Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1862 - 1862 Helping Hand

Chapter 1862 - 1862 Helping Hand

1862 Helping Hand

Sam’s weird request to use corpses as currency was accepted.

After all, they have nothing but corpses of these Lycans. They kept a few for some research, but right now they don’t want to waste their time to dump or destroy them. So, they threw them in spatial rings.

Sam got his hands on them as soon as the deal was made.

He also went on a slight show off mode after that.

First thing he did was dump a load of Wood elemental and light elemental liquid capsules.

He carved a few inscriptions on the stone tables being used for treating the patients, carved up a few slots that would fit these capsules perfectly. It is a makeshift super healing table. The healers can just use the energy from the capsules without being constantly strained.

The table itself has a formation that would work on some minor injuries, so the addition of these capsules made it much more efficient.

After the healing situation is taken care of, Sam went to put up defensive lines around the city.

He didn’t have much time of course, the city is way too big and for him to reinforce it properly, it would almost take a day.


So, he can only add to whatever that is already there. First, he tweaked the main formation around the city. He gave some additional changes for the formation masters to make to maximize the defense. While they are working on it, he decided to make his own defensive measures.

Luckily, there are some ready made solutions that he could easily use.

He planted some formation pillars that are charged with liquid energy capsules. They are basically large scale formation discs, but the energy wouldn’t be absorbed from the surroundings.

The functioning energy will be supplied from the energy capsules and each pillar covers a certain area around.

So, for someone to deal with it, they have to go through the formation and destroy the formation pillar itself. But the formation pillar can project dozens if not hundreds of formations based on its functions and these formations could be of many kinds.

Defensive, offensive, support.

These could play a large role in the wars. As it is easy to install and easy to remove for the owner of it and it could be carried along.

If a squad is fighting another group in a small area, they can just plant the formation pillar there. The area of influence would be covered and the formations could help them fight these enemies.

Of course, it is mostly useful for people in Mortal plane and Astral Plane. It is not that much useful for people in Divine Plane as they can levitate.

They could just simply fly away from the area of influence if it is not a restriction formation.

And anyway, Sam’s plan is not to use it for restricting the enemies, rather to provide an auxilllary support for the ground.

Sam made everyone plant these formation pillars and he started operating them through the crystal table. The formations were activated. At the same time, Sam started setting up the seeds of some trees a bit far away from the city.

As soon as the formations activated, everyone in the city noticed something. Each formation covers a certain area of influence, a few dozen meters in diameter and there is a certain distance between each pillar leaving some hopes that are under no influence of formations.

But as soon as the formations were activated, everyone noticed the death energy seeping out of the ground, from both within the formations and outside the formations.

All the death energy seemed chaotic and dangerous.

When the formations were full of this thick concentrated death energy, the towers started resonating with each other and each other projected a spectre.

The spectres started absorbing the death energy as they rapidly grew.

As if that is not enough, Sam made another change to the formation pillars through the crystal table.

The formation changed slightly and all the spiritual energy in the surroundings started converting into death energy. It is the amplifying effect.

The effects of formations started overlapping and all the three sides of the city are covered with a blanket of death energy that seemed to be neverending.

There are multiple domes and all of them seemed to have been merged together as they grew. The spectres became dangerous enough to send a chill down the young master Jate’s back.

He didn’t see such a cruel and vicious aura before.

As they were all staring at it in awe, all of a sudden the formations disappeared along with the spectres.

Jate was dumbfounded. He looked at Sam and asked.

“What happened?”

“I hid it. Do you really think Lycans would come knocking if they saw something like this? They would become more cautious.”

Then a bunch of trees slowly grew out within that area from the seeds Sam planted.

“I suppose that it would be difficult for you to sort out these corpses and give them to me. So, I made some preparations.”

After that was done, Sam collected the soul from a few Lycan corpses and got some information about the Lycan planet.

Then, he used the dimensional drifter and went back to the forest area where Kartikeya’s statue was present.

He decided to arrange a space node there. Now, he called out both Yanwu and Dia.

“I got some information from the Lycans about their planets. I will be sending you guys to the Lycan territories. Of course, the strongest person in those territories would be at Middle-Stage of Divine Plane initiation. They shouldn’t be a problem for you guys at all.

Sam then took out some anklets for both the beasts.

“These things have everything you need. You have already consumed the fruits, there is the next batch of fruits that you need to take inside and there are some seeds and most importantly, the transference tokens that you would need.

You need to participate in active combat to deal with these people, so refrain from using the seeds as long as the playing field is levelled.

Once higher level cultivators are involved, just drop the seeds and return with the transference tokens.

And most important of all, I need you guys to come back to me alive.”

Both beasts agreed and they are actually pretty excited.

They didn’t exactly have a choice until now and most of the journey of Sam, they are cooped up inside the Divine dimension. Now Sam is letting them roam free a bit.

“Be careful though, you guys need to make sure that you are not caught. We are not in the lower realms anymore. The people here might recognize you and covet you guys.”

The beasts were too elated to even bother answering him.

Sam took the dimension drifter and sent them to separate locations in the Lycan planet.

Since it is Hel’s territory, Sam didn’t have to worry about consequences too much.

And they are already in the war and he took the human side, there is no need for him to worry about attacking them as well.

With that Yanwu and Dia are gone. Their targets are a Lycan tribe that specializes in fire element and a Lycan tribe that specializes in earth element.

If they want to, they can directly eat the lycans. After all, they are beasts and eating is definitely the best to way to gain enough energy.

And if they come across lycans that are not of the elements they could use, they can store them in the space jade and keep them for later.

Sam went back to the city after he let the beasts go.

The remaining beasts still have to wait for their turn though. He needs to find a suitable place for them to be active in.

By the time he came back, the scouts have spotted the arrival of Lycans from all the three sides.

“Two sides are being led by Late-Stage Divine Plane Initiation Lycans. Since, I am the only one that could match their cultivation, they are trying to fight me from both sides.

The problem with this scenario is, if by any chance I take a backfoot and get absolutely dominated by one of them, the other can disregard the rules and go crazy against the rest.”

Sam nodded and agreed, but he is not exactly worried.

The formation is reinforced and these guys cannot just barge into the city.

Of course, the suicidal charge of the rest of the Lycans is still going on.

With Sam’s help there are some Middle-Stage Divine Plane Initiation cultivators that recovered. If they take advantage of the formation, they can hold them up.

Meanwhile, Sam is also in charge of a some Middle-Stage divine plane initiation cultivators. While they reach the stalemate, he will create openings to kill those Lycans so that the number can even out.

Once the number evened out a bit, things will be easier.

As for Initial Stage Divine Plane Initiation Lycans, their only threat is that they might damage the formation with their suicidal charge and Sam has many ways to stop them.

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