Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 335 - The Princess Woke Up and Kissed Master Jun

Chapter 335: The Princess Woke Up and Kissed Master Jun

This mountain was the most likely place for Xia Wanyuan to exist. Now that they had detected a signal, everyone was very excited and continued to work with renewed vigor.

When Jun Shiling, who had been at the scene, heard the report, he immediately went to the mountain and watched the rescue team advance in silence.

“I think I found something!” The rescue team shoveled down and actually dug out an entire piece of dark red soil. It was a dark red color that would only form after being soaked in blood for a long time.

This place had already been dug up by the rescue team after they had moved half of the mountain away. After being buried in such a place for five days, the chances of survival were zero.

Everyone fell silent and looked at Jun Shiling together.

Jun Shiling’s face was expressionless as he stared intently at the dark red soil. His voice was low. “Continue.”

The rescue team was continuing when Jun Shiling added, “Be gentler.” There was an obvious tremble in his voice.

Everyone carefully dug. Jun Shiling stared intently at that place. More and more blood appeared, and Jun Shiling’s palm was covered in blood.

Finally, a man with a watch appeared in front of everyone. Jun Shiling closed his eyes.

The soil in this area was extremely soft. Soon, the rescue team dug to the bottom of the mountain. At this moment, the detector suddenly sounded an intense siren.

It had detected signs of life!!

More people were gathered and immersed in the excavation.

The top medical team that Jun Shiling had gathered from the world was already waiting by the side.

In the mountain, Xia Wanyuan was in a daze. She felt as if she was walking in a fog, and from the fog came waves of conversation.

“Mother Queen?” Xia Wanyuan walked forward, passing through the layers of mist. She saw that in the distance, her parents were still as noble as before. In the next moment, they were draped in armor and dying for their country on the city tower.

“Father King! Mother Queen!” Xia Wanyuan tried her best to move forward, but she realized that she could not get close no matter what. She wanted to shout loudly, but her mouth seemed to be sealed by something, and she could not cry out.

“Sister, Sister.” Xia Wanyuan turned around when she heard her younger siblings calling out to her. Her younger siblings, who had been naive and lively when they were young, were looking at her with wide eyes. They wanted to get close to her, but it was as if they were in two different worlds and could not hug each other no matter what.

The fog gradually thickened, and she could no longer see anyone around her. She could only hear waves of conversation. Xia Wanyuan walked aimlessly. She heard all kinds of voices, evoking the little memories of her previous life.

She did not know where she was or where she was going. She was deep in the black fog and did not know where the end was.

At that moment, an anxious voice suddenly sounded from the mixed voices. “Xia Wanyuan!!”

Xia Wanyuan was stunned. Jun Shiling? Xia Wanyuan wanted to reply, but she couldn’t open her mouth. The black fog around her grew thicker and swallowed her.

Following the signal, the rescue team finally opened a passage. However, the shocking scene behind the passage shocked everyone.

In the narrow space, there was blood all over the ground. The man in black was hugging someone with one hand and the other was placed by the woman’s lips. Both of them were unconscious and it was unknown if they were dead or alive.

After opening the passage, everyone quickly retreated, leaving enough space. The professional doctor quickly stepped forward and after a preliminary check of the situation, he carried the two of them onto a stretcher and sent them to the professional medical room that had been built in the past three days.

Jun Shiling had been following the doctor in silence, not disturbing their treatment, but he did not take his eyes off Xia Wanyuan for a moment.

The results of the examination relieved everyone.

The scene of the two of them covered in blood just now was too impactful, making everyone jump in shock. They were afraid that the person had been hit by a rock and had lost so much blood. If he had been smashed into this state, his organs would definitely fail.

In the end, that was not the case. Xia Wanyuan had fainted because of her stamina failure and the inflammation of her leg injury. After the doctor treated her leg injury and injected her with a nutritionist to replenish her energy, her condition gradually stabilized.

