Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1732: One Kick

Chapter 1732: One Kick

Sam looked at Hel coldly.

"Seems like you haven't learned your lesson."

As soon as those words left his mouth, he felt the pressure mounting on him, but he didn't lower his gaze. He just stood there. Not willing to back down.

"You will learn your lesson today. That moment of strength and greatness you had before. The only reason you didn't get punished immediately is that I wanted to show you how much control we have on your life.

If we wish so, you can revel in that greatness or we can nip it in the bud and torture you as we like.

So, now you are going to suffer like a slave and the toy you are."

With a wave of her hand, Sam disappeared from the spot.

He reappeared in an empty colosseum. All the stands are full. They all wore some extremely luxurious robes and they are all silent.

One look at their attire, Sam could guess what faction they belonged to. They are wearing something that looked like ancient Greek costumes. They belong to Olympus.

As for their aura, Sam couldn't feel anything. He couldn't sense any kind of energy from them.

But he is not foolish enough to assume that they are weak.

All the Olympian Demigods started sizing up Sam. The colosseum is not noisy at all. They all had these arrogant expressions on their faces as if they are beneath speaking up.

They just looked at Sam as if he was an object.

Meamwhile, Sam got the information about the restrictions they will be having.

He cannot use any elemental skills. This round is all about pure combat. He can use his cold weapons like swords, staff, spear, bow and arrow etc. But he cannot use any ranged energy attacks, like his energy bullets, energy explosions.

He cannot use his void style, ripple style and repel style.

He cannot use harbinger, handguns, sniper rifle, and such.

He cannot use his grenades, special formation discs, energy liquid, Energy capsules, and many more.

He is just a brute with weapons to fight.

But Sam is not worried. In fact, he is very pleased with the arrangement. The only problem right now is that he is half-naked.

His upper body is bare. He didn't wear his feather coat when he was refining his body just now. He came just like that.

Even though he is pretty careful and vigilant when fighting, being exposed like this is no good.

He would prefer if he had that extra layer of protection.

But he is not exactly worried too much.

He just looked at the demigods waiting for them to throw their first contestant at him.

After a long time, he is feeling his full power. Except for the elemental energy restriction, his spiritual energy reservoirs are full and his physical condition is at its best. There is nothing to complain.

He can finally let loose.

Meanwhile, among the demigods that are witnessing the scene, the one at the forefront looked at Sam with his hands folded across his chest.

There is a look of disdain and complete hostility on his face.

He didn't like Sam and it wouldn't take a genius to figure it out. Just from his expression and body language, one could see how much he dislikes Sam. There is even a hint of disgust in that gaze.

Sam met his gaze soon and looked amused.

He didn't even know this guy and he is already hating Sam.

There is only one possibility why that happened and that is because he was told to hate Sam.

"For all the Demigods of Olympus here, I propose a small game with our new toy. Care to hear it?"

He opened his mouth and everyone turned to look at him.

Sam looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He knew that he is the new toy that was being referred to.

He wanted to see what the other party has planned.

And he didn't have to wait for long before he got to hear it.

"From what I heard, this new toy fancies himself as someone competent and today, we get to test his competence to its limits.

We play according to the standard rules. We will be sending our subordinates in an order based on the lots we drew.

And whoever subordinate makes this toy, kneels and admits his inferiority, makes him experience most pain will be given a special reward of their choice from my personal armory."

"Young master Flos. You cannot just give out promises like that.

Are you sure you won't regret it later? The value of items in your personal armory is no joke. You might cry over It for a millennia after losing it."

"This time, I don't mind. I am thinking of it as a gift for my fellow Demigods of Olympus. I know everyone is looking for a way to get their hands on one of that weapon.

But I can't give one to each one of you. So, this is my way of making up for it a bit."

"Whatever you say. Just don't go back on your words."

One of the Demigods in an opposite row spoke up. He is wearing a blue robe and he started to look way too eager for his own good.

"Just because you are the first person to send their subordinate, doesn't automatically mean, you are going to win this lot. Don't be too eager."

Another Demi-God replied.

Sam looked at the man who is way too eager and smiled. He didn't speak anything as he heard their conversation and just stood there relaxed.

Soon, the door opened up on the side as his first opponent came.

And Sam wasn't disappointed.

"First Fight.

Elric the Stone Giant With three hundred wins and twenty losses, versus Sam, zero wins and zero losses."

A robotic feminine voice sounded in the arena.

Sam smiled and looked at his opponent.

As the name implied. He is a Giant. Not just in size, but in the race as well. Sam saw a giant in Zeus' palace of inheritance and this one is bigger than the last one.

This guy is at least five times as big as Sam.

And the head of the hammer that he wielded is almost the same size as a motorcycle.

Sam looked at him and couldn't help but feel amused.

He is very tiny in front of him.

"You are the bug I need to squash. Let's make it painless."

The Giant spoke and wielded his armor. Even though it is that huge and heavy, it is still fast.

The giant might not be that fast, but it is more than Sam expected from such a huge creature.

The sheer force from the hammer put so much pressure on Sam that he could feel it in his bones. He could feel his spine tightening as if he is bearing some massive load, just from that swing.


The hit landed. Sam and the Giant are covered with a dust cloud. It cleared within a second though and everyone was surprised by what is in front of them.

Sam is standing there as if nothing happened. He blocked the hammer blow with his bare hands and he didn't even buckle a tiny bit to negate all that force.

The Giant felt as if he hit a completely immovable and indestructible. His arms are shaking and he could feel the tremors of the reaction all over his body.

He could feel it in his muscles and bones.

And this feeling is very familiar to him. He felt it somewhere before and that incident has been a cause of his nightmares ever since.

He pulled his thoughts together and raised his hammer to land another blow.

As the hammer went up, Sam jumped along with it, he caught the staff of the hammer and spun around it gracefully.

He stepped on the hammer head that was going up and jumped straight toward the head of the giant. He spun in the air and the spiritual energy gathered at his foot which landed straight on the head of the giant with a hook kick.

The giant felt the spiritual energy entering his head along with the impact. He felt his brain wobble fiercely. The surroundings spun.

Blood started seeping out of his eyes, nose, mouth, and even ears.

He lost all of his motor functions and couldn't balance the large hammer. He fell on his back with a heavy thud while Sam landed on his feet.

Everything happened in just a flash.

The Demigods all looked at Sam in shock as they noticed the life seep out of the Giant's body with their own eyes.

The fighting record of the Giant clearly indicates that he is a strong fighter. He clearly is a great warrior. But for him to go down in one fight. That too when there is no trace of an external injury left on his body, this is something they didn't expect.

Sam stretched a bit as if he didn't just kill one of the most prized fighters in just one kick

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