Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder’s Record of Counterattacks

Chapter 802: A Scene From a Painting

Chapter 802: A Scene From a Painting

Li Nianlei carried the tea to Ning Shu and called out, “Mother.”

Ning Shu had a kindly expression on her face, but her heart was crying. Was she about to become a grandmother?

It was such a complicated feeling.

Ning Shu gave Li Nianlei a very big and thick red packet, then gave her a pair of dragon and phoenix bracelets.

Following that, it was Mingzhu’s turn. Mingzhu hadn’t expected for Li Nianlei to offer her tea. Li Nianlei had knelt to everyone else, but she only half knelt to Mingzhu. It was clear from this that Li Nianlei knew etiquette well.

Mingzhu took a sip of the tea in a fluster. She seemed even more nervous than Li Nianlei, this new daughter-in-law.

After drinking the tea, a gift had to be given. Mingzhu took the hairpin out of her hair to give it to Li Nianlei.

Li Nianlei took the hairpin and pressed her lips together for a brief moment before saying, “Many thanks, Aunt.”

When the old madame saw what Mingzhu did, she rubbed her forehead in exasperation. Meanwhile, when An You saw how flustered and helpless Mingzhu looked, he felt heartache and went over to sit at Mingzhu’s side as if trying to give her support.

When Ning Shu saw this, she just smiled lightly.

Now that the general’s residence had an eldest daughter-in-law, An Lingyun, under Ning Shu’s indication, handed the right to manage the residence over to Li Nianlei.

Li Nianlei never expected to manage the general’s residence right after marrying over and felt a little uneasy. She tried to give the management right back to Ning Shu.

“Mother, this daughter-in-law has just come. This isn’t very appropriate,” said Li Nianlei respectfully.

Ning Shu looked at Li Nianlei. She was a dignified and graceful woman that had a determined aura. It was to be expected though since she had lost her mother young and had to look after her younger brother. She was younger than Mingzhu, but much more intelligent and quick-witted compared to Mingzhu.

Ning Shu said with a smile, “You’re already someone of the general’s residence, so it’s naturally your responsibility to manage the residence. It’s fine, there’s no need to worry.”

Li Nianlei only accepted the right after hearing these words. She was much more thorough in attending to matters compared to An Lingyun so Ning Shu had An Lingyun shadow Li Nianlei to learn.

The sisters-in-law got along very well.

An Yu also seemed to like Li Nianlei, this new wife of his, a lot. He even pushed back the date for his return to Profit Province’s military.

The two were in perfect harmony. Although their interactions were still a little polite, there was a sweet atmosphere hovering around them.

It wasn’t intense and fiery, it was just a soft gentleness like the flow of a river.

If Ning Shu could choose, she’d choose this kind of slow growing affection. With fierily passionate love like that of Mingzhu and An You’s, what would be left after the flames finished burning?

The loving affection between An Yu and Li Nianlei gave Mingzhu an indescribable feeling. She’d often see An Yu pick a flower in the garden, then insert it into Li Nianlei’s hair. Li Nianlei would be looking through account books and An Yu would put a shoulder around her, then they’d trade a smile. It looked extremely wonderful.

An You had never done things like that for her.

Mingzhu supported her waist. She couldn’t stop herself from walking towards the two that were in the pavilion. They looked so blessed.

Mingzhu walked into the pavilion and saw that the delicate Li Nianlei was pretty much buried in An Yu’s arms. An Yu was well-built and strong. She couldn’t help but wonder how it’d feel to lean into his chest.

“Aunt.” Li Nianlei curtsied to Mingzhu. Mingzhu stared at Li Nianlei dazedly. This woman was beautiful and dignified. She looked like a very good match standing next to An Yu.

A handsome young man and a beautiful young woman. They were like a scene from a painting.

Mingzhu’s heart filled with envy as she looked at them.

Because An Yu’s youthful body was tall and broad.

She didn’t dare to get too close to An You anymore. There was such a heavy smell of medicine around him that she’d feel nauseous the moment she got close. The current An You no longer gave off a masculine scent full of vitality, but the scent of decay, of an old man past his prime.

Furthermore, it was even mixed with the smell of medicine. Mingzhu couldn’t understand why An You kept drinking medicine without stop.

Li Nianlei saw that Mingzhu was staring at her and An Yu strangely. An Yu furrowed his brows slightly, then said, “Aunt, Nianlei and I will be leaving first.”

As he spoke, he pulled Li Nianlei and left.

Mingzhu watched the two walk away with narrowed eyes.

“An Yu, do you get the feeling that Aunt is kind of strange?” asked Li Nianlei, her brows furrowed. A woman’s intuition was very sharp. Li Nianlei could sense that Mingzhu seemed to harbor hostility towards her.

She couldn’t understand why this aunt would feel hostility towards her though.

An Yu didn’t seem to mind and said, “There’s no need to mind her. In the future, when you encounter her, just make sure to maintain the appropriate etiquette. Don’t worry about the rest.”

Li Nianlei smiled gently as she gazed up at An Yu.

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