Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1115: Alliance

Sam's first choice is obviously the administrators. The expansion of the organization was done properly and it is perfectly stable now.

He gave orders to the organization members to develop in a different sector. The Medicine and Health care.

He has plans for the expansion in this area and he is going to open a clinic in every branch of the Dusk organization.

He needs to do this for the future plans. After giving out the orders, he went meet with the Old Beast.

In these two years, he occasionally met with the Old Beast and they talked a lot, but Old Beast didn't reveal anything about the next plane of cultivation. He only said one thing, whenever he asked and that is 'you are not ready'.

Sam doesn't know what requirements he needs to fulfil to be considered ready, but he couldn't push him too far. Others might be afraid of him, but Old Beast might even spank the shit out of him if he pushed him too far.

When Sam arrived, Old Beast looked at him and said.

"Give me a cup of that wine."

"Old Man, aren't you a little too unfeeling? I am leaving and you don't even know when I would come back and all you care about is wine?"

"What is the point of feeling emotional? Are you still a little kid that I need to think before sending you off? You are grown ass man. Go and die for all I care."

This is the regular banter they had. After drinking the Heavenly wine for a while, Sam asked.

"I am getting closer to the goal. Even if you don't want to tell me the details of Divine Plane of cultivation, just tell me how to get you out of here. Is it possible for me to just take you out with the dimensional drifter?"

"Like that is possible. The Dimensional drifter cannot do anything. Anyway, you don't need to worry. As I said, I am not being oppressed by anything. All I need to do is wait for a while and I would be able to get out of here by myself."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Do I need a brat like you worry about me?"


"Didn't you say that you are going to the first puppet realm?"

"Yes, why?"

"A thousand kilometers from the capital of the first puppet realm, there is small valley. Inside that small valley there is a hidden creak that leads to a divine dimension that can only be accessed by a creature with Raiju bloodline.

No one in that area knows about it as they couldn't perceive without Raiju Bloodline. Inside the divine dimension, there is a pool of blood which you can consume.

You will directly breakthrough to the Middle stage of Astral Plane transcendence.

But to digest all the blood you need at least one week to digest and once you consume that blood, the divine dimension might be perceived by others. So, be careful. Since you have a team of people with you, I think you can manage."

Sam was stunned upon hearing this.

"How do you know that there is one?"

"I am the one who kept it there. I killed a Thunder Phoenix in that realm and collected the blood of the Phoenix in the divine dimension of the Phoenix itself and placed it there. I wanted to leave to my descendants with a decent talent, but before long I became a god and my descendants never lacked resources.

So, it has been there like that. I am pretty sure the seal I placed is still there and no one would be able to crack it, at least not the people of that realm. So, go there and take it. It would just be a waste to leave it there."

Sam really didn't know what to say for a second. He just nodded and before he could speak again, the Old Beast said.

"Now, pour me another cup and get lost from here."

Sam nodded and left after pouring a cup which is the in the size of a barrel and left.

He then went to his students.

Students are a bit sad for Sam leaving them like that.

They knew that they are not ready to go with him, they wouldn't even be able to endure the shockwaves of the battle.

Sam looked at them and said.

"It will take a while before I could come back. Do not neglect your training. The next time I come back, I will give you a gift. I left a bunch of assignments for you to complete before I come back. I am pretty sure that you wouldn't be able to finish them, but the person who finishes the most will get a reward.

Every now and then, the administrators will conduct competitions. Participate in them regularly, they are also part of the assignments.

I already gave the instructions to the administrators. Vron's father will take care of your necessities and he will taking you around to other realms based on the schedule I gave him."

When he looked at their gloomy expressions, he smiled and said.

"I want you guys to grow faster. Because there is a task that I want you guys to take lead on.

There will come a day, the whole organization will be targeted by many people from outside. There will be many organizations with strong people trying to conquer and destroy us. I want you guys to be ready for that time and lead the organization for the victory, because I wouldn't be here."

The students were surprised and shocked by his words and looked at him.

"Don't worry, I will not be dead. But I wouldn't be here either. As soon as I am gone, those people will think that the rest of the organization is easy to take over. This is built with a lot of effort and hundreds of thousands of lives are dependent on it, so I want you guys to protect it."

After coaxing them a bit, Sam left went to the terrace where his team gathered.

Currently no one in the team is in Pre-transcendent stage. In fact, everyone grew leaps and bounds in the past two years.

Night Ghost in on verge of breaking through to the Astral Plane Consummation. Vidyut and Paras are in late stage of Astral Plane transcendence and are about to breakthrough to the Peak stage.

Saber Monarch is right on their heels as he broke through to the Late stage recently.

Five elemental King, Kiran, Sia, Gran, Jwala and Tamas are all on Middle stage of Astral Plane transcendence and Agar and Argan who the weakest are also on verge of breakthrough to middle stage of Astral Plane transcendence. There is a great chance that they would breakthrough in a couple of days.

They are trying to not to be surpassed by Sam, whose cultivation growth is too fast for them to handle.

But they are bound to be disappointed as he has a direct ticket to Middle stage of Astral Plane Transcendence.

He took out the dimensional drifter and all of them arrived near the First realm of the three Puppet Realms.

The organization they are dealing with next have three realms as their core. There are three branches with three people leading the organization.

The organization is also called the Puppet organization. As the name implies, every direct member of the organization controls at least one puppet.

Sam knew from the start that this is going to be a pain in the ass. But before he delved any deeper into this, he went to the meeting spot, where he previously agreed on meeting Arkiv.

In fact, six months before, he already came here, but Arkiv who came here only said that he would need more time and fixed that day as the meeting day.

When he went there, Sam was surprised to find that only Arkiv was here.

Sam already let the rest of the team inside the Ice divine dimension and went to meet Arkiv alone.

Arkiv looked at Sam and said with a wry smile.

"The alliance didn't go through. Akhil and Noah refused."

Sam didn't ask any reasons and said.

"Well, that is alright. I am sure they would be doing fine."

"So, what is the plan?" Arkiv asked casually.

"I have something to do here first. So after I am done with that, we will be starting our operation. I will send my team for scouting the capital first.

The Puppet Organization worships three gods and all three branches worship them together. From what I know there is not much of rivalry between the three leaders either. They are quite harmonious. So, we need to do some ground work to find where the heirloom is and how to get to that heirloom.

It would be great if we could avoid fighting, but I don't think it is possible."

"That is alright. What about the alliance share?"

Sam thought for a moment and said. "Are the rest of the players at the same cultivation level as yours?"

"Yes, pretty much."

"Okay then, for the fourth phase organizations we don't have any choice and all of us have to target the Puppet organization first as it is too vast and too powerful. I am pretty sure everyone follows the list and in fact, they might even be here.

So, let us divide the tasks based on the situation. Most of the time you and I will be fighting against the players while my team deals with the organization, of course, that might change based on the situation.

As for the loot, the resources of the organization would be divided into four shares and I will get three, you will get one.

As for the heirlooms, in the first three of the phase four organizations, you will get the first one while I get the remaining two.

If you are okay with that, we can proceed."

Arkiv just smiled and shook Sam's hand.

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