Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1915: Dragged On Battle

Chapter 1915: Dragged On Battle


The large wooden arrow made its way through the air and landed on the formation.

The arrow clashed against the formation and shattered into a million pieces. The formation didn't even fluctuate. Sam just looked at the trees without any reaction.

He could have easily shot down the arrow, but he wanted to see the extent of these attacks and their effects on the formation. He was surprised and intrigued. The formation didn't fluctuate but the impact is nothing to scoff at.

It would cause serious damage if a cultivator of his level was hit by it.

More arrows came from different trees, Sam still let them hit the formation. Nothing happened. There is no change and the people inside the city felt a sense of safety because of this. At this moment, Sam noticed something else.

He saw that there is something happening to the first tree that's hot the arrow.

Wood elemental energy gathered at the tip of the arrow and a fruit appeared. The arrow was shot and it landed on the formation.


An explosion happened. It is not exactly a flaming explosion, rather the wood elemental energy exploded a bit and a layer of corrosive energy was latched on to the formation. Sam activated his Energy vision to take a look at the formation.

The new energy is trying to invade the formation's energy structure and destroy it bit by bit. The only problem is Sam's formation is a bit too strong and it would be a pipe dream to say the least to just defeat it with one such fruit.

Of course, Sam is also not na?ve enough to think that only one such attack would come.

His increased the energy density within the formation and let it handle the rest. The corrosive energy that was trying to invade has been forcefully expelled. The formation is still intact. Probably the only bad thing there is the energy consumption increased a little bit.

Sam took out his hand guns and started shooting down the arrows that came at them. Right now, the number of arrows is still manageable. He doesn't need to bring out any hidden cards.

While doing that, he also kept an eye on the forest so that he could check out the state of the mist that is changing these trees like this.

Just like he expected, after giving sentience to all the trees within the fifty meter radius outside the city, the mist expanded further and started doing the same to the other trees.

"Hopper, I will handle this for now. Just make sure that nothing comes past me and attacks the formation. I would like to see if I can handle all of these with my guns alone."

Hopper agreed silently.

Sam got into action.

He stood on harbinger and his guns were blazing. This looked like a weird version of shooting practice. As he blasted one arrow after another, after some time, there are a whole bunch of shards all over the ground near the city.

Another hour passed just like that and Sam finally started panting a little bit with slight sweat on his forehead.

He could sense that the mist expanded a lot. The arrows are coming from far away. From more than a couple of miles away and he also noticed that the farther the tree is from the formation, the stronger the attack.

Sam even had to use multiple shots to just destroy the momentum of the arrows.

After another half an hour or so, the whole forest's trees are all sentient and now they are all attacking the formation at the same time.

Finally, Sam couldn't hold on.

No matter how fast he can shoot, he is unable to keep up with each and every one of the attacks. So, many of the arrows went past his shooting range and were about to hit the formation.

But at that moment, there is a massive spatial fluctuation around the formation.

All the arrows that were just about to hit the formation slowed down and in an instant, the space around them was twisted a bit. The arrows were torn to shreds because of that spatial turbulence.

Not a single arrow managed to touch the formation.

Its hoppers doing. Around the formation a fabric of space was completely under Hopper's control and this is one of the methods that Sam decided to go with to ensure that the forest wouldn't be damaged.

The spatial tears didn't disappear immediately. They stayed there as the space is slowly mending together by itself. So, when the next volley of arrows arrived the spatial tears themselves acted as a defense.

The arrows are finally neutralized. Of course, this is not going to be a permanent solution. Hopper would run out of energy just like anyone else. Things wouldn't go well, if he goes on with it for a long time.

Sam just hoped that the god's form will appear as soon as possible. The disaster could be brought to and end once the god is dealt with.

Time passed, the whole thing turned out to be a battle of attrition. Yanwu, Dia and the others got some rest for now, but the same couldn't be said for Hopper and Sam.

They are combating against the arrows and they noticed as the time passed the number of arrows are increasing. He almost felt like the god is trying to just drain him out and deal with him in a single blow.

In a way, he is not right.

Only after the sun set and the moon rose did Sam finally see some change in the forest. Not too far away from the city, there is a small patch with relatively less density of trees. And within that small area, there is a plant that grew out.

The growth was very rapid and Sam didn't miss it. He is already keeping an eye out for any anomaly within the area.

As the plant grew, it turned into a large tree. Before he knew it the tree grew larger and larger before it morphed into a humanoid female form.

Sam looked at the massive figure and sighed.


He still has half of his energy left and he is recovering rapidly. It is about time, the god came.

But as soon as the god arrived, she snapped her fingers and a wave of wood elemental energy hit the whole forest. The trees that were already sentient and are shooting arrows, grew a bit larger.

A weird runic inscription appeared on all of them and it glowed like a neon light in the dark night. The trees nocked the arrows and shot. Even those arrows are glowing. They looked like shooting stars, only they are all aimed at the city.

Sam had a bad feeling as soon as he watched those arrows.

"Hopper, Dia, Sky. Resist."

That is all Sam had said while he himself used light elemental fusion and shot dozens of laser beams from his body as he aimed at the coming arrows.

Dia used earthen walls to block a bunch of arrows herself, while Sky tried to slow down and helped Hopper with the arrows. This time, the spatial tears required for destroying these arrows were high in number and they are also much denser.

But even with that much effort, one arrow exactly managed slip past them and hit the formation.


With an explosive sound, a glowing mist of wood elemental energy seeped into the formation and even before the formation could expel all of that energy, within a small patch on that formation a thin layer was worn out.

Sam was stunned by the increase in damage.

He is hurriedly thinking of different ways to tackle this. After all, there are around a thousand trees shooting at them, it is not going to end well, if they didn't negate it properly.

But at that moment, Sam got a mental message from Forest Bear.

He was surprised by a bit and then smiled.

The next moment, all the trees within the city started glowing. At first the clan leader went into panic mode. He is the one who is observing every single detail about the fight that is happening outside, sow when he saw the trees inside glowing, his heart almost dropped to his pants.

"Don't worry. It is not the enemy."

Only after Sam those words did he relax.

The next volley of arrows were coming from the trees outside and at this moment, the trees inside the city also changed. Each tree shot multiple arrows into different directions.

The only difference is the arrows that the trees from the city are much thinner and sharper. They didn't have fruits that are exploding, instead the arrows themselves exploded as soon as they clashed with the enemy arrows.

Of course those arrows themselves are not enough to negate the enemies. But the load on Hopper and others has reduced by a lot and Sam who is now free can just go ahead and deal with the god.

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