Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1951: Cliches

Chapter 1951: Cliches

The waiter counted the coins quickly.

He is a Peak Stage Astral Plane cultivator, so he is fast enough to count them up quickly. There are 1100 coins Platinum coins inside. 1000 Platinum coins for the soup and hundred platinum coins are a tip. His eyes widened in disbelief.

With a 100 Platinum coins, one can do almost anything within this city. If they lived a lowkey life, they can live for years without worrying about surviving. Or one can even attempt for auditing some courses within the academies of the Divine Region.

He gulped nervously to see if Sam is joking.

But Sam just smiled and said.

"Bring them one by one as I signal you. Also a couple of side dishes will help."

"Anything else sir?" The waiter quickly recovered and asked.


The waiter nodded and went back to the kitchen. A bowl of soup came not long after. Sam took a whiff of the fragrant soup and smiled. The soup might cost a lot, but it is a damn good soup. Even though he had some great food until now, this is definitely a delicacy that ranks high in his books.

He wondered how Makar would react if he tasted this food. He might just try to compete to beat this taste. This might not be the best food that Sam has eaten, but this has a unique place among them.

He enjoyed the soup bit by bit and savored it thoroughly. He noticed the increase in energy. This is not just about taste. It has high quantities of cultivation aiding nutrients. Sam ate the soup and relished in it. He didn't care who is coming to the restaurant and who is going.

He did get some glances when the waiter took away the first bowl and brough the second one, but he didn't mind them.

But his act of buying ten bowls at once brought up some awkward scenarios in the restaurant.

"I want the special soup."

"I am sorry. But all of them are sold out."

"But he is the only one that ordered since the restaurant opened."

"He ordered all of them."

These kinds of conversations kept on happening.

Some people even got curious on why Sam is eating so much and waited to see how much he would eat. After all, even if his stomach can take in that much energy, his body shouldn't be able to take in all the energy that comes from it.

It would be way too much for a normal Initial stage cultivator of Divine Plane initiation to bear with. But to their surprise, Sam just kept on eating bowl after bowl.

After finishing seven bowls non-stop he took a break and just sipped his wine.

The waiter who kept on bringing the bowls and side dishes, stole a whiff of the wine and felt his mouth salivating.

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking, where did you buy that wine?"

Sam smiled and replied.

"I didn't buy it. It is my own brew."

As soon as he heard those words, the young waiter's eyes lit up. He went to the side and fell into a deep thought. After a long time of hesitation, he came back to Sam and asked.

"Sir, if you don't mind. Can you give me some of the wine in exchange for the tip that you gave me?"

Sam was amused by it a bit.

"Are you a student in Astral Region?" He asked casually.

The waiter grinned and said.

"Yes Sir. I am."

"So, why are you working here?"

"Well it is a long story sir. Simply put, I don't have much capital. Spirit stones don't amount to much and I was tight on resources when I came here. I need resources to breakthrough. Working in Divine Region is the best way to earn some money."

"I don't see a lot of students doing this though. I was roaming around since morning, but you are the only one."

"Not everyone is willing to do menial jobs here. Everyone has way too much pride to their fault."

Sam nodded and took out two jars of wine.

"These are the latest brews in my collection. Go ahead and enjoy. You don't need to sacrifice your tip for anything. Treat it as a gift."

The waiter was dumbfounded. He looked the two exquisite jars of wines. The wines were brewed by Ape and they are indeed the latest part of the collection.

He carefully held them and his eyes brightened up.

"Be careful with the blue colored one. It is way too potent."

Sam said with a smile. The young man didn't understand, but he smiled and put it away.

"Now, bring me another bowl."

"Coming right up."

The young skipped away and brought the next bowl. Finally, Sam started observing the customers keenly. It is the prime time for dinner. More and more people are swarming all the restaurants in the area.

He looked at the people who are wearing their uniforms in particular. To see if anyone would fall into the trap that he prepared.

As he sipped the eight bowl of soup slowly, he finally saw some prospects. A group of people who are wearing Zeus' academy robes just arrived. There are five people in total. A guy in the lead and a woman standing beside him, while the remaining three guys are walking behind them.

The girl had a refined temperament and she is trying her best act like she didn't notice the hungry look of the guy beside her.

It is very obvious and a very cliched sight.

The guy in the lead is trying to court her and this girl knows it. She is either ignoring him naturally or she is just trying to make him shower her with more attention and kept him on the hook. Either way, she is the center of attention the group.

The three guys behind them though are the most casual lackeys one could find.

Sam smiled as he looked at them. Just based on the way acted, this is the perfect group for his plan.

As long as they check a few more boxes of cliches, then Sam is sure that they are the perfect targets for this whole thing.

"Junior Pearl. This is the place I told you about. The chef here is a senior from the Olympian Association. He cooks to improve his fire control. The soup he makes is one of a kind. No one can make it like him and it is very beneficial for the Initial stage cultivators of Divine Plane Initiation.

I will treat you to that soup today."

The young man blabbered to the young lady.

The young lady just gave him a polite smile as she took a seat.

The youngsters also took their seats and called for the waiter.

Sam who heard the conversation even from that far away, smiled contently. First check box is done. This guy is here to court her with the soup.

Not a bad idea, but it is going to back fire big time.

The waiter went to the table and coincidentally it is the same guy that attended to Sam.

"Hello Gentlemen and the Lady. Welcome to our restaurant. What would you like?"

He politely addressed them as he poured the complimentary drink to them. The leader of the group, the young man spoke with a proud smile.

"I want the special soup. Two bowls." As he said, he took out a spatial ring and placed it on the table. twenty thousand gold coins, is not a small heap. So, he is using the spatial ring.

The young man awaiting a surprised response. Ten thousand gold coins is actually a very big amount. In fact, spending that much on a dish is extravagant beyond believe. The only reason there is not much commotion even when there are only ten bowls of soup available is because no many people can actually afford to eat it.

They would have to save for months if not a couple of years to have one bowl. And since just one man ordered two bowls, the young man was expecting some kind of admiring gaze. But the waiter was very casual.

He didn't even bother to touch the ring and straight up said.

"I am sorry sir. We ran out of soup for today. You have to visit tomorrow if you would like to have the soup."

The young man was dumbfounded. He didn't expect such a situation. Even though this is the rush hour, it is not common for it to be out already. They arrived at the start of the rush hour.

The young man's face turned red as he saw the gaze of the young lady named Pearl on his face. He wanted to show off, but it didn't work. He is embarrassed.

Sam smirked at this. The next check box is also done. This guy is overly embarrassed for no fucking reason.

"I apologize. But I suggest that you take a look at our menu, there are an assortment of new dishes added to it. You will definitely feel satisfied with the taste and the quality."

The waiter said as he passed the menus. The young man passed the menu to Pearl and took a look at one himself.

"Senior Rain. I was really looking forward to tasting the soup since you were so confident about it. Too bad."

The young lady poked where it hurt. Another box checked.

At this moment, exactly Sam suddenly yelled from his chair.

"Waiter, my soup please."

His voice reverberated all over. This made Rain and Pearl to take a look at it.

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