Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 129: Nicholas Carton

Sam and Nicholas didn't greet each other, they just stared at each other.

Soon, the staring contest turned into a contest of aura.

Sam immediately recognised the power level of Nicholas. A Level 1 Great realm cultivator. But he didn't back down.

He might not win a Great realm cultivator in a direct confrontation to subdue him with force, but he has more than one way to kill the other person in the battle. So, there is nothing to fear and back down.

The auras clashed and soon the spiritual energies.

Sam's spiritual energy levels are quite high. He might have thrice the amount of a normal Level 7 Novice.

His energy levels are at least equal to a Peak stage Novice.

Marquis is gulping nervously as he stared at the two youngsters. This is the first time, he felt so useless being in the position of Marquis. Even in his own mansion, he didn't dare to stop these guys confrontation.

He gritted his teeth and cursed inwardly.

I am already having enough with Sam, now this Nicholas came to add to my troubles. If there is a chance, I will trade places with either of you and let you know how much I am suffering. Why are youngsters so heartless now? Can't they give me some breathing space?

After some silent confrontation, Nicholas first retracted his aura and said.

"Well, since Artisan Sam is here, how about we talk over some meal, I heard that Artisan Sam's restaurant is quite famous for his delicious food. Brad, how about you arrange some food from that restaurant."

He gestured to one of his subordinates standing beside him.

The person who named Brad, looked at Sam with a contemptuous look and said.

"Young master, what kind of delicious food can a restaurant in this city have? I think it wouldn't be too pleasing to your tongue." At this moment, Nicholas gave a look to Brad from which the latter seemed to understand something and looked at Watt.

"Hey, Kid. I am not too familiar with this city. Since, that restaurant is your boss', you should no about it. Go get some food to our young master." Brad threw a pouch filled with spirit stones on the table.

This gesture is not only disrespect to Watt, but also Sam. But Sam didn't do anything and just sat there looking at Nicholas.

He doesn't know what is wrong, but he could sense that something is wrong with this Nicholas guy. He seemed to be trying to do something he is not familiar with at all. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

That is why he stayed silent, to see what is going to happen. But that doesn't mean Watt should stay silent too.

"I don't do things for any Tom D.i.c.k and Harry. I am subordinate of Sam and Sam alone."

Watt's words were cold and sharp. Just like how the others looked at him with contempt, he is also looking at them with something and that is Disregard.

As Sam said previously, he is only subordinate of Sam and he doesn't have to bow or work for any other person, even if that person is an emperor, much less a Junior Duke.

Nicholas had a change of expression for first time.

At this moment, Brad erupted in rage and made his move. He is a middle stage Novice at Level 5. Watt is only at Level 3 and is one verge of breaking through to Level 4. But he isn't least bit intimidated.

"How dare you disrespect young master?" Brad roared as he swung his fist at Watt. But before his fist could reach Watt's face,


The air whistled and Brad felt some sharp pain on the right side of his neck stopping him in his tracks.

He subconsciously touched the wound and could feel the warm blood. Everyone in the room, except Sam and Watt looked at the wall behind Brad.

They saw a rectangular metallic card with a 'W' symbol on it.

Watt leisurely said, grabbing all of their attention.

"I already told you. I am subordinate of Sam and Sam alone. My unconditional respect is only for him. As for the rest, they have to obtain it in the form of Exchange."

*Cough* *Cough*

Nicholas drew his attention to himself and said.

"Artisan Sam, you sure have one good subordinate." At the same time he gestured Brad to take a step back before turning back to Sam.

"As for why I am here today is to question you about the massacre of Cougar family."

Sam didn't respond, he wants to see, what Nicholas clearly after. Seeing Sam's nonchalant expression, he continued.

"I am here as Junior Duke to ask you some questions related to the matter. What is the reason behind your actions?"

"They kidnapped my teammate."

"Just because one of them Kidnapped your teammate, you massacre a whole noble family which is present since the start of our empire. Do you have no regard to Empire's Law?"

"Law?" Sam asked rather sarcastically.

"Yes." Sam chuckled at the response and said.

"Okay, then let us put it this way. I was there on a mission to eliminate all the criminal organisations. The mission is personally approved by the Marquis himself.

Cougar family was found guilty for kidnapping and assisting in Kidnapping of a member of my team. So, I have executed them with my authority."

Everyone in the room were completely stunned. They knew he is just spitting nonsense.

