Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1140: Unseal

Arkiv and Kiran along with the first young master are currently sitting in the room.

"What the hell happened to the branch leader? He came one day earlier than he was supposed to and he even gave such an order. We cannot plan anything this way. Even the whole city was locked and there is no way he can contact Sam with that. Even the small surveillance insects are being blocked from going out of the formation. Just what happened to him."

Arkiv said in a frustrated tone. He is really pissed.

According to their plan, Kiran already entered the city in the disguise of the lackey.

Now, the first young master should be using the core furnace for two days straight and on the second day, the lackey should provoke the second young master to do something to the core furnace to sabotage the project but in actual fact he is sabotaging the furnace.

But the branch leader suddenly arrived before the plan even started and gave these orders. In a single day, the whole city went under lockdown and Sam was stunned when he saw this.

The branch leader didn't even care about the prisoners that attacked their businesses and offices across the realm. It is as if doesn't care about the losses at all.

This made things extremely troublesome for them.

With the sudden increase in manpower and the tight security all over and the particular orders that no one should go anywhere near the furnace, things would definitely get complicated.

Now they cannot sabotage it and in turn couldn't steal the core.

The only silver lining is that the communication between them and Sam didn't cut off. Even though the insect puppets which acted as surveillance are the ones that transported materials between both parties, they are now gone, even the shadow mice couldn't come and go as they pleased like before.

So, the only they can do at the moment is communicate and make do with whatever resources that they had.

At this moment, Sam is currently inside the camp as he looked at the live surveillance of various areas. He had a deep frown on his face and the whole team could recognize that he pretty pissed at the moment.

The seal breaking showed progress, but the method he came up with extremely dangerous and he is not hundred percent sure that he would be able to do it.

While he was already frustrated about this, he came out of the research to discuss with Markan, but to his surprise the current situation of the second branch is what awaited him.

"First young master, did you try to fish any information from the branch leader? He still didn't say anything?"

"No, Boss. No matter what I asked regarding this, he only smiled and said that they have a detailed plan and I only need to wait and see and enjoy when the first branch was avenged.

One thing I am sure of is that, you are the target. It is almost as if they are sure that Dayus is not the one who did this."

When Sam heard this, he thought of a few possibilities.

"Is there a way for you to contact the third branch?"

"Currently, no boss. There is a wormhole connecting the two capitals, but at the moment, it was completely blocked and guarded."

"Are there any close aides for the branch leader that we could take advantage of?"

"No, Boss. There are some, but from the looks of it, they are also kept in the dark about the situation."

Sam thought for a moment and sighed.

"Kiran, how many liquid energy cells do you guys have?"

"Three dozen small ones and three medium ones."

"I will contact you guys later. Let me take my time to think of some plan."

With that Sam went to Markan and the rest of the prisoners as he explained the current situation.

"For now take a rest and recover. I will tell you what you need to do later."

Everyone left except for Markan.

Sam looked at him and said.

"I have a method to break the seal, but it is extremely dangerous and if something bad happens your core will be damaged.

You need to be leave the control your body and energy to me completely and shouldn't try to do anything like a dead body. Think about it."

Markan just thought for a moment and said.

"Just do it. There is no point in staying like this. I have responsibilities to shoulder and without my identity they are impossible to take care of. And without those responsibilities there is not much reason for me to live.

I would rather die trying than stay alive."

Sam sighed and nodded.

He immediately laid down a formation and made Markan sit in the middle of it.

The formation immediately bound him to the place and he couldn't move.

Next, Sam took out a metal seal and placed it on him making him unable to use any energy. Even the energy circulating within him has stopped in its track.

Sam sat in front of him cross-legged and placed his hands on his head.

He activated the observation ability and went directly towards the core.

He could still see the seal in the place. As strong as ever. His energy slowly started enveloping the shied. Markan could feel the foreign energy on the core.

This is a dangerous thing. Generally, the energy in the core is refined and whenever a foreign energy entered it through the body would be refined there and that only works efficiently and harmlessly because the foreign energy is not being controlled by an external entity.

But currently, the situation is different, the energy Sam is controlling is a foreign energy being controlled by him. If Sam wanted to, he could cripple Markan right now with just a single thought.

Markan just took a deep breath and tried to get rid of those thoughts.

Sam meanwhile, is extremely focused.

If one could see what is happening in the core at the moment, they would see the energy Sam sent inside is being divided into strands and it started moving like snakes and it carefully intervened itself between the seal and the core.

The thread of energy is forcefully going in between them which made the Markan shiver in fright, but he tried to calm down, while Sam continued with the task.

After all the threads got under the seal near the central dot of the seal, they slowly started moving along the web and for every branch of the web, two energy threads started braiding themselves around in.

And for every braid they need to make coil around the branch and go under the seal once again, brushing dangerously against the core.

The process is extremely delicate and it took more than three hours just to finish the braiding process on the front.

But Sam didn't stop. His beasts are currently out and they consumed the energy continuously while sharing it with him so that Sam wouldn't be exhausted.

The process went and on for another two hours and finally Sam was done with braiding.

If one looked at it now, they could see the black spider web that was enveloping the core is now being enveloped by white threads and as they contrasted against the six colored core, it looked a bit weird and artistic at the same time.

When the process reached this spot, Sam slowly started channeling energy so that the braided threads wouldn't disappeared and with a single thought the small threads of energy became a bit turbulent.

Markan shook a bit as he sweated profusely.

Inside, on the core the black web branches that were enveloped by the energy threads are slowly being disintegrated and the white threads are taking the fragments of this black energy web to stick with them so that they wouldn't stray into the rest of the body.

The disintegration process was done with Sam's energy manipulation. After all, at the end of the day, the seal is just a mass of energy structured in a detailed and profound way.

So, this is the most direct method, this is also indicative that Sam's knowledge and expertise in seals is not good enough to break this one and he could only opt to this. As frustrating as it is, he doesn't have any choice.

The seal slowly started weakening as he destroyed the branches slowly and uniformly.

Both of them started sweating and soon the white threads turned to black threads as they absorbed and held the black web energy in them and only the dot in the center remained which is trying to extend the new web branches again to maintain the seal.

But all the energy threads Sam controlled moved and enveloped the central dot as he slowly started disintegrating it.

Markan felt an extreme pain as he tried to grit his teeth and hold it in. He instinctively tried to use the spiritual energy and if not for the formation holding him, he would have died instantly as soon as the energy started moving.

After half an hour of struggle, Sam finally opened his eyes and his energy swiftly returned to his hands from the other party a black lump is hovering over his hands.

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