Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1837: Disappear

Chapter 1837: Disappear

Envoy Fog didn't even give the faction leaders any chance to respond.

He just gave an ultimatum and his subordinates even started to move. The faction leaders wanted to resist and if it was any other Envoy, they would have actually done it. But the one who came is Fog.

They could only curse under their breaths and just hope that things wouldn't go too far.

They still remembered Sam's words.

In their eyes, Sam and his team practically created miracles, so they truly believed that Sam would take drastic measures when these people made their move.

As the solar sect members moved to Sam's mansion following the Envoy, Sam already got the message of the verdict.

Akhil held out a communication token and they can listen to one of the young ladies of the faction delivering the news.

Sam looked at Akhil and said.

"You are fast."

"I am good too," Akhil replied. In just a few days he has already made one of the girls fall head over heels for him. And actually, that girl is the most cunning of them all. She was most ambitious and approached Akhil on her accord since he looked like a brute.

Akhil sensed this and in just a week or so, she forgot all about her ambitions. She just wants to be with Akhil now.

She directly gave the news without the need to ask.

Sam shook his head with a smile. He immediately took action.

He took out seven scrolls from his storage. He gave one each to the players.

"When I give a command, the scroll will glow. You can just use the scroll at that time. We will appear in the forest near the coast. We will all be appearing at the same spot. Don't fucking move around until all seven of us are gathered together."

Sam looked at Dayus as he said the last sentence. Everyone understood who it was directed at, without Sam saying it. Dayus is the only guy who is likely to abandon the plan midway if he saw a way out for himself.

Dayus didn't reply and just ignored it.

Sam waved his hand at this moment and the whole mansion is filled with humanoid puppets. He sat down cross-legged on the floor and closed his eyes. His spiritual energy spread all over the mansion and enveloped all the puppets.

At this moment, a bunch of scrolls flew out of his storage towards the puppets. Every puppet is attached with one scroll each.

After the installation is done, he walked out of the mansion to stand at the entrance.

Soon, he saw some people coming towards the mansion. They had a completely different attire compared to the seven-star alliance and they are being followed by the seven-star alliance faction leaders.

Envoy Fog looked at Sam with a smile.

"Are you the people God Zeus sent to help the Solar sect?"

Sam looked at him calmly and spoke.

"Not the Solar Sect, only seven-star alliance."

"You must have been mistaken, young sir. Seven Star Alliance is part of the Solar Sect. Whatever we have gained is partly theirs and whatever they have gained is ours. So, you are here to help the Solar Sect and I think it would be much more beneficial and efficient for your mission if you can follow me back to the Solar Sect.

Our sect leader would like to talk to you and you can perform your miracles much better under him."

"Under him? Even the Demi-Gods that work directly under Zeus don't dare to command me like this and you dare say that I should work under your sect leader? Who do you think you are?"

Sam's tone is arrogant beyond belief as if he had suffered the greatest humiliation known to man.

Envoy Fog frowned.

He didn't like Sam's attitude, but he didn't show it in his words.

"I am sorry, you seemed to have misunderstood my intention. I meant to say that the solar sect leader would be a better person to provide you with direction when you are in his territory. Your goal to enhance the defenses as well as the training of the solar sect members will be much more efficient and fulfilling if you do so."

"I already told you numerous times, I only came here for the Seven Star alliance and the Solar sect cannot interfere in my or my team's affairs. Don't you understand that?"

Envoy fog frowned.

He looked at Sam and said.

"Young sir, I understand that you are unable to contact god Zeus and were unable to confirm properly, making the mistake of staying in the Seven Star alliance. If you continue on like this, you will be punished if you go back.

I am trying to help you, so please don't blame me for what I am about to do next."

His aura raised and Sam frowned.

He raised his hand and dropped a recording crystal on the ground before disappearing from the spot.

He reappeared in the mansion and at the same time all the puppets started glowing.

The puppets disappeared and the exact moment the scrolls in players' hands started glowing. Sam disappeared along with the rest of the players and puppets.

At this moment, Envoy Fog was stunned.

He could sense the massive spatial fluctuations inside the mansion and he coldly sneered.

"Do you think you can escape us that easily?"

He immediately ran to the tower and noticed that it indeed got pinged. He took a communication device and contacted someone from the Solar Sect.

"You must have already gotten the ping about the spatial transfer just now. Just send me the coordinates and the transference scrolls needed, I am chasing them."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the call.

A young man is sitting inside a large grey tower.

There is a glowing virtual screen in front of him and he stared at it with his mouth so wide open as if he watching a miracle.

"E…. Elder Fog, I am sorry. I don't think I can do that."

"What are you talking about?" Envoy Fog said in a disgruntled tone.

"Th.. There are multiple pings at the same time. I don't know which location I should send you."

"Multiple pings? All from the Seven Star alliance?"

"Yes sir."

"They must have split up. Just send me one of them and send the remaining to other Elders. Tell them to capture these people immediately."

"I don't think it is possible to send an elder to every location sir."

"Did you lose your mind? Why can't you talk properly?"

"I am sorry sir. There are thousands of pings. All the personnel in charge of keeping the spatial transference watch have been alerted. Even the members of different alliances have been automatically alerted by the system and they all made a move.

All the sect personnel already got pings by the system directly, they are receiving the transference scrolls as we speak.

At this moment, the sect is empty. We even have to use the inner disciples of the sect to verify this. The sect master is alerted and right now the system is issuing a possible rebellion warning. You must have also gotten a ping.

Since you are in the seven-star alliance, it must be a possible investigation mission."

As soon as he spoke, Envoy Fog felt his token vibrate. He is dumbfounded.

Meanwhile, the youngster in the tower looked at the screen without so much as blinking. There are thousands of dots on the screen and they are showing locations all over the continent.

There is a drawback to the system given to keep an eye on spatial transference. The system acts autonomously and it sends the transference scroll directly to the people of the sect or the nearest authority that could verify the information.

So, all the sect members received the mission to investigate and before the sect leader could identify the abnormality, most of the people already moved.

Meanwhile back at the Seven-star alliance, one of the elders came running to the faction leaders and Envoy Fog.

"Sir, it seems like Sam's team have only traveled to the next town. One of the elders that went there to check the ping reported seeing them. He is chasing them as speak."

Envoy Fog asked for more details and took off flying at his maximum speed.

When he arrived at the location he is dumbfounded by what he saw.

Sam and his team are just captured by the Elder, but as soon as Envoy arrived…


Seven simultaneous explosions occurred.

They watched as some metallic parts flew across their faces. They caught seven puppets.

Envoy Fog's shock only intensified. Not only were the puppets exactly like the seven players, even their spiritual signatures are the same.

It is extremely difficult for anyone to notice that they are not cultivators unless they met them in close contact.


Fog cursed under his breath as he looked at the metal scraps.

Not just him, Sam's reaction was derived from several solar sect members and alliance members that day.

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