Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1871 Young Master

Chapter 1871 Young Master

1871 Young Master

The whole rendezvous point is burning in flames.

The leader of the exploration team didn't hold back. He is in his true giant form as he rained hellfire on them. He even activated fire elemental fusion.

Sam and Mitra looked at the video intently.

Sam in particular is taking note of every single thing that is happening in the video. He has gained a lot of insights from the Lycans' bodies. So, he is interested in the Giants as well. In front of his eyes, the exploration team is dismantled bit by bit by their very own leader.

Mitra is even more surprised. If Sam's devious technique is not shocking enough, the strengths shown by the Giant team's leader is on another level.

He couldn't believe that he managed to catch this guy off guard and capture him.

And then he circled back to being shocked about how Sam managed to manipulate this guy into going on a rampage against his own subordinates.

This whole thing is terrifying.

"Say, Sam. Hypothetically. Just hypothetically. Would you be able to fry my brain just like that and make me go against my own camp?"

Sam looked at him and asked.

"Are you sure, you want to know the answer to that question?"


"I am pretty sure I can do that. But the technique is not perfected yet. It is a new technique that I came up with. If I apply it as it is now, there are bound to be a lot of side effects."

"What kind?"

Mitra asked seriously.

Sam looked at him and then pointed at the screen.

The team leader who was going on a rampage without any care suddenly halted in his tracks. He has overdrawn a lot of his energy and it is hurting his internal system.

The team members took this chance and made a move against him.

After taking a couple of hits, the leader seemed to have gone berserk. His eyes lost the previous puny amount of sanity and he acted like an uncontrollable zombie. He didn't care about the damage to the body anymore and gave it his all.

He started burning his soul, bloodline and life force as he took the lives of his companions with every single move.

Mitra understood immediately. This leader is going to die and he is going to burn a lot of Giants along with him.

"This kind."

Sam said calmly and just recorded the required data.

As they watched the video, soon the rampage came to an end.

As if on cue, when the flames are dying down, the young master of the Fire Giants came along with his personal convoy.

He looked at the scene with his eyes wide open in shock. He looked at one of the Vice leaders who is one of the very few that survived and asked.

"What the fuck happened here?"

Vice leader explained the whole situation.

"Where is his dead body?"

The young master went there and checked the body. The first thing he noticed is the inscription on his forehead. He turned to the person beside him and said.

"Bring our best inscription master and check what inscription that is."

Then they turned the body around and saw the large brand mark of the Water Tribe's nobility.

The young master's aura raged rampantly as he looked at that brand.

He calmed down instantly and relayed his instructions.

"Check the authenticity of that brand. It looks like the Giant Subordinate Brand. If it is authentic, then it only means we were one-upped by them.

There is still a chance that a third party is at play here.

Either way, find out all the information that you can."

He then paused for a moment and said.

"Change the camp's location to here. From now on this is my base of operations. I want all of my forces in this area and everything from the small rock to a dead leaf should be examined here.

We are not to rest until we find out who the real culprit behind this is."

"Yes, Young master."

Everybody saluted him and made their move.

Sam and Mitra looked at the whole thing through the video and both of them exchanged a glance.

"We need to get in touch with the main camp of humans. Find out how far their attack preparations have come."

"Don't worry. A call is scheduled for tomorrow at dawn, we will get all the required information. Meanwhile, what do you think we should do?"

Sam didn't answer immediately and just looked at the video. All the deadbodies are being cleaned up. He looked at the person who is in charge of disposing of them and saw that he collected all the bodies to cremate them later.

"We are going to capture that guy. I need those bodies. There is no way in hell I am giving them up."

Sam said resolutely.

Mitra looked at the target and nodded. The cremation is being done a bit away from the camp and only a small team was kept in charge of it.

"Why don't we capture that whole team and do the thing you did with the leader of the exploration team? I want to see what will happen if four of them go berserk instead of one?"

Sam looked at him and asked.

"Are you sure, you want that? I thought you are more into direct head-on fighting?"

"I am a brute. But I am not stupid?"

"You are not. You could have fooled me."

Mitra wanted to curse at him, but he controlled himself and said.

"Alright, let's just leave the situation as it is. We will know the status of the invasion tomorrow morning. We can decide what to do based on that.

Anyway, you are good at coming up with these kinds of plans. I am sure you can handle whatever it is that's thrown at our faces.

By the way, do you know anything more about fire heart or whatever that is called?"

Sam looked at him and stayed silent.

After all, the fire heart is an important resource. It is way too rare for Sam to just give it up like that. So, he hid the information from Mitra. They might get along. But its not to the level where he would give up on his own benefits.

"Leave it. All the spoils you can collect are yours. We will wait until tomorrow and proceed after the call."

With that, the night went on uneventfully.

Except for kidnapping the team that went to cremate the bodies, the duo didn't do anything else.

Meanwhile, the camp is being shifted and everyone had a lot of work on their hands. These four missing people were not recognized at all.

The next morning at dawn. Mitra and Sam got on a call with the main forces.

"The invasion has started. Currently probing attacks are being done on all five cities. We took down a bunch of scout teams of the Giants. The attacks are heating up and we successfully captured their attention.

How is your situation?"

The report came.

Mitra explained the gist. He didn't give out any information about the fire heart. All he said is that the Fire Giants are looking for something and they are having some tension with the Water Giants.

"Try to find out what they are looking for. These five cities have been locked away from the rest of the humans for such a long time. This is a great chance to occupy it.

Our clan is taking the initiative in this unified front. So, we are bound to get more benefits and we deserve it.

If you find what that resource is and why they are searching for it that intently, we might be able to benefit."

Sam didn't say anything. The call went on and he finally spoke to giving out a conclusion.

"We are near the young master of the fire giant's camp.

We are in the upper hand here as they don't know about our presence and their attention is diverted to the Water Giant Tribe.

We are sure that we can create a perfect distraction as long with the help of this young master. From the information we obtained, this young master has a very high status within their tribe, and his safety will affect the tribe in a significant manner.

So, let us know when you decide to press forward.

We will launch a decisive attack on the young master and divert the forces of the Fire Giant Tribe.

I am sure my mission will be completed because of that."

The other party nodded. After discussing some minor details, everyone went on their own way.

Mitra and Sam decided that it is better to take it slow for now.

They occasionally took out some stray giants that are separated from their teams and Sam only used water elements and brute force to deal with them. Giving off the impression that water giants are the ones dealing with them.

Apart from that, Sam also kept an eye on some of the higher performers under the Young master.

These high performers are holding some leadership positions and following them gave Sam a very interesting lead.

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