Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1894: Young Master Makar

Chapter 1894: Young Master Makar

Sam entered the city and looked around.

As usual, he sent the shadow mice around to get a sniff at the things that are happening around him. At the same time, he checked out various bars and restaurants throughout the day. He must say that he is a bit disappointed with the city itself.

The base defense of the city is not remarkable in any way.

He reckoned that a student from his academy would be able to design a formation better than this.

It is not that the quality or the complexity of the formation is bad, but the purpose of the formation itself is not that great. Sam could think of a million ways to bypass the formation completely to achieve the goals he wanted.

Judging by the looks of it, things will not be easy with this place.

He could only grit his teeth and continue.

In fact, Karthikeya already warned him about this place. He gave a brief introduction on how the level of technology and the basic power hierarchy of the planet operates on this planet.

After all, the first disaster wouldn't take long to appear and the rest will follow pretty quickly. Sam wouldn't have enough time to gather the necessary information to react.

But the situation here is worse than he had initially imagined.

Of course, even with a situation like this, there is a reason why he picked this place.

The natural disasters of this round are caused by gods and this planet is chosen by the Olympus as their playground.

So, there is no way, Sam would let this chance to go to tear a new one in the plans of Olympus.

That is why, these guys got lucky.

Particularly, when Sam thought of the options that he actually gave up on, these people are way too lucky to have him.

Sam got the information he needed and decided to approach someone with good enough authority. After contemplating for a while, he narrowed down to a young master of the ruling authority of the city.

It is controlled by a clan and that clan's next in line young master seemed like a safe choice.

That guy is very greedy and he is always trying to solidify his position and make sure that there is no competition from his brothers and cousins. Sam easily found out where that guy is with the shadow mice.

He is currently entertaining some guests within the best restaurant of the city.

They are here to discuss a trade deal.

Sam decided to use the most basic method to gather his attention.

He went to one of the costliest private rooms and said just one thing to the waiter.

"I want all of your costly liquor and food. Send that to every table and every private room and keep on sending it until you are completely out of your stock."

The waiter was stunned. He didn't even know what to say. But he is smart enough to not ridicule Sam directly. Even if it is unlikely that someone could afford that much, but if by any miniscule chance that they did, things would be very bad for him.

So, he decided to just silently go to their manager and told him about the order.

Within five minutes, the manager to came to Sam's room.

Sam smiled and said.

"Nice to meet you. You must be the manager."

"Yes Sir. I heard that you placed a huge order."

"Yeah of course."

"I am afraid, that we might need the payment upfront for this Sir. It is way too big for us to serve first and take the payment later."

"Oh, I completely understand."

Sam just took out a spatial ring and tossed it to him.

The manager looked into the ring and was delighted when he saw the heaps and heaps of spirit stones. On top of all those heaps, he saw something that confused him a bit.

A crystal jar.

"That is a small gift from my side. Have a taste and come back. I am sure you would like it."

The manager smiled and walked out of the room. He is still confused and with that confusion, he took out the jar and took a sip. He was shocked. He didn't even waste a second to go back and see Sam.

"This is amazing…."

Just like that, Sam managed to hold a conversation about the wine and it obviously led to the owner asking Sam to sell it. Sam of course is willing to do that, but he doesn't need money.

"I don't need money. As you can see, it is just a number to me."

"Then what do you need?"

The manager asked.

"I need a meeting, with the young master of the Makar Clan. Not just any young master, but the next in line young master that has enough authority to make high level decisions."

The manager was initially a bit worried when Sam said he doesn't need money, but now he was ecstatic. He might not be able to do a lot of things, but getting a meeting with that young master is something he can do easily.

That is also one of the reasons Sam picked this restaurant. Shadow mice picked up the fact that this guy is a bit connected to the young master and he is offering the service to connect meetings with various young masters of the clan to someone when the mice caught the whiff of it.

The manager grinned wildly and made the deal.

Sam sighed in relief. Spirit stones is not a factor for him. He can just give up as many as he can. And the recipe for a wine is even less important. The Dusk doesn't lack this one thing and it is not going to take away from the money making ability of Dusk.

An hour later.

Sam is sitting inside the meeting room along with the young master.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Sam."

"Hello, Nice to meet you too. You can called Makar Junior. I heard that you paid quite a price just to get a meeting with me. What is it that you are after?"

"I have something to sell, I was wondering if you are into buying it."

"Sell something to me? I might have a reputation of a big spender Sam, but I don't buy just anything that stares in my face.

If it is anything less than the wine recipe that you gave out, I might not even be interested in a conversation about it, much less buying."

"Of course, I can understand. But I am sure, whatever that I am giving to you will be much more valuable than the recipe."

"So, what is it?"

"A formation."

Sam said as he took out a mini holographic projection formation that created an image of the city.

"This is the current model of the city. Don't get me wrong, the defense of the city is actually quite strong, but I believe it can be stronger.

If my guess is not wrong, the formation of the city is made to use the vast amount of water elemental energy that comes out of the sea. And it instead of purely blocking the attacks, the formation is designed to deflect the attacks.

But I have a way to enhance the defense even better."

Sam paused an waved his hand, a few more nodes appeared on the virtual projection and Sam's new formation model was created.

It is clearly visible and Sam started demonstrating all the weak points of the previous formation and the benefits of the new formation that could over come the aforementioned drawbacks.

"That is amazing. I will gladly take it. But I don't think it will be implemented any time soon. In fact, it would be better if I keep this with myself. After I become the clan head, I will definitely implement it."

Sam sighed and said.

"Young master Makar, I will be straight with you. I am not in short of money. All I want you to do is implement this formation and I will give it to you for free. But I want you to implement it right now.

The work should literally start in matter of minutes. I will even help you set it up."

"Come on Sam. You really don't think that I would just implement just like that right? We have many things to consider before I can do that.

First, I don't have the authority and second even if I do have it, what is the point of making such a hasty change? The formation that was around the city for such a long time has worked well until now.

You know the mentality of people right? Why fix something that is not broken?"

Sam sighed. He knew that something like this might happen.

"Thanks for the meeting."

He packed the formation up and got ready to leave.

"Oh Sam, where are you going?"

"Since there is no deal, there is no point in me staying here. I have many urgent tasks to do."

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