Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1197: Chipping

Sam and Noah ran into the streets of the city crazily. There is no citizen left inside the city now and all of them are driven back into the city wall grounds. So, the whole city is a battle-field and they don't have to care about any property damage, so as soon as they reached deep into the city Sam recalled his beasts back into the divine dimension and disappeared into the cluster of the buildings.

The troops spread a bit to cover the escape routes, but that is what exactly the two of them wanted.

When a group of three led by the personal guard are in an alley way, three shadows popped up and put them in naked chokes and three more shadows came and started stabbed them in the chests. Everything went in a flash and they disappeared after that stab.

Before they could react, the shadows disappeared, the vines appeared. The personal guard managed to hold the pain and tried to slash the vines and almost ran out of the alley, but Sam appeared behind him and stabbed him in the heart from the back.

He died on the spot and the remaining two troops followed them along.

They just didn't even care enough check whether they died and their lives were gone. They just went after another group.

Their teamwork is impeccable for it being the first time.

But Sam is constantly checking for a special signal from Kumar. He would really like if the other brings the fiend tribe's forces.

They don't have to put this much effort and fight with all of them. It is a waste of time.

So, their main goal is drag it down and take them soldiers down as much as they can so that they can make this young lady stay here for a long time.

And as soon as the forces come into play, they would be able to sit back and relax.

So, they picked up the pace and soon the young lady realized that even the teams of three are too easy for them. She took her communication token and yelled commands to make everyone join together at the junction.

Sam and Noah stood at the nearby building and waited for them to gather.

He took out his bow and played with the string as he asked her.

"Do you have any other tricks you can play with?"

"I have some, but they are good at the close quarters. My ranged attacks are not as good."

"Really? why don't you take it out, I will take a look."

She took out a small ball that looked like a green crystallized marble.

He took it and used observation ability, he was surprised by the view he got. This small marble holds a lot of energy in it and it has a lot of functions.

"Why is it only suitable in close quarters? You can use it from far, at least from its size."

"It needs two triggers of energy. First when I throw it which absorbs energy and the second trigger should make the energy hit one single point so that the attack would be perfectly timed.

It would be hard to maintain both of them from such a long distance. There are too many external factors involved."

"Can I give it a try?"

Sam asked and she just shrugged.

He smiled and the hand he is holding the marble turned metallic and a faint metallic coat appeared on the marble before it was further modified and turned into some patterns.

Noah frowned and Sam just smiled without explaining. He took out an arrow and placed the sharp tip of the arrow at one single point which looked like the emergence point of the patterns.

He then injected some metal elemental energy into the arrow and left the marble. But the marble didn't fall off. It just kept on hanging while it stuck to the arrow tip.

Noah was stunned.

"How did you do that?"

"Just a petty trick of magnetism."

He then nocked the arrow on the bow and aimed at the group.

Wood elemental energy was injected into the arrow and it clogged up in the stem.

He shot the arrow at the group and on its way, the marble started absorbing the energy from the atmosphere. When the arrow reached the destination and someone even tried to block it, the magnetic lock holding it was gone and right before it fell off, the wood elemental energy was lodged into the marble making it unlock.

The marble cracked in midair and soon a few small sprouts came out of it, before it could even touch the ground, the sprouts grew bigger and turned into thick vines with different thrones and that went after all the surrounding people.

As the vines coiled they dug out the flesh of the people and created a very bloody scene.

They sucked the vitality of and grew bigger and bigger, the more people that got caught the bigger it became , not just in the number of vines and the length of the vines, even the thickness of the vines and then the size of the thorns of the vines also grew bigger with time.

The fire elemental user started attacking crazily along with his beasts.

The vines started burning and the group felt a little relieved as they thought this would also be another struggling moment with the vines having fire elemental resistance.

But to their luck it didn't have. What they didn't know is that there is something in store for them.

The thorns that grew bigger and almost in the size of a kitchen knife shot out the vines as it burned down and they lodged themselves into the bodies of the soldiers surrounding them.

The raging thorns did a number of them and five men fell out of which four died on the spot with one being critically injured.

Sam looked at how fell the marble worked and said.

"This really works great. I am a little tempted to steal your idea and just mix some of my flavor with it."

"Do it if you can. It is not that easy. And you still have something to figure out. Do you really want to add this to your plate."

"Of course, I always like my plate full. The more it has the faster I finish it. Now, give me some of those so that we could finish these guys off."

Noah threw five of them at him and left the spot. To directly confront them.

Sam shot the second arrow. This one also landed perfectly, but this time the fire elemental user didn't dare burn it directly. But a dark energy elemental user used a curse to suck the vitality of the vine, but to his dismay as he worked on it, the thorns suddenly shot out and when they lodged into the bodies of the people, they felt the vitality being sucked out of their bodies.

It was not completely apparent when the fire element was used, but it seems like the vines and thorns have an ability to attach the attacks used on them.

The battle went on and finally, the young lady and the personal guards understood the situation they are in. When they are separated, they are being hunted down, when they are together they are being chipped down.

Even the fact that they could guess Sam's location from this far didn't make it any less dangerous for them.

So, she made a quick decision. Escape.

She knew it is impossible to move like this. The traps on the path already chipped their forces down and the enemies are more elite than any enemy she had every faced. She stormed cities alone before, but she couldn't even take two people playing cat and mouse with her at the moment.

All she could do was escape and this made her feel shame. But when she thought of the legendary beasts Sam had in possession, she didn't want to just give up. She decided to go back and bring some trusted elders so that she could hunt this guy down and get those beasts.

So, he immediately commander her personal guards to retreat.

But Sam is not really ready to let them go.

All the elaborate planning was to capture this young lady. If she escaped there is kind of no point for the relentless effort they put in until now.

So, he chased after her with a bow and shot at her to take her down, but since what he is doing are direct shots with not much specialty her superior cultivation finally came into play and she managed to dodge the attacks.

But some of her personal guards are going down with two to three arrows.

Still, Sam didn't give up the pursuit and soon he didn't have to because Noah arrived on the other side and a large vine wall appeared out of nowhere blocking the escape routes.

Sam caught up from the rear and now there is the young lady, four personal guards, and the two of them with the playing field all for themselves.

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