Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 139 - Riding a Horse

Chapter 139: Riding a Horse

The ability that Xia Wanyuan had displayed just now was enough to make Prince Charlie look straight at her.

Prince Charlie rode his horse and prepared for a while. Then, the two sides stood in front of the starting line.

The referee blew the whistle and two horses dashed out.

There was a hurdle in modern equestrian programs that tested the horseman’s control and coordination.

Why did Xia Wanyuan feel that Prince Charlie’s flaunting of his horsemanship was laughable?

Because in her eyes, these so-called obstacles were really child’s play.

These obstacles that were no more than two meters tall were a piece of cake to her. If it were any ordinary cavalry from a thousand years ago, they would not treat this as a competition.

There were no modern cars in ancient times. If one wanted to reach their destination quickly, they had to ride a horse.

In the few battles where the Xia Dynasty had recovered its territory, Xia Wanyuan had always led troops to war. There was no asphalt road in ancient times.

Furthermore, in order to make full use of the natural advantage, there were several wars that broke out in the mountains. The mountain roads were rugged and the terrain was complicated. It was much more difficult than the roadblocks set up on the flat land.

Hence, Prince Charlie was still adjusting his best state according to his professional training and looking for the best angle to cross the roadblock.

Xia Wanyuan had already mounted her horse and raised the whip. Without stopping, she pulled the reins and crossed the roadblock one by one.

There was no need for any technique or perfect angle. Xia Wanyuan and the horse beneath her were naturally harmonious and moving smoothly.

It made one feel that this was not a horse racing competition but Xia Wanyuan strolling leisurely.

Prince Charlie had just crossed the first railing when Xia Wanyuan had passed through all the obstacles and rushed to the end. Then she turned her horse and looked back.

Prince Charlie finished the rest of the game as usual.

However, this time, victory was no longer waiting for him at the finish line.

Prince Charlie was very depressed, but the way he looked at Xia Wanyuan was filled with admiration.

“Madam Jun, you’re the person with the best horsemanship I’ve ever seen. Even the world champion, Houston, can’t compare to you.”

“You flatter me.” Xia Wanyuan nodded slightly, her bearing fully displayed.

He had wanted to show off his excellent horsemanship, but he did not expect that he could not even catch up to the other party’s wife at all. Prince Charlie felt embarrassed and left after bidding farewell to Jun Shiling.

“Will it hurt the feelings of the country?” Xia Wanyuan asked as she watched Prince Charlie leave in loneliness. After all, Prince Charlie represented the face of the Eagle Kingdom’s royal family.

“No.” Jun Shiling shook his head. Over the years, China had developed very quickly. When the established aristocrats of the Eagle Kingdom came to the capital, they always had a superior attitude. It was no problem to teach them a lesson.

“You know how to ride a horse, right?” Xia Wanyuan looked at Jun Shiling.

“Why do you say that?” Jun Shiling asked back.

“Because I feel like you know everything.” Xia Wanyuan was telling the truth. From the moment she met Jun Shiling, he seemed to be omnipotent in her eyes. He knew many things and had all kinds of means.

“Since you’ve said so, if I don’t ride with you for a while, wouldn’t I be letting down your high evaluation of me?”

Hearing Xia Wanyuan’s high evaluation of him, Jun Shiling’s heart was filled with joy. His deep eyes also carried a smile.

“I’ll go and change first.”


Xia Wanyuan was riding her horse around when she suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves behind her. Xia Wanyuan turned around and saw Jun Shiling dressed in knight attire.

In Xia Wanyuan’s memory, Jun Shiling always wore a shirt and suit, and she rarely saw him wearing other clothes.

The knight suit had a British style to begin with. Jun Shiling was dressed in a white uniform. Sitting on the horse, he looked as noble as a prince in the Middle Ages.

“You’re very good at riding,” Jun Shiling praised Xia Wanyuan sincerely.

“I guess you’re bad either.” Xia Wanyuan raised her eyebrows slightly and suddenly pinched the horse’s stomach. The horsewhip flew up and flew out, its clear voice scattering in the wind.

A smile flashed across Jun Shiling’s eyes. He raised his horsewhip and chased after Xia Wanyuan.

Xia Wanyuan’s guess was right. Jun Shiling followed quickly.

The horse ran extremely quickly. On the vast plains, Xia Wanyuan and Jun Shiling were riding side by side. The wind blew up their ink-black hair, and the sunlight cast a layer of light on the two of them. They were magnificent and radiant like pearls.

The wind whistled by her ears. Amidst the swift horse-riding, Xia Wanyuan felt extremely happy. Her eyes were bright and moving.

Jun Shiling turned to look at Xia Wanyuan beside him, feeling a sense of arrogance that looked down on the world from the depths of her soul. Jun Shiling had never seen such arrogance on Xia Wanyuan before.

It was as if this arrogance was carved into Xia Wanyuan’s bones. In this particular environment, it was inadvertently revealed, allowing him to see a little.

Just this point alone was enough to make one’s heart tremble.

It was indeed satisfying to spur a horse and gallop, but Xia Wanyuan had neglected a fact. In her modern body, she was used to living like a prince. It was impossible for her to endure such a high-intensity exercise suddenly.

Hence, on the way back to the manor from the horse farm, Xia Wanyuan felt a little sore. After sitting in the manor for a while, she felt extremely sore.

Jun Shiling came out of the study and saw Xia Wanyuan frowning downstairs. He could not help but ask, “What’s wrong?”

“I haven’t exercised for too long. My body is a little sore.”

“Ask Shen Xiu to come over,” Jun Shiling instructed the servant.

Then he walked over to Xia Wanyuan. “Do you want to run with me in the morning in the future?”

“Okay.” Jun Shiling woke up very early and exercised every day. Xia Wanyuan felt that she indeed lacked exercise, so she agreed readily.

Shen Xiu arrived at the manor very quickly.

“Her body hurts. Check it for her and prescribe some medicine.”


Shen Xiu looked at Xia Wanyuan’s expression and asked about her symptoms. He then understood Xia Wanyuan’s problem and prescribed her some medicine and ointment to help ease her nerves.

After seeing Jun Shiling, Shen Xiu looked at him quietly, as if he had something to say.

“Rest for a while. I have something to discuss with the doctor.” Jun Shiling handed warm water to Xia Wanyuan, then followed Shen Xiu out of the house.

“If there’s anything, just say it. Is there a problem with Xia Wanyuan’s health?” Jun Shiling frowned slightly, his eyes filled with worry.

Madam is fine. I just wanted to remind you that Madam needs to train more.”

He recalled that when he had been treating Xia Wanyuan, he had seen a patch of red on her arm, as if she had been pinched hard.

Shen Xiu looked a little embarrassed and continued, “Otherwise, you should control yourself a little. If not, Madam’s body won’t be able to take it.”

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