Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1251: Preparations

Philip and Watt left to desolate along with Five Elemental King.

Sam specifically asked for this, in his message to Philip.

The only problem through the return journey is that they don't have direct transportation like the Dimensional drifter at their beck and call. They couldn't just go back in a blink of an eye, so they started moving in an old fashioned way.

They skipped from one realm to another as fast as possible and since most of the wormholes are within a group in every realm, they managed to get back easily and within one week, they came to one of the realms that have the Dusk Organization and finally, they didn't have to wait.

They went there and took a series of connecting space gates to finally reach the desolate.

Only after arriving there, did Philip break the news to Five Elemental King.

"There are a few reasons for you to be called back. One of them is that you would be helpful to us in securing the dusk organization in Sam's absence and help us develop the weapons, the second reason is that Sam found out who made you."

Five Elemental King was surprised. He couldn't even reply and Philip continued.

"The person that took over Sam's body is the one who ordered to make you and Vardar is the person that made you. Sam told that you should have been dead by now, but because of Sam's interference you were not only alive, you even progressed this far."

Five Elemental King didn't say anything and just stayed silent.

"Sam said that you are the most mature and calm people in the whole team, so you might understand why he did this. It is always the calmest that mess up the most things when they become emotional.

The next few months or even a few years would be delicate for us. So, you need to be sure that you don't blow off. You can take it out on them as soon as Sam returns. Until then, first, take a few days off and get back here to help me in the defenses."

"Thank you so much."

Five Elemental King said and left the room, after that Philip summoned every single executive in the artisan department.

"For the next few years, most of the income that comes from the profits all over the organization, particularly Sam's share would be completely spent on construction of some machines. The Artisans need to be prepared. They would have some restless months. So, tell them to finish any project they might have on hand in the next two weeks."

The executives left.

"Watt, get the list of all the subordinates across all the realms. Everyone within might become soldiers. Procure their information and see if anyone is worthy of some special treatment. We need a force that is most Elite in the whole universe.

We would use all the resources at our beck and call to do that.

And also send a message to all the heads of the organization, tell them to buy the inmates from different organizations and even capture them. Anyone who has crimes that are beneath the basic moral code, particularly rape or some psychotic killing urges, capture them separately and if most of it is some mistakes or even people that are being captured because of some stupid misuse of power, make them sign a soul contract while they are still in the prison before taking them back here.

We will station the second group as our soldiers, while the first group will be used for training."

After that, Philip called the Architecture department and gave them a rough sketch of the structure and said.

"These are only basic requirements. Try to give me pitches with your ideas, the best idea will get this construction project and also a project that will a part of new defense upgrades that will be coming in the next three months.

I don't want any mistakes."

Philip kept on giving orders and when he was finally done, he started drawing some blueprints.

He doesn't know how these blueprints work or how these machines are truly made. Sam just sent those blueprints along with the message and he is drawing those plans which would then be used to create defenses.

While Philip is stressing out of his wits, there is a person far away from Desolate who is completely ecstatic.

Sivan is walking around in his new body.

For the past week, he managed to use his new body to practice a few elemental energies. He could also see the difference between Sam's physical body and the rest of the people on the same level.

Apart from that, there are some things that intrigued him a lot. For starters, the feather coat.

He could clearly feel the feather coat has a spirit contracted with Sam and that contract is with the dormant soul of Sam which is currently blocked and sealed with Ghost Chimera.

Apart from that, he also took a round in the Divine Dimension and one must say he was shocked beyond belief.

He instantly understood why Sam warned him to be careful about the beasts.

After just taking one peek, he ran to the library of their clan and started going through the scrolls and books containing ancient records and found some details about these beasts.

All of them are of supreme bloodlines. Except for the Forest Bear, the rest of the beasts are something most people never even heard of.

He couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

All this while, he is thinking he is all that, because of the status and the authority he holds, but Sam was in a completely different league.

He looked at the herb gardens that are spreading to a large expanse and the beasts that are the 'guardians' of the tower.

The Golden Ape, Zoi termites, and locusts are all acting as guardians because of Sam's words.

Sivan really wanted to try and win over the beasts immediately so that he could check what is inside the tower, but he was unable to do so because the beasts are not even looking at him. They are extremely aloof and arrogant.

But for some reason, Sivan didn't even show a single trace of anger on his face. He even smiled delightedly as he went on to roam the divine dimension.

The brewing area which is limited to Golden Ape, the Hydra Skeleton and the Thunder phoenix skeleton, the fruit orchards, all of these things are completely new to him and he knew that every single one of them is extremely valuable.

He finally stopped at three things that are floating around.

The three swords. Reaper, Executioner, and the Shadow Sword.

He could clearly sense the spirits in them and could see majestic craftsmanship. But he is unable to wield them.

These three swords are the only weapons that are left outside the tower and it is just to distract Sivan. Give him something to aspire to, but not being to win them over.

If Sivan saw the hoverboard, the production units, simulation function, the library, he would freak out, to say the least.

When Sivan was done, he went outside and had to drink three jars of wine just to calm himself down.

After all, this is something he never expected.

He didn't expect that Sam managed to collect this many valuable things over the years. The herbs and fruits that are growing inside are something that even he had some difficulty collecting and last but not least, the large number of spirit stones scattered here and there.

In just that amount, Sam is richer than Sivan ever was.

This made him feel embarrassed about the tone of superiority he used against Sam. He felt that Sam is far more superior than he ever was in all the terms.

From the information he got from Dayus, Sam is pretty much independent. Even though Dayus has given a bunch of nonsense the first time, Sivan had his ways to make him talk and he talked as such.

He gave out Sam's full history and before he could give out the information regarding the game they are playing and the people that are making them play this game, he let Dayus off.

With that information, he could guess that Sam has survived on his own.

Even though many people would judge Sam by their own personal standards and think that he wouldn't be able to do anything without any external help or a backer, Sivan is beyond that. He knew better and has seen things that made him realize that there are people who are capable in this world.

Capable enough to do things that normal people cannot fathom and those people might even have done everything on their own.

He knew better than judge Sam like that. But this also made him a bit cautious.

Sam confidently gave up the body and he was pretty decisive about that.

Right before the procedure ended, he set up a trap that would send one of his arms away and also made a seal with a Ghost Chimera, a powerful one at that to trap his dormant soul which will make the merging process that much harder and finally left from this place.

Even an idiot can guess just how confident Sam is about getting his body back and this made Sivan think of the preparations he needs to make.

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