Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1361: Losing It II

The needles that Sam released are actually the curse carriers. These are part of the contingencies he prepared for stronger opponents. He knew he doesn't have many resources in his hand even with the help of Grivon and the Gaja Clan.

He cannot hide if he makes too many things and he is definitely not particularly willing to shar that he can make liquid energy cells.

So, he decided to create curse carriers with fused attacks made by Grivon's subordinates. These needles are parts of the traps he created to deal with the league members.

Grivon might even know that Sam stored some away from the lot, but Sam didn't care. He decided to save some for himself so that he could save himself when he needed them and now he used four of them.

The blows of middle stage consummate cultivators of Astral plane are no a joke for the Initial stage Consummate cultivators of Astral Plane. They are dead as a rock as soon as the attacks land.

Sam walked past their dead bodies and while doing that he kept on observing the structure of the inn. For some reason, it is extremely strong. He couldn't imagine someone building a corridor of an inn to be this strong.

This is unconventional. This is something that is not normal no matter how luxurious an inn is. A structure to endure an attack from Astral plane Consummate level cultivator is completely unorthodox to the point even Sam felt that this is ridiculous.

He felt that something is off about this inn.

But he doesn't have time for that now. He walked into the room and saw the kid still tied up to the bed. She is struggling and there is some debris all over her with cuts and bruises. She is bleeding from many places and she is weeping in pain.

Sam carefully walked to her and cut the binds before covering her with a robe. He gently let a single string of spiritual energy enter her body as he tried to stop the bleeding from different injuries.

He took out a medicine vial and rubbed it on the wounds. Just a few drops covered the whole body.

Even though Sam is covered with his cloak and his face is not visible, as soon as he came near her, she understood who he is.

She hugged him immediately and wept.

Sam took a deep breath and embraced her gently as he whispered.

"You are okay. Don't worry. You are okay. I am here."

He couldn't help but feel frustrated and angry. His mind is slowly being clouded with his rage that he couldn't channel.

The old wounds that are completely compressed are being ripped apart. He looked at Malgav who is still shivering in the corner.

Sam's cold stare made him completely stupefied.

Sam checked his cultivation level, he is barely a transcendent stage cultivator of the Astral Plane.

"Specter, get a hold of him and bring him along with you."

Sam spoke and carried the girl out carefully. She closed her eyes and just hugged him tightly as she couldn't even find the strength in her legs to stand up.

Specter held Malgav and dragged him down behind him. As they came to the end of the rubble-filled corridor, Sam sensed energy fluctuations from downstairs. He walked down slowly and noticed that there are a bunch of people fighting.

At the entrance of the stairway in the ground floor, Grivon's subordinates are fighting with Mingiv's subordinates and Giyon's subordinates.

It seems like Mingiv came fully armed and prepared, but Giyon and Grivon are not as their forces are spread thin all over the city in the search and they didn't have time to regroup them all together.

But they are currently evenly matched, but with every passing minute, Mingiv is being pushed back.


Sam yelled out loud and everyone stopped fighting.

They are currently in the large empty lobby of the inn where everyone is gathered. Giyon ran towards Sam and no one dared to stop her, even Mingiv didn't dare because he knew there is no use in doing that now.

Giyon took the girl into her arms.

"Miss. Giyon, please ask the healer to see if she is violated. It has already been a very long time since I came here and I couldn't bring myself to check."

He said in a very low tone and his voice is shivering. This is something that Sam is extremely nervous about. All it would take is a single second with his observation ability, but he didn't dare to do that.

Giyon was a bit surprised. This is the first time she has seen Sam so expressive. He is showing the emotions like fear and anxiety out in the open and for Grivon this is an utter shock.

Giyon might know more about Sam, but all she had were stories, but Grivon is different, he has seen Sam in action back in the red matter. He has seen Sam plan an attack against an organization stronger than you and toy with them for days.

He has seen him destroy hundreds of lives in a single stroke and get away from his greatest opponent with utter confidence.

He watched Sam as he negotiated a deal when he was trapped in a place that definitely didn't belong to him. But now he is completely anxious and afraid that some terrible might have happened to a girl he has been barely teaching for a few days.

Giyon nodded and took her to the healer who used a concealment formation and checked.

Mingiv wanted to take this opportunity to take his brother away from the specter who is clearly invisible.

But Sam extended his metallic hand at Malgav and said in a cold tone.

"One more step and I will kill him on the spot."

Mingiv frowned and stopped in his tracks.

"You wouldn't dare."

Sam didn't hesitate and shot the leg of Malgav.



Malgav screamed in agony. Sam looked at Malgav and said.

"There are a few things that I don't dare to do. So, don't try your luck."

Mingiv's face became colder than ice and he looked at Giyon who is standing beside the concealment formation.

"Giyon. Take care of your subordinate here. You would need to give me an explanation for this."

Giyon didn't even bother with what Sam did and just waited for the answer from the healer, so when Mingiv yelled out loud, she just calmly replied.

"He is not my subordinate."

Mingiv frowned and turned to Grivon.

"He is not my subordinate either."

Mingiv then turned to Sam and asked.

"Who are you? Identify yourself."

"I am the guy who holds the life of your younger brother. That is all you need to know for now. So, shut the fuck up and stay put, otherwise, the next target would be…"

Sam shifted the metal arm to the crotch of Malgav and Mingiv felt his blood turn cold.

He stayed put involuntarily and only looked for the result. He had a bad feeling that if the result is not what the guy in the cloak wanted, things wouldn't end well, so he made his team get ready as well.

After two minutes, the healer came out of the concealment formation and whispered something in Giyon's ears.

Both of their expressions are solemn and extremely sorrowful. Sam could guess what the result is.

Giyon looked at Sam and nodded gently indicating that the worst has happened. He suddenly felt his legs turn weak and knelt on the floor as he supported himself with his hands from falling face down.

Giyon and Grivon looked at him in surprise and what surprised them, even more, is that they saw a few drops of tears dripping down and falling on the ground. This is the first time they saw him shed tears.

He didn't cry when he was completely stripped of everything. His riches, his resources, his friends, his subordinates, his properties, and his body that has an affinity with all the elements, his beast. He didn't shed a single tear when they were all gone. But now he did.

They didn't expect such an emotional response to this.


Grivon slowly stepped forward and called out for him to check if he is okay.

Mingiv frowned as he felt the sound was a bit familiar.

But the rest of the people who heard the name immediately connected it to the song, but no one tried to say it out loud as they knew the situation is a lot tense than it seems.

As Grivon gently stepped forward, Sam also slowly stood up and looked around.

"Any artisans here?"

He asked out loud.

Everyone was puzzled, but seeing as that no one responded, he looked around and his gaze finally stopped at a pillar nearby.

He slowly stepped forward, his body is a bit hunched down as if he is carrying something extremely heavy, his arms just dropped like that as he weakly walked to the pillar and placed his hand on it.

For the first time in a long while, he used the manipulation ability to disintegrate something.

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