Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1958: Go Back Home

Chapter 1958: Go Back Home

Juwa then tried to probe the formation with some minor attacks.

But to his surprise, the attacks disappeared into thin air. He didn't even notice a single fluctuation of energy. It is almost like there is an invisible portal swallowing everything he threw into. Sam on the other hand made a round around the formation and smiled amusedly.

Looking at his leisurely expression, Irel felt a bit troubled. She walked closer to Juwa and asked in a whisper.

"Are you confident in the formation? Why does that guy seem like he is not having any trouble?"

"Its because he must have figured out the nature of the formation? It is obvious since I hadn't tried to hide it. That formation is a type of defensive formation that focuses of hindering the advance of the people.

It is the most basic defensive formation that uses lightning to defend against the attacks, but it allows people to pass through slowly. The only thing is that the lightning will attack them violently. By the time they reach the inner area of the formation, they would have already injected enough energy to paralyze a late stage Divine Plane Initiation cultivator.

Its defense is based on sheer amount of energy. It is direct and easy to understand, but hard to counter and extremely effective."

Irel got some relief from that explanation. But she is not fully satisfied. She asked about Sam's formation.

"To be completely honest, I don't understand the formation at all. It has a layer that masks the energy circulation and behavior. And it seems to have some type of absorption mechanism which causes massive energy fluctuations that are hard to hide.

So, not feeling a single energy fluctuation is really not normal and achieving that is extremely difficult.

That guy is a real deal."

"What do you plan to do then?" Irel asked in a worried tone.

"Of course, I have my tricks. The only way to enter my formation is through brute force which a person of that level cannot manage. Unless he has the formation key.

I can use the time to inspect this formation and destroy it. I don't even need to do much. I just need to destabilize it and the box inside will be destroyed. That is all we need to do…" *BOOM*

Even before he could finish the sentence, a loud explosive sound was heard.

Both Juwa and Irel turned to the explosion hurriedly and widened their eyes as they took in the sight in front of them. They were in awe and horror crept up their spines.

Sam stood there calmly as he held the box in his hand while he examined it. The formation that was laid out by Juwa disappeared and the part of the stage that assisted in creating this formation was razed to the ground. Its like two lightning experts had a crazy fight over there.

Just like Juwa said, Sam used his brute force to get to the centre of the formation and his brute is too high to the point that the formation broke apart and even within that explosion, he managed to secure the cube unscathed.

"This is fucking disappointing. I thought the standards in the schools here are quite high. I am asking for too much I guess."

Juwa and Irel collapsed to the ground on the spot. Sam looked at the shocked judge and said.

"I guess it is done. I am free to go now, right?"

The judge nodded and the next thing they knew, everyone was gathered back in the court hall. The judge stamped on the case file in front of him and declared the case was closed and Sam doesn't have to be accountable for anything that happened.

The Zeus academy students were the first to leave based on Judge's instructions and Sam is only allowed to go after ten minutes.

"Why am I being held back?"

"This is the rule of the Combat Trials. To avoid unnecessary aftermath." The judge answered calmly.


"I investigated you, you don't have any background. You literally just appeared this morning and by midnight you are in the middle of a combat trial with Zeus academy students.

Its like you came just for this.

Who are you exactly?"

"I am Sam. That is all there is to it."

"If you don't want to tell me, it is fine. I am sure we will be meeting again in the future and we will have many more chances to go through this.

But I am telling you, without a proper crew of your own and a proper power like an academy backing you up, it would be unwise to pick fights with the Olympian academies like this.

You would be terribly sorry."

Sam just smiled and didn't answer him.

"This is a genuine advice. I know a lot of people that acted just like you. But because they were alone, they were done in sooner or later. You might fall into the same category, if you act the same way.

You are obviously skilled enough, so join an academy in the upcoming admission tests. It would be better if you are part of an Olympian academy, they will just brush this off completely and even treat you better."

"I don't need their backing. We are not supposed to be on the same side.

Thanks for your advice though. I will keep that in mind."

Sam stood up and walked out of the enforcement hall. He attracted a lot of gazes as soon as he came out of the entrance. He made his way towards the nearest inn while he muttered to himself.

"Crew huh? Let me show you what my crew looks like."

As he muttered he took out a token and crushed it.

"How many rooms do you have in this inn?" He asked the inn keeper.

"Right now, half of the rooms are available. Including the executive rooms."

"Reserve all of them for me. If other rooms are emptied, reserve them for me too. If the current residents are willing, tell them I will pay for their room and to vacate it. I would like the whole inn for myself."

"Are you sure sir?" The inn keeper asked nervously and Sam answered with a huge bag full of platinum coins.

"Don't worry, money is not an issue."

Sam walked in after as if he owned the place.

He picked an empty room and crashed on the bed.

"Fuck, I need to move around a bit now. I hope those guys gather soon enough."

At this moment, far away from the Academic Realm.

In a planet solely ruled by a faction that are devout followers of Apollo, the sun god of Olympus.

The leader of the faction is standing in the middle of a volcanic region. His surroundings are full of lava streams and he himself is standing in the middle of a Lava lake on a single rock.

He had a panicked expression on his face as he looked at the person in front of him.

This is the young man that came to their planet three days ago and before they knew it, this is the current state of their faction. The volcano that has been controlled for such a long time has ran out of their control and the once flourishing faction grounds appeared like a volcanic area that was devoid of any life.

He has way too many questions to ask, but he didn't even know where to begin. He is exhausted as he had to constantly fight for three days and he still hadn't exactly figured out who his enemy is and why he came here.

The young man slowly walked towards him.

As the man was about to step back, a metal wall appeared behind him and stopped him there.

"Don't bother. It has been three days. You should have known by now. There is no point in resisting at all."

"Who are you?"

"I am Philip. I already told you my name three days ago. How can you forget that in such a short time?"

"Wh… Why…"

"Why am I doing this? Your god must have told you right? Someone is knocking on the doors of all Olympus factions? I am the one that came to knock yours. You should have been prepared. I must say, I am very disappointed here."

"L.. Let…" *BAM*

Even before the old man could speak, Philip threw a fiery punch. The metal wall opened up and swallowed the old man, before a bunch of flames enveloped it and all of it turned into bunch of magma right in front of Philip.

There is no trace of the old man.

"This makes 122. I wonder how many others did." Philip muttered to himself, when he sensed something. He took out a token from his storage and it is vibrating vehemently.

He had a smile on his face and muttered.

"Guess, its time to go back home. It has been a while after all.".com

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