On Xuan Sheng’s side, it was more troublesome. He did not have any external injuries, but he had lost too much blood and had already caused respiratory failure. If the rescue team had arrived a little later, his life would have been in danger.

Fortunately, there was a top-notch medical team and an adequate stockpile of drugs here. The doctor treated him with blood transfusion, and the rest of the time was to observe the subsequent situation.

The doctor and the others had already left. The ward was quiet except for the slight sound of the medical equipment.

Jun Shiling sat by the bed and quietly looked at Xia Wanyuan’s pale face under the oxygen mask.

After looking at it for a while, Jun Shiling reached out and carefully placed the back of his hand on Xia Wanyuan’s chest.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Her heart beat strongly under the back of his hand, and Jun Shiling suddenly closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his eyes were already red.

The medicine dripped into Xia Wanyuan’s body bit by bit. Suddenly, Xia Wanyuan’s eyelashes twitched. Sensing a heat on the back of her hand, Xia Wanyuan slowly opened her eyes.

The moment she opened her eyes, she saw the tired and slovenly Jun Shiling. She had never seen Jun Shiling look so dejected.

“You’re awake.” Seeing Xia Wanyuan open her eyes, Jun Shiling’s eyes shone with strong joy. The doctor had estimated that Xia Wanyuan would wake up at this time, and Jun Shiling’s heart was relieved.

Xia Wanyuan did not speak. She lowered her head and saw two drops of crystal on the back of her left hand.

“Jun Shiling.” Xia Wanyuan pursed her lips and called out to Jun Shiling.

Mm, I’m here,” Jun Shiling replied gently. Then, he reached out to wipe the tears off the back of Xia Wanyuan’s hand and stuffed her hand under the blanket.

Xia Wanyuan had a lot to say, but in the end, she only said, “Jun Shiling, you’ve become ugly.”

“…” Jun Shiling was silent.

“Go and wash up. Get someone to come in and wipe my body. I’m not feeling well.” Having not showered for a few days, Xia Wanyuan felt very uncomfortable.

“I’ll go and ask the doctor if it’s okay.”

Due to the fact that Xia Wanyuan did not have any other superficial wounds, the doctor had instructed her not to touch her leg injury, so Jun Shiling sent two nurses over.

After being called ugly by Xia Wanyuan, Jun Shiling cleaned himself up in amusement and sadness. When he changed his clothes and went to the ward, Xia Wanyuan had also changed into a clean set of clothes. Her stamina was slowly recovering, and she was lying on the bed drinking the porridge the nurse had fed her.

“Let me do it.” Jun Shiling reached out for the bowl and made the others leave. He fed Xia Wanyuan spoon by spoon.

After eating a bowl of porridge, Jun Shiling placed the bowl aside and looked at Xia Wanyuan. “I’m so tired. Can I sleep for a while?”

Only then did Xia Wanyuan see the fine redness in his eyes. Her eyes widened. “You haven’t slept at all?!”

Jun Shiling did not answer and only held Xia Wanyuan’s left hand. He leaned on the bed and prepared to sleep for a while. Even with his stamina, he could not hold on much longer.

However, Xia Wanyuan reached out to stop him. “Sleep on the bed.”

Xia Wanyuan’s bed was a specially-made large bed that could accommodate two people. Jun Shiling did not decline and took off his shoes to lie beside Xia Wanyuan. He kept a distance from her, afraid that he would touch her wound.

Jun Shiling was really sleepy. He fell asleep almost as soon as he touched the pillow. Xia Wanyuan had been sleeping, but she was no longer sleepy.

Xia Wanyuan looked quietly at Jun Shiling, who was sleeping beside her. Her eyes flickered.

After some time…

Xia Wanyuan suddenly moved her head forward and planted a kiss on the corner of Jun Shiling’s lips.

“What are you doing?”

The person who had been sleeping had unknowingly opened her eyes and was staring at Xia Wanyuan with a burning gaze.

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