions for now. We are going home."

"What happened Sir?" One of the subordinates asked. It is very unlike Watt to retreat back home. .com

Even when the other two came back occasionally, he didnt really bother showing up. It is almost like had a generational grudge against the Olympians.

"Our boss is coming?"

Watt said with a smile and took off on silver wind.

Two hours later.

Watt wrapped up everything and arrived at the desolate. He travelled full speed and the reached the main building's top floor.

Philip and Jack are sipping some wine as they waited for Sam and Watt.

"You are finally here. It indeed took Sam himself to make you come back. How was the progress on your list?"

Philip asked as he stretched lazily.

"Three more to go. What about you guys?" Watt asked the two as he took out a glass of wine himself and sat down.

"Same here."


"You guys are way too slow. My process is slow but I only have three left. What happened to your supposed fast process? Fucking slowpokes."

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

As they are bickering with each other, suddenly the door opened once again.

"What's up guys? Seems like you are enjoying your time without me."

Sam entered with a huge smile on his face. All three of them turned to him with the same type of grin on their faces. Sam walked to them and hugged them one by one.

He sat down with them and had some wine. It is just like old times. It has been years since they saw each other, but none of them felt like it. They are happy, but nothing changed between them.

They just had some small talk for a while before Philip asked.

"So, are you going to stay home for a while or are you running around again?"

"I am not gonna stay and you are not gonna stay either. Call for all the elite teams. Teams led by Night Ghost as well. We are leaving and going to a new realm with new rules. Its about time the gods really see what the Dusk is made of."

"What's the cultivation cut-off?"

"Astral Plane to Divine Plane. Bring the cream of the crop of every realm. Cover all the fields. Formations, inscriptions, artisans, architects. I want everyone who is at the top of their fields following us."

All three of them took out the communication tokens calmly and started giving out instructions.

That day, the whole city went into an uproar, at least that is what's visible to Sam.

But he knew that right now the whole Dusk is on an uproar. Sam's return is one thing, when the news spread that Sam is taking the elite teams somewhere else, they are even more pumped.

Even though Sam had established Dusk and created a proper structure with all the squads and stuff, he never really led them to a proper battle. It was always either they were assigned to do a specific task or they were led by one of the trio.

Now that Sam himself is leading the charge, everyone is willing and ready to get a chance to join the team.

All of a sudden, the whole dusk entered a competitive mode. Everyone is trying to get a spot at the squad. Nobody knew when they will get another chance like this. But the notice Sam sent after that made everyone feel at ease.

Sam decided to set a standard after taking the first batch of the squads away with him. And if the remaining people were to reach that desired standard, they will also be allowed to come to Academic Realm.

Sam stayed there for the next two days. Dusk as usual operated with a very high efficiency. Everything was done within those two days.

"So, we are going to go first. I will set up a formation there. Meanwhile, the squads here will create a formation on this side. We will be importing our squads in batches. It should be as subtle as possible."

"Okay let's go."

"Before that, remember one thing. The next thing on your agenda is to break through to Divine Plane. I need as many people as possible in the Divine Plane for the plans to work. And I want my friends to be a part of it."

"We are on the verge of breakthrough for a long time. We need that final push though."

"Its fine. I have just the right thing for you guys. I am sure your faith is through the roof. You just need an energy push. You will break through in no time as long as your comprehension is up to mark."

After that, Sam took out the dimensional drifter and four of them left the place.

Meanwhile back in the Academic Realm.

Sam who disappeared for two days is the ongoing hot topic for everyone. Everyone heard about a guy who came and challenged the Zeus academy on the first day of his arrival in the Academic realm.

Everyone knew how he dragged them down from their pedestals. Put them through the combat trial and made the Zeus Academy students stand there like clowns.

He made the restaurant that never broke the rules to break the rules and he did all of this while being unscathed.

Many academies were interested in the matter including the Zeus Academy. They wanted to know who he is and what he is trying to do. But he disappeared instantly. For the past two days, everyone is constantly searching for him, but to no avail. Everyone kept an eye on the inn he booked. By no one noticed anything wrong. Since Sam is lucky enough to convince the staff to keep the situation of booking the whole inn a secret, no one knew tat he did it.

Now everyone is waiting for him to make an appearance in the academic realm.

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