Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1805 - 1805 Stalemate

Chapter 1805 - 1805 Stalemate

1805 Stalemate

Finally, only the personal residence of the Magman clan leader is left and he confidently opened the door for the subordinates to come in and check.

Within no time, only one room is left to check and when everyone came to look at it. By this point, the subordinates really didn’t believe that Sam and Maya are in the city. They didn’t have the confidence of their clan leaders from the start, to begin with.

They just obeyed answers. After all, in their opinion, who would be stupid enough to keep such a valuable asset like Maya and even more valuable assets like her kids in their home and let the news leak out?

But they are not disappointed. They are actually very enthusiastic because they managed to get a lot of info about the Magman clan which they can use in the future for their own benefit.

Now, they just wanted to get this last room over with and disappear from this place.

Magman clan leader heaved a sigh of relief and finally opened the door and he froze on place.

The subordinates frowned at his behavior. After all, he is perfectly alright a moment before and suddenly he is acting like this, they took the liberty to peek into the room and the sight shocked them.

At this moment, Sam is standing in the middle of a formation and beside him, Maya and her children are sitting with distressed and panicked expressions.

This is the same formation the Magman clan leader used to protect the child and the same formation Sam managed to bypass by using the Dimensional drifter.


“Sir, you have finally come. We are worried sick. Please tell me that the other clan leader is left. I would like to finish our deal and leave this place. As promised, I got you two more children from different clans, if you can tell me where my sister is imprisoned, I will take my leave.”

Sam’s voice sounded extremely worried and said. It is almost like he is bearing the pressure of the whole world all by himself.

The subordinates were shocked as soon as they heard this, but their shock is nowhere near the shock the Magman clan leader is facing at the moment.

Before he could come to his senses, Sam took out a token and crushed it.

A bunch of spiritual energy attacks and the attacks on the souls were aimed at all the subordinates that are standing at the door.

The attacks are so powerful that they penetrated the thick and defensive walls and doors of the room before they hit the targets.

Finally, the Magman clan leader came back to his senses as he looked at Sam in horror.


He cursed under his breath as he looked at the subordinates. They are all rolling on the ground screaming in agony. He looked at Sam and yelled.

“Tell me, how to save them. You sick bastard.”

He yelled and looked around for something.

Sam frowned at this.

“Fuck you.”

He muttered and crushed another token. A few subordinates died on the spot as their orifices gave out blood.

The clan leader is stunned. He looked around and tried to calm himself down. He looked at the youngsters who are still alive and then at Sam who held another token.

“Don’t you dare use that? I will fucking kill you.”

Sam just smiled and didn’t reply. Finally, the clan leader tried to calm down and took out a token himself. He crushed it without hesitation. The formation around Sam started fluctuating.


Back at the city gate. The clan leaders abruptly stood up as soon as Sam crushed the second token and they didn’t bother to put up any decorum anymore. They took off from their spots and surrounded the city, trying to enter from different directions.

They all tried to destroy the formation.

Magman clan leader already noticed this and he hoped that Sam would be released from the formation before they arrived here. At least, he would have some leverage and once the clan leaders killed Sam and read his memories, they will know that he doesn’t have any involvement in this.

He is very eager and expectant when the formation around Sam fluctuated. But his face turned pale when he noticed that the fluctuations disappeared and the formation went back to normal.

Sam smiled and he took a step back before waving his hands.

Six blood scales appeared in front of him along with a small flying puppet to which Sam made some modifications in.

He aimed the gun at one of the blood scales. The clan leader could feel the energy that is building up inside the gun. He could sense some divine energy within. Golden flames burst out as Sam shot.


The explosive golden flames turned into a very small and concentrated bird before it flew towards the scale.

The clan leader instinctually took a defensive stance, but nothing happened. The attack which he felt is very powerful, suddenly disappeared as soon as it hit the scale.

At this exact moment, the clan leader sensed that the formation has just been broken and the other clan leaders barged into the city.

Shijin’s father came into the city and jumped over the city wall and got ready to move toward the clan grounds. But at this exact moment, he sensed something.

A small metallic bird that he never saw dropped a red colored thin object in front of him. Before he could understand what that is…


A massive explosion happened a large bird made of golden flames came out of the scale and the explosion threw the scale away to the far. The impact almost made it travel through half of the city before its momentum showed any signs of stopping.

The golden flaming bird burning with flames of Divine energy was shot directly at Shijin’s father and he took the full brunt of that attack.

He managed to take his sword and defend himself at the very last minute, but he wasn’t able to completely negate it.


He felt the pain as the flames burnt his armor and clothes and made their way to the outer layers of his flesh.

He broke through the city wall and fell out of the city.

The explosion is so loud that everyone in the city including Sam and Magman clan leader heard it.

Sam chuckled and said.

“I observed one thing throughout all of my endeavors. The more powerful a person becomes, the less vigilant they are about small things. And irrespective of the race this is a common thing among all the cultivators.”

As he spoke, he shot another bullet onto a different scale.

This time, the bullet turned into an explosive lightning wolf. The large lightning wolf arrived in front of another clan leader who took the full brunt of the attack and stood there paralyzed.

The next attacks followed soon after and within no time, Sam landed all six attacks on six different clan leaders. He appeared to be a little exhausted. But he still has some energy left.

The six scales are still floating in front of him and he tapped on the bird puppet beside him. Its belly opened up dropping six scales.

These scales are the first six that were used to land the attacks.

When the attacks are triggered through them, they will be thrown away from the impact and they will disappear after they are done and reappear in the puppet using spatial transference.

Sam examined the scales a bit and sighed.

These blood scales are weak. Way too weak to endure this. They are only good for one shot, which means that Sam is all out.

He looked at the Clan leader who is trying to destroy the formation crazily, but Sam shook his head and took out the Dimensional drifter.

“If you are unable to escape, then you are going to die. Which means, you are going to hell. It’s not really a nice place. So, all the best.”

He disappeared along with Maya and the kids.

The Magman clan leader looked at the spot in horror and the formation finally disappeared. Never in his life would he have thought that the formation he set up would be the reason for his death.

He fell to his knees in despair.

At this exact moment, the clan leaders, both injured and uninjured arrived at the clan grounds and every one of them is furious.

If the previous speculation still left them with some doubts, now they are sure as hell that this guy has something to do with Maya and Sam, and when they entered the first they did is sense the spatial fluctuations left behind and at the same time a token that fell before the Clan leader.

One of the clan leaders destroyed the token immediately, but before he could make a move against the Magman clan leader another clan leader stopped him.

“If you think you can take him all by yourself, then you are mistaken.”

And just like that, everything came to a stalemate.

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