They only have one thought in mind.

If you are acting on your authority, why on earth do you have that Blood iron sword with you?

But nobody said it out loud. Sam can say so, because, the reason valid even if it is a bit farfetched.

But Why did, Sam say such reason.

Sam kept his attention full on Nicholas since he came to this meeting room.

The other party seemed to be acting natural, but Sam felt that there is some sort of discomfort and his actions including the provocations to be a little forced. Even the question about Cougar family wasn't asked natural.

His target is clearly a whole different thing and he seemed to only using the Cougar family as an excuse to achieve that. And Sam soon found out what that aim is.

"Whatever your reason is, you have to make a trip to Dukedom capital to undergo a trial."

When Sam heard these words, he raised an eyebrow.

"What if I don't want to?" Sam asked with a cold voice.

"Well, we can decide with our fists whether you have to come or not." Nicholas immediately stood up. Sam could have sworn that he saw a flicker of excitement in his eyes.

"Let's take it outside." Nicholas left those words and left the room.

Marquis was acting as a complete spectator from start to end.

After a few minutes, inside a training hall of the Marquis mansion.

Sam and Nicholas are facing each other in the ring. As marquis, Watt and Nicholas' two subordinates are being the spectators.

Nicholas took out a long spear and looking at it, Sam unsheathed his sword.

Even though, he forged the swords long time ago, he didn't get an opportunity to test his sword. He also wants to see if he got rusty in his sword skills.

The Blood red blade instantly changed the atmosphere.

They could feel the Bloody stench from the blade.

Nicholas smiled and immediately made his move. He lunged forwards as he stabbed towards Sam's heart.

Just before it stabbed into his heart,


Sam blocked the spear tip with the sword's surface.

Nicholas didn't seem surprised; he jumped to side and swung the spear.

*Clank* Clank* *Clank*

Both of them exchanged blows continuously, but Sam didn't even move his foot.

He just stood there as he blocked the spear. He didn't seem to be serious because, he could feel that Nicholas is also not serious.

Suddenly, Nicholas stopped and his face showed a delighted smile. His aura completely changed all of a sudden and he made his move.

This time, Sam also moved and didn't stay passive.

Two shadows flashed on the stage, except Marquis the remaining three couldn't see anything at all. All they could see is the flash of the sharp metals in the fight.

But they are not the most surprised ones. Marquis looked at the ring with his mouth open wide.

He could imagine, Nicholas' speed, since he is a Great Warrior, but he was completely surprised from Sam's speed.

They are on equal footing. At least for now. But if it went on for a while, Sam would lose due to his insufficient reserves.

When the two candidates came to halt, there aura changed completely.

Sam took a stance. He stood sideward as he placed his feet apart. He stretched his left hand and kept his right wrist holding the sword near his face with blade being parallel to his left arm.

The sword tip was directly pointed at Nicholas.

Nicholas, also held the spear with his two hands as he pointed it towards Sam.

Both of them started raising their spiritual energy.

Sam's sword started glowing, giving a sharp aura. His whole being seemed completely changed.

Nicholas' spear tip has a concentrated spiritual energy which seemed to explode anytime.

Both of them moved and seemed to disappear from their spot.

Spectators, could only see and hear some mind-numbing scenes.

Both the fighters landed on the opposite sides.

And the half of the stage was crumbled and the remaining half was slashed diagonally.

All they heard was a metal clashing sound, a large explosive sound, a sword keen. And finally, they only saw a big cloud of dust.

When the dust settled, they saw Sam panting a little, but Nicholas seemed to be in a better state.

Nicholas kept away his spear and smiled cheerfully as he walked towards Sam with an extended hand.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Nicholas Carton. I have a Nick name Battle Maniac. All that you saw and heard from me is a lie. I have only one reason to come here and that is to have a duel with you."

His young master demeanour was completely gone and his smile was even making him look like a fool.

Sam chuckled at this and sheathed his sword as he shook his hand. Now only he clearly understood what is wrong with Nicholas earlier. That guy is clearly pretending and this fool like face is his natural character.


"I know, I was quite impressed when you fought with a whole noble family. My hands itched for a battle since I heard about you."

"Why the pretense then, you could have stated your intention directly?"

"Well, that approach failed many times. That's why I wanted to try something new and it seemed to work."

Sam couldn't help but shake his head. Nicholas' character gave him a certain nostalgia.

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