Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder’s Record of Counterattacks

Chapter 718: The Story Prequel

Chapter 718: The Story Prequel

[Crotch Feels Cool From Wind] felt like [Flowing Cool Breeze] was being a complete joke. “What the heck would an NPC know? Did your brain get fried or something? Wouldn’t it be better to watch gaming guides than to ask an NPC?”

Ning Shu looked at them as she continuously repeated the quest contents. “Hero, this humble girl has accidently sprained her foot. Could you head into the valley to help this humble girl find an herb called monkshood celestial grass? This humble girl will definitely reward you generously.”

[Flowing Cool Breeze] could only shake his head and leave with his companions. As he was leaving, he kept glancing back at the girl sitting on the grass with her garment billowing slightly in the wind.

This NPC was [Flowing Cool Breeze]’s fateful encounter. He could probably sense it himself. But the current her refused to tell him and refused to answer him. He can just die of anxiety!

Ning Shu caught a bird to toy with it. Whenever players came over, she would announce the quest.

Sometimes female players would show up to do the quest, but of course, they ended up even more devastated than the male players. Many were forced back to the city to recover.

Ning Shu was starting to look forward to seeing who would be the first to complete this quest. In the original storyline, [Flowing Cool Breeze] had been the first to complete this quest.

Afterwards, the entire world kept broadcasting [Flowing Cool Breeze]’s achievement. This was a mid-level instance dungeon after all and he was the first to beat it, so it was a pretty amazing achievement.

That was the point when [Flowing Cool Breeze]’s reputation gradually started to spread. Since the original host kept giving [Flowing Cool Breeze] information, [Flowing Cool Breeze]’s battle accomplishments kept increasing and he became a god in this game. When this game’s popularity exploded, [Flowing Cool Breeze]’s position as the supreme god was already extremely steady.

At that point, [Flowing Cool Breeze] stopped taking on quests casually. He would only work with teams to take on final quests or extremely powerful bosses, so his existence continued to be that of a god.

[Flowing Cool Breeze] was able to earn a lot of money just from playing this game. Actually, this was probably the story prequel. The beginning of the story was probably when a little newbie encountered the great gaming god.

In reality, this was just a young girl’s ideal rosy pink love story.

The original host had no idea that after she was erased, [Flowing Cool Breeze] took a fancy to a female support role player.

However, Ning Shu had her own matters to deal with. She had taken a liking to code since there were always continuous streams of numbers and code flashing through her head. Ning Shu didn’t know if the original host had been able to see this too.

She took a wooden stick and started writing the code she saw on the ground. After that, she had 2333 teach her what they meant.

If she was able to learn these code commands, she might be able to become a coding expert. If she could get to the level of hacker, it’d be even better since she’d be able to invade any computers she need to get access to.

System-sama was much more complex than this game’s program so he showed complete contempt for this code that had hundreds of loopholes. However, when Ning Shu asked, he still explained the code to her.

Ning Shu studied hard. Even though it was very hard for her to wrap her head around things, after studying every day, she finally understood what was meant by that all code had loopholes. However, these loopholes were of varying degrees and were generally hard to find.

This made Ning Shu even more motivated to study. If she could master this, she might be able to move freely in this game without being erased.

After gaining a new goal, Ning Shu stopped paying so much attention to [Flowing Cool Breeze] and focused more on studying the code. Every time she saw flowers and grass now, all she’d see was code. Lines after lines of code.

[Flowing Cool Breeze] came for the quest again. This time he came alone, but his level was higher and he had more equipment. It was completely different from how poverty-stricken he looked last time. He seemed confident that he had enough power to get rid of the spider now.

[Flowing Cool Breeze] walked to Ning Shu. Before Ning Shu could even call out ‘Hero, this humble girl blah blah,’ he said, “I want to take this quest.”

Ning Shu just barely stopped herself from rolling her eyes. She still repeated the usual script before allowing [Flowing Cool Breeze] to take the quest.

As Ning Shu watched, [Flowing Cool Breeze] headed into the valley with confidence. This time, she secretly followed him.

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