Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1856 - 1856 Fruits

Chapter 1856 - 1856 Fruits

1856 Fruits

Two hours later.

Sam stood in the middle of the section as he looked at the corpses around him. He is drenched in blood. But he couldn’t help but feel that is too easy.

He didn’t use a single element. He didn’t use any weapon. He was fighting barehanded, but he still ran through all of them. There was no resistance. The only reason it took this long is that these guys are good at running and hiding from their attacks in this vast urban area.

Since Sam couldn’t use any of his weapons or elements, it took some time for him to catch them and deal with them.

As he looked at the corpses he shook his head and took out a seed. This seed is unlike the seeds that he used for vines. This one is the same size as a quail egg.

He looked at the corpse nearby.

There is a huge gaping tear on the stomach with his guts spilled out. Sam nonchalantly threw the seed into that stomach and left the place.

By the time he left the place a sapling appeared out of the body and turned into a tree with lush green leaves. Soon, the tree extended a bunch of vines that spread around and started consuming the corpses.

The process is a bit slower compared to the vines, but it was much more thorough. Even the bones aren’t being spared in this case, in fact even the blood marks of the rubble aren’t being spared.


After Sam left the section, he went to a different section. .com

This time it is a place with bunch of corpses piled up together.

From the looks of it, they are all Wood elemental users and there are different piles based on their cultivation levels.

Sam took out a few seeds and went to different piles before throwing them into the bodies.

Several trees started growing from them. Once again, the absorption process started slowly.

After checking on the trees for a bit, he moved to the second section with the prisoners.

This time the whole area is filled with fire elemental users.

“Kill me and all of you can get away.”

Sam gave out the announcement as he pounced on to the group.

Another two hours later, the section was cleared out and a different tree was growing.

For the next two days, that is what Sam did in the six towns as well as the Forest City.

All the captains were of course very much interested in what he is doing, but they didn’t try to get any answers.

Particularly when they looked at the trees and vines.

They all knew that Sam could do wonders with those vines, so they didn’t find it too surprising. It is just that they didn’t know what the purpose is for Sam to use the vines on the corpses.

Meanwhile, on the third day a bunch of new troops arrived at the forest city and the guard captain gave a brief introduction to Sam.

They are the elite squad of the Dark Sea Sect and their direct superior is the Sect leader.

They only interact with him and only take orders from him.

They are sent here to specifically to use the Forest City as the base to put an end to the Solar Sect in this chaotic situation.

As for why Forest City, they were tasked to meet Sam here.

After they arrived, a private meeting was arranged with Sam.

“I am guessing your presence here means, my proposal was considered seriously.”

Sam asked as he opened a wine jar.

The elite guard captain accepted the glass of wine, but the rest of his subordinates who are standing behind him didn’t do so. They just stood there like lifeless statues.

“Yes, Mr. Sam. Our sect leader is interested in buying the procedure to create these vines. The only thing we need to know is the way to resolve it too. If you can do that, we can proceed with the collaboration.

Of course, there are still some conditions that we need to discuss, but they are secondary.”

Sam didn’t think much.

“Of course, I though the remedy is a given. After all, why would you sell a lock to someone without the key.”

The elite captain was surprised.

He didn’t expect that. After all, someone who has as much leverage as Sam would definitely be able to negotiate for more benefits. It is the norm. He came prepared for a very nasty tug of war in negotiations.

But things are going to way too smoothly.

He came back to his senses and started with some minor conditions.

“Do you think you can freely say what your purpose with the corpses and the low level cultivators is? Why are you asking them to be separated?”

“The corpses are for an experiment with a new breed of trees. They are not part of the vine package by the way.

As for low level cultivators, they are for my battle experience.

I am trying to find some challenges, but the low level cultivators here in the forest city didn’t do much to help me. So, it is getting a bit troublesome. Please do gather as many as possible. Whether they are from the sect or mercenaries, I will take on them all.”

Elite captain was stunned again.

But he didn’t stay in daze for long and instead continued with the conditions.

Which are not much to begin with.

The things that Sam thought should be naturally given along with the blue print are being seen as different entities by the Dark Sea Sect.

It seems like they have been duped a lot through the soul contracts.

But Sam didn’t care much.

The big part of success in the current plan is because Sam was trusted by the Seven Star Alliance. If someone else has to do the same things as him, they would need an ample amount of time to execute it properly.

And then there is actual making of seeds. Just because someone knows a recipe doesn’t mean they would be able to cook an exquisite dish.

Sam could blindly sell these things. He is pretty sure that Dusk might have even made some better version of these things.

After some negotiation, everything was signed. Sam gave the blue prints and sample seeds for all kinds of vines used in these battles.

In exchange, Sam received a deed. Apart from the corpses and cultivators, this is the extra reward he is going to get. This is deed of a land in the Dark Sea Continent.

The land is big enough to build a couple of cities.

It is an undeveloped forest land and there are a bunch of mountains that could have some ores.

Sam didn’t care too much about it. He is not particularly interested in this planet or this realm. The expansion of Dusk must have been fast enough to catch enough lands.

After all, he is sure that if the standard of the people all over the realms is like this, Dusk will have an easy time dealing with the rest of the organizations. He is also confident in the trio’s and others’ cultivation strength.

He wouldn’t be surprised if there are a couple of Divine Plane cultivators, when he contacted them back.

Anyway, after the deal was done here, Sam just tagged along with the elite unit.

He started moving to different areas of the seven-star alliance where the corpses and cultivators are being held for Sam to deal with.

He moved from one spot to another and kept on killing. His kill count increased rapidly and by the time he was done with the Seven Star Alliance, he already finished the kill target.

And when the whole Seven Star Alliance was brought down, he finished the commander target as well.

Sam thought things would be difficult, but here they went too smoothly.

Except for the initial scenario where he was launched into Seven Star alliance territory, he managed to breeze through the rest of it easily.

In the next few days, he finished all the conditions and finally got ready to leave to the next realm.

But of course, there is one thing he still has to do and for that he has to take some rounds around the territory as well.

Because everywhere he stopped, he let the corpses be eaten by the new trees that he made with the seeds.

By now, they must have borne fruit.

His first stop is of course the Forest City and the six towns. He kept the first batch of trees there.

When he reaches the first section, the whole area is covered with tree vines, and to the tree, there is only one fruit.

But it is huge. It is almost as huge as a large watermelon.

He plucked the fruit and the tree along with the roots completely disappeared. It turned to debris and with a small breeze, everything blew away into the rest of the rubble.

He just went to the next section where more fruits awaited him.

Luckily, these guys are not stupid enough to take the fruits for themselves. Or, they would have been in some deep shit.

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