Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1648: Trapped

Chapter 1648: Trapped


The person who governs the Divine League. A person with absolute authority in the Divine League to the point that he can forcefully veto any decision that is made by the rest of the league members.

He is someone who visits Divine Realms as he pleases. The rumor that the Divine league has access to the Divine realms is completely true and this old man is the only one who can access it and take some people along with him.

And currently, he is trying to access that passageway along with a couple of other people.

They are anxious, standing there like idiots. Fidgeting with a token like a scared and petrified person fidgeting with a key to their house unable to open no matter how much they tried.

The old man's legs are shaking as he looked into the horizon.

"Why the fuck is this not working? What do we need to do to get out of here?"

The Godfather cursed as he looked at the token in his hand. One of his subordinates is crouching on the ground as he hastily drew something with his spiritual energy.

All of a sudden, he stopped in his tracks and spoke.

"We can't get out."

Godfather stopped and looked at his subordinate with rage and despair appearing on his face. It looked like his face is struggling between screaming and weeping.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

"We can't get out of this place. No matter how hard you try, it is impossible to get out of this place. Because we are inside the most complicated spatial lock I have ever seen."

As soon as he spoke a slight wave of energy just went past through the surroundings and all of a sudden, a large dome with spatial energy surrounded the whole area.

It spread so far and wide that it enveloped the whole region around them.

Everyone under the formation is staring at it in despair. There are more than a hundred people in the surroundings right now and all of them are feeling trapped.

The formation emitted such an aura that appeared impossible to penetrate. This is the core area of the Divine league and on a normal day, half of these people here would have died to stay in this place for a little longer.

Some would have sacrificed anything just to stay here permanently.

But right now, all they want is to leave this place. They didn't dare to stay here for another second. All of them started attacking the formation at various spots like crazy.

But there is no use.

As they are being thrown deeper into despair with every passing second, they saw something outside the dome. Some carriers arrived and surrounded them from all sides.

Looking at the charging energy cannons, the godfather panicked before he made a move.]

He took out a bunch of weird tokens and crushed them one by one. The subordinates who are around him were confused and didn't even understand what they were doing.

By the time they reacted, they saw a very special crystal barrier surrounding the spatial barrier around them.

"What is that? Is that another barrier made by them?"

One of the subordinates asked in shock. The person who managed to figure out and reveal the spatial lock formation frowned and looked at the Godfather.

"What did you do? How do we have a formation like this?"

The rest of the subordinates looked at the Godfather in shock. They didn't expect that he is the one who made this barrier.

Before they could even get an answer from him though, all of the subordinates suddenly felt someone invisible force sucking the energy out of them and the crystal barrier that the God father created is being strengthened by it.

They are all petrified. Their faces turned pale and they started sweating profusely. But that is not the end of it. After a few seconds the energy being sucked out of them reduced gradually, but they could feel some invisible bond being formed between them and the formation.

"God father, what are you doing to us? Why are you doing this? Let us go, we can all try our best to escape."

One of them screamed their lungs out as they felt the slight sense despair enveloping them. They don't know what the formation is doing to them, but they had a vague idea that its not anything good.

Soon the screams from all the subordinates started increasing. The Godfather looked them in a panicked state and said.

"From now on, your lives are tied to the formation. You might not have remembered this, but this was a part of the contract that you signed with the Divine league. Now the strength of the formation is proportional to the collective strength of all of you.

Nobody would be able to enter this as long as you are strong enough.

So, from now on stop attacking the spatial lock needlessly and stand your ground. Our priority right now is not escaping, rather enduringenough to not die in the enemy's hands."

Hearing his words all of them turned silent and in a few seconds, half of them fell onto their knees. They are weeping their eyes out and the other half are outraged. But the end result is the same for the two halves, despair.

Why such desperation? Because there is not a single formation in the Divine league that managed to stop the enemy from coming at them.

They almost felt like the years of research and tonnes of resources that went into creating those formations are a complete waste.

They don't believe in the current formation also. And from what the godfather told them, their lives are linked to the formation, so they are going to die if the formation is broken.

As they were despairing, up in the sky, Sam is inside a carrier along with his friends.


He commanded and all cannons shot at the same time. The energy beams were shot at the formation, but to Sam's surprise, there is no difference whatsoever. The formation remained there without a scratch.

The subordinates of the Divine league below were shocked, but only this time did the shock lead to some hope instead of despair.

Sam looks at this scenario on various screens. He didn't like that look of hope on their faces, so he decided to erase it.

"Next target dome. Every cannon aim at the target."

The cannons on all the carriers moved. They all aimed at one spot. The dome of the crystal formation.



The cannons shot out with explosive bursts of energy and all of them landed on the one weak spot of the formation. The Dome.

As the Divine league members are watching this, they felt some sense of fear gripping their hearts, but at the same time, they also hoped that there is a tiny chance that the cannons are just wasting their energy and the formation will save them.

After a minute of continuous firing, a small crack appeared on the formation. At that moment, the energy being sucked from the divine league subordinates increased and no one even resisted.

The beam and the reparation of the formation collided.

Sam is looking at that hoping that the formation will break, while the subordinates did the exact opposite.

The clash went on for minutes but it was still a stalemate.

Sam frowned and took out a token.

"I will go and finish this myself."

As he spoke, he crushed the token and the trio exchanged a glance before they sighed.

They know what is going to happen. They might have all been on the same level, but in the past six years, Sam's growth was in multiple aspects. In fact, they pitied the members of the Divine league. Dying under the energy beams of the cannon is a much better way to die.

Godfather looked at the crack and frowned. Generally, the formation would have blocked the spatial transfer as well. But now that there is a crack, he is afraid that something might happen as his fears did come true when he felt a small spatial fluctuation far away from his spot.

Sam appeared in his black attire and stood there with a cold expression on his face.

All of the Divine league subordinates looked at him in shock, anger, and slight fear.

The cannons stopped and the formation was repaired.

Everyone exchanged a glance thinking about what to do.

Godfather looked at them and yelled.


The subordinates didn't move though. In the past six years, they were behind many attacks that happened to the Gaja clan. They enticed, threatened, and cajoled many organizations and people to attack the Gaja clan, so that they can obtain the kids.

So, they know about Sam. They researched him and tried to come up with various strategies that could counter his own.

They know what he is capable of and now knowing that he is in the same level of cultivation as them, they didn't dare make a move."

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