Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1498: Beams

Chapter 1498: Beams

All the elite squad members made a move. They are at their top speed as they ran towards the city while charging their full-powered attacks.

But after one minute, the first pair faced some problems.

The person who got bit by the undead creature suddenly stopped in his tracks and collapsed on the ground as he rolled forward.


He started coughing out blood and his partner has to stop immediately.

"What happened? Are you alright?"

"I… I don't know what is happening?"

The partner said as he tried to stand up, but he felt his legs go weak and couldn't gather enough energy to stand up.

He channelled his spiritual energy to get some more strength, but to his surprise, he cannot even do that.

He extended his hand and tried to gather some energy into it, then only they saw the place where the undead creature bit.

It is black and looked festered all over.

"what the fuck?"

His partner immediately tore up the white robe and removed the mask as he looked at the body. All of the body is covered with black lines popping up like veins.

He quickly tried to get a quick scan of how his body is doing, but he was stunned.

"What the fuck? Your organs. They are dying, How can you not feel anything? You should be screaming in pain."

"I don't feel any pain." The injured person said with a frown, but he could feel that he is getting incredibly weaker.

"How is that even possible? You should be feeling intense pain. This foreign death energy is eating your organs away. This is not possible…"

As he was saying, he suddenly remembered something and said.

"You cannot feel any pain."


"That's what you said. You cannot feel any pain. Something is wrong. The undead bite, I think that is a problem."

"Why couldn't I notice anything until now? How can I be painless even after all of this? With our cultivation level, it is impossible for us to not notice something like this."

"We only care about the anomalies that hurt us. But you would have been at least noticing some kind of disturbances within your body.

It is impossible for you to ignore such a thing.

Something is really wrong here."

As he spoke, he started taking out all kinds of medicines they had and started giving them to his partner.

The same things are happening in all of the other teams, but the third team's problems are twofold as both of them were bitten by the undead.

When they took medicines, they noticed that as the vitality in their bodies increased, the spread of the black lines has been reduced by a lot.

The leader of the group contacted the rest to see if they are all in the same situation.

"We are late-stage Astral Plane consummate cultivators. How did such a stupid thing happen to us?"

The leader asked with gritted teeth. This is embarrassing and humiliating. He cannot stand such a blunder in their team.

"I think it is a curse, sir."


"Yes, sir. It is a very high powered curse. I read it in some ancient books. It is said to be a curse designed by Goddess Hel is herself. It is a curse that works on the target despite their cultivation level and it can be fused with any other curse.

I think we are hit by such a curse."

One of the two from the third team spoke up.

"So, do you know how to undo this curse?"

"No, sir. The curse I talked about is a carrier. It fuses with another curse that is responsible for the damage.

In fact, it is only a thing of myth. I don't even know how these people managed to do this."

"Can you diagnose yourself? What are the conditions?"

"Some kind of vile death energy is infiltrating our bodies and organs. The only thing that can counter is vitality and rest. If there is an abundant amount of spiritual energy from our surroundings, our body's natural absorption of spiritual energy and its conversion into vitality would have kept it at bay.

But since we are in a zone with no external source of spiritual energy, the death energy is taking over and draining the life away."

"So, we need to shift you guys out of this desert zone to make sure that you don't die?"

"At least temporarily. We can think of a permanent solution with our healers back in the clan. Until then, medicines and a good environment helps."

"Okay then, everyone listens. Change of plans. We are first going to move our people back out of this desert.

After that, only three of us would be left.

The five injured people will be keeping watch outside of the radius. The three of us are handing over our medicine stash to them.

They will keep themselves alive and keep a watch on possible escape routes.

Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir." A clear cut response came from the other side.

The leader immediately took his partner and started moving out of the zone.

At this moment, from the carrier that is facing on the side, Philip is standing while watching through a telescope.

"Seems like our guests really did get hit by the gift we left for them. They are trying to escape, make sure that it is not possible."

The operators nodded and immediately went back to do their jobs. A cannon popped up from the top of the carrier and aimed at the guy who is carrying his partner away.

A similar situation happened with the other three carriers as they aimed at the people leaving.


Four cannons fired multicoloured beams. They are mostly glowing white with many strands of green, brown, red and a large strand of blue in the mix.

The beams were shot and reached their targets within three seconds and the people that are carrying their partners were shocked by the sudden arrival of the cannons.

They immediately dropped their partners and defended against the beam.


A massive explosion occurred as the targets felt their insides churning. The energy that hit them is weird. Apart from the mess of some different elemental energies, there is one thing that felt extremely refreshing.

So refreshing that they felt like they are dying.

It is that refreshing.

They could see all of their vital organs getting overly excited and they started overdoing their jobs. There is excessive production of all kinds of blood cells. Some tumours are formed in various tissues inside and they are being combated by the existing cells.

All of this happened within a few seconds and with their defences in full swing.

At least on three sides these people were able to defend but on one side. The third team that has two of its people injured, had some serious damage because of this.

Both of them were unable to deal with the beam. One of them got grazed and the other one got hit by it full swing.

Apart from the elemental corrosion of different elemental energies, the vitality beam hit him. It started suppressing the death energy that is running rampant in his body at first, but before he could feel relieved, he could see the rest of the adverse about.

His body's every cell started overworking. Every tissue is over performing and it couldn't stop.

Before he knew it, he started spitting up blood from his orifices and fell unconscious with his brain short-circuiting.

The person who got grazed by the beam felt something else. He got recovered a bit but also took some serious physical damage with elemental energy corrosion. He turned around and started running as he screamed into a communication device.

"Boss, my partner is down. He is dead."

The other people heard the news and fell silent. They didn't expect that one of them would die that day. After all, they are right below the peak of the power within the realms. It is inconceivable for them to die like this.

They suddenly felt like their clan leader's excessive paranoia was justified. There is no way this kind of weapon wouldn't intimidate someone.

They could kill people at their level, there is no saying what else they could do.

"You run away. Save yourself."

The leader said and he picked his partner before running away.

He started running as fast as he can, But after taking a few steps, he already felt another beam coming at him.

"Fuck, that power attack and they don't even need any time to restore? Just kind of lunatic was able to make something like this thing?"

He cursed and took out some artefact before using it.

"You better live buddy. I am sacrificing so much here."

He muttered to his partner and used it.

The artefact completely enveloped them both as the beam was blocked by a massive barrier.

The barrier took the full brunt of the attack and withstood most of it. Except for some residual force, nothing happened to both of them as they ran away.

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