Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1896: Sandhya

Chapter 1896: Sandhya

The commotion caused by the beasts and Sam was clearly noticed by the people in the city.

Many of the guards were dispatched to check what is happening. But to their surprise, no one was able to move past a certain distance from the city. All the merchants and travelers were also stopped. No one was able to move.

Even if someone strong managed to take a few steps forward, they felt like they are walking through mercury and their blood and bones have increased in weight by a couple of hundred times.

The city is effectively sealed in a way.

Of course, the strongest person is actually not of very high cultivation. They are barely two levels away from Sam's current cultivation. If he wants he could just kill the whole city very easily.

Unless the leaders of the clans can come down, there is no one who could make their way out of the spatial lock, and even if they can come, they wouldn't try to come.

Just like Sam thought the leader of the clan was very nervous.

At that time, a shadow mouse made its way to the residence of the clan leader and left a letter on his bed.

When the clan leader found out the letter, he felt a chill go down his spine. The very fact that a person just came and went from his room scared the crap out of him. He nervously looked through the letter and was even more surprised.

"In a couple of days, your city will face a disaster and I am here to save you guys. Do not try to leave the perimeter of the city. Even if you try, you wouldn't be able to do it at the moment. You must have already experienced the spatial lock.

I request your cooperation.

I genuinely wish that none of the city members will die."

The letter's contents scared the guy even more. He clearly remembered what Makar Junior told him that morning. He immediately called him for a meeting and showed him the letter.

"So, you think this is that bastard's work?" Makar Junior asked his father.

His father nodded and said.

"It is most likely thing. After all, he used the exact same words in this letter. Do you think he is telling the truth?"

"What do you mean telling the truth? He is definitely bluffing to get some great price for those formations. Don't you remember what we did when we visited a planet of a lower level? We used the exact same tactic.

We used their fear to our benefit and occupied the whole planet and exploited its resources. This bastard is trying to do the same." Makar Junior completely denied any possibility of Sam speaking the truth.

If Sam heard these words, he would have just chuckled and said one sentence.

People really do judge others by their own standards.

The clan leader felt a bit suffocated by all of these major changes happening. He gritted his teeth and said.

"I think we need to use that token."

Makar Junior immediately stood up and said.

"There is no way, we are doing that. That token is mine. Only I get to benefit from it. Even if you are my father, there is no way I am letting you use it."

The clan leader looked at his son and coldly snorted.

"Who do you think you are talking to? The very fact that the token ended up in your hands is because of me. Don't you forget that."

"Shut the fuck up. Who do you think you are talking to? If not for the fact that you are such an asshole, I would have had my mother by my side and Makar clan would have had a great opportunity of expanding because of me.

But you just had to show your worthless ego. You drove my mom away and this token is the only thing she left for me.

I should have been the heir of all her power and authority, but now all I was left with were three stupid favors and I already used up two of them. There is no way I am letting you use up the last one."

"What if the disaster is real? That bastard actually locked our city. People at your level are barely able to get into the spatial lock zone. We couldn't even see what is on the other side of the zone at the moment.

What do you think will happen if things progress like this?

Even if your mother comes and tries to help you with that third token, how much help can she possibly do? But if she enables you to capture this bastard you would have enough tricks and treats up your sleeve. You already said that he has things that will bring in a lot of money."

The argument went on and on.

If only Sam heard half the sentences they said, maybe he would have killed them off immediately.

The usage of the B-word is way too liberal here.

The father and son kept on arguing and finally, the father managed to convince his son.

Makar Junior took out a token and nervously crushed it. A glowing humanoid figure appeared and an ethereal voice was heard.


Junior carefully explained the whole situation and the humanoid figure disappeared. It bypassed the spatial lock and the zone Sam created around it and traveled through the horizon like a shooting star.

Sam looked at this light beam and frowned.

But he didn't stop it.

If it passed the spatial lock without triggering anything, it is most definitely not a Physical object. So, there is no need for him to bother about it too much.

He went to the forest area and started erecting metallic pillars at various spots. Particularly at the end zones. He slowly started working on the formation.

This is going to be a layered formation and he is going to use the energy from the energy-rich zones within the vicinity.

There is a lake deep inside the forest that has rich water elemental energy and there is a mountain that is the house of some beasts that has rich earth elemental energy. They are not mines, but natural hubs of spiritual energy.

Sam drew power from places like this and powered up the formation pillars. Apart from that, he also used up a large amount of liquid spiritual energy capsules.

On each pillar, he has to draw a myriad of inscriptions.

Just like that inscribed pillars, layered formations, concentrated energy capsules, compound formations, and complex mechanisms. The specters. This is a formation that took up a lot of his own resources.

He didn't even spend this much when he was killing a city full of people.

While Sam is working hard along with his beasts and the puppets, the shooting star reached a mountainous region far away from the city.

Deep within the mountain, there is a small stone temple, a lady was meditating in front of a god's statue.

The god is none other than Karthikeya.

The shooting star hit her head and entered deep into her mind.

She opened his eyes with a frown on her peaceful face.

She stood up and came out of that dark room. She wore blue-colored long robes and had long hair that was tied up into a large bun on her head.


She called out in a very low but clear voice.

A woman wearing blue-colored battle clothes came out of nowhere. She looked way younger than the woman wearing long robes, but their facial features are very similar.

"Yes, Mother."

"I got a message from your brother. It seems like they are facing some trouble. At least that is what they think so. I want you to go there and investigate it. Take our Elite Squad with you and utilize any assistance you need from the powers of the planet.

Don't hesitate.

But also don't blindly charge at the person that your brother is complaining about.

These are the contents of the message that he sent me."

She waved her hand and a spark flew out of her finger before it entered Sandhya's mind.

She absorbed the message and its contents before nodding.

"Okay, Mother. I will handle the situation."

"If what that person said was to be the truth, then invite him to the temple. Also, announce your departure before you go. It is a deal between us and the rest of the forces on the planet that we will not interfere.

The three favors to your father are the only exceptions and for that, we need to throw the announcement before we leave the mountain.

Don't get into unnecessary conflicts as well.


"Yes, Mother. I will handle everything carefully.".com

"Finally, try not to kill your father and brother. With this favor, we are done with them for good."

This time Sandhya didn't answer anything.

The lady sighed and walked back into the dark room to continue to meditate.

Sandhya turned around and gathered her squad before sending out the announcement about her departure.

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