Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1910: Hammer Strikes

Chapter 1910: Hammer Strikes

Within the body of Cyclops.

A wave of metal energy travelled through every atom of that body. Even though it is molded and solidified with magma, it is essentially a golem. And that golem's atoms were all effected by this metal energy which morphed into a type of magnetic force.

The ripple style fueled the spread of this force and every metallic molecule within the golem turned into a magnet. And the magnetic force of all these temporary magnetics is of same nature, which made them repel each other.

The molecules broke down bit by bit, but all of it happened so fast, that it looked like it broke down at the same instant and when the molecules are breaking down, the resultant force was fuelled by the void style and minute explosions happened in a large number.

Just like that, within a second, the giant Cyclops collapsed into very tiny pieces. It didn't even explode or anything. Its like a lego object broke down into small lego pieces right where it was standing.

Sam stepped back and looked at the giant that just turned into nothing but a large mass of magma. He is very impressed with the trick that he tried. It will only work with the metal things of course, but it is still a good thing.

He didn't waste his time at all and moved to the next target.

Just one hit and a Cyclops fell down. And they are not joining back easily because of the residual magnetic force.

While Sam is on the second target, one of the Cyclops started gathering energy into its hammer and launched a concentrated attack at a single point on the formation. Sam finally saw the formation fluctuating.

Followed by that Cyclops a bunch of other Cyclops are also doing the same. Concentrated and precise attacks all landing on a single point of the formation that is enough for the formation to fluctuate like it is a disco light.

At that moment, Sam contacted the beasts.

"Come on, up the game."

The number of golems attacking already lessened by a lot because of the shadow world. Now, the beasts had some breathing space. Yanwu was the first to come out and he opted a very interesting strategy.

Yanwu's major attacks are of fire element and it wouldn't be much effective when it comes to the Cyclops like that. Of course, he would still win, but he wouldn't be as efficient and finish it off quickly.

He decided to opt for physical alteractions along with fire control. As Yanwu attacked with his talons, he controlled the fire energy within the cyclops as he made the object drain the energy quickly.

Meanwhile, the remaining beasts just fought with their forte. Except for Forest Bear that was left in the city to control of the hoard of small golems and throw them all into the dimension, the rest are all dealing with Cyclops.

And that exact moment, the main volcano finally burst open once again. This time, it didn't just erupt normally. Instead, Sam sensed that all the fire elemental energy within the magma was being drained out.

The energy drain is so high that by the time it was done, the volcano will become dormant it would take centuries for it to recover the same level of energy again.

All of this energy is concentrated and gathered into a certain amount of the magma.

Another humanoid figure appeared out of the volcano. A large human figure that has muscles that looked like they were carved out of mountains, held a hammer that is used for forging instead of battling.

The humanoid figure stepped out of the volcano and its focus was locked on Sam instantly.

Sam who is about to tackle the next Cyclops noticed the figure and smiled.

He dashed forward and punched at the arm of the Cyclops. The arm collapsed like it was made of mud and Sam caught a hold of the hammer.

The hammer is very large, almost as large as a house and Sam is holding with just his grip. Of course it is not comfortable to hold.

"You must be Sam."

The large figure spoke.

"I am guessing you are Hephaestus?"

"Yes Indeed. I have heard a lot about you from my father and recently from my uncle."

"Zeus and Poseidon? At least you are more informed than your uncle is."

"You are indeed as arrogant as they said. Don't you think you are being too impudent in the presence of a god?"

"Gods couldn't submit me on an even ground, you should understand how hard it is for me to bow my head just based on the status alone."

"Then let me change that."

Hephaestus slammed his hammer down on to Sam. He didn't even bother with destroying the city at this point. Judging by the current progress, unless Sam is dead or incapacitated, there is no way they could even penetrate the city.

It would be a futile attempt. So, he decided to just deal with Sam first and then the city would be a piece of cake.

But what he didn't expect is that resistance Sam offered individually is nothing to scoff at. Sam let the hammer drop. It stood tall with its head on the floor and the handle standing straight like a pillar.

Sam stood on top of the handle as he awaited the blow that came at him. His mental element raged and he threw a punch. The magnetic punch that he threw to destroy the Cyclops.


The metallic sound reverberated in the surroundings, but to Sam's surprise the hammer was not completely destroyed. The magnetic force didn't penetrate throughout the hammer, it only entered a very small portion and only that small portion was destroyed.

The rest of the hammer was still intact.

Sam was stunned.

"Okay, lets try this."


The hammer and the fist clashed continously the shockwaves spread throughout of the surroundings. The mountains were being damaged just from those shockwaves.

After a few exchanges Hephaestus stopped and looked at Sam.

"Your technique; it is very intriguing. You are a smart man."

"Thank you for the compliment and you are an odd ball in the Olympus."

"Is that a compliment?"

"I don't know, I am sure it is not a curse word."

"Let's finish this. You are interesting, but no one that goes against Olympus can live."

"What a coincidence, no one that pisses me off lives either."

Sam waved his hand and a device that he hasn't used in a very long time appeared in his hands.

Thunder Prison.

This is one of the most overpowered possessions he had for a while. To the point whenever he uses it, things always end up going way easier than they are supposed to and to Sam's delight it is versatile beyond belief.

The thunder prison expanded and it changed shape. It attached to his hand. A giant metallic hand appeared, that is attached to his own hand and being controlled him. Lightning energy surged as Sam used that arm to catch a hold of the hammer that he got from the Cyclops.

His metal energy and lightning energy worked in unison as he raised the battle hammer.

Hephaestus also raised his hammer as fire and metal energy surged.


Two hammers clashed against each. Sam who is not even one tenth the size of Hephaestus' figure is standing in the air pushing further while Hephaestus is also combating forward.

Even though only one strike was done and it looked like they are just pushing hammers, the clash of energies underneath would have killed someone a dozen times over. Sam didn't back down at all.

Each wave of energy he is receiving with that magnetic force is being amplified with the electric force generated by the lightning energy.

"You are strong alright. Try pushing this."

As Sam said a wave of energy entered the hammer. This time, the force isn't distributed all over the surface of the hammer head. Instead it is only focused on a very small point. All the force was distributed in an area of a square inch.


A miniature explosion occurred and pushed Hephaestus' hammer back. Hephaestus was stunned. He took a step back and landed another attack.

The hammers clashed once again.

Hephaestus was unable to break past Sam's attacks. Every time he thought he figured out Sam's attacks, the force was being redirected to a different point. Even when the hammers met face to face, Hephaestus' hammer was being deflected in a very weird angle.

And with every hit, the hammer is damaging bit by bit, like it was being randomly chiseled away.

After taking more than a couple of dozen hits, Hephaestus was being pushed back. He looked at Sam and made a decision.

All of his energy suddenly surged. Fire that made his body increased in intensity like never before. The intensity is so high to the point the color almost reached white. His hammer got repaired instantly.

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