Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 1181 - Falling Out

Chapter 1181: Falling Out

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Li Na’s face was filled with embarrassment, let alone Master Danny. His entire face was red.

Li Na and Master Danny were not the only ones who came out for a meal this time. There were also other colleagues in the painting world.

Now that they heard Jun Shiling’s words, everyone had subtle expressions on their faces. Their probing gazes could not help but land on Li Na and Master Danny.

What did this mean? Could it be that the Gold Award for the World Competition was actually Xia Wanyuan and Li Na replaced her? 

Seeing that the way they looked at her was getting more and more complicated, Li Na gritted her teeth. “CEO Jun, you still like to joke as usual.”

Master Danny also stood up. “That’s right. CEO Jun, you really know how to joke. It’s rare to meet you today. Our family happens to have a gathering. I wonder if CEO Jun is willing to attend?”

When Master Danny said this, everyone’s expressions changed.

Everyone knew that Master Danny came from the Carmel family, a famous official power family in America.

Countless people racked their brains to have a deeper relationship with the Carmel family. Today, Master Danny actually personally invited Jun Shiling to the Carmel family’s banquet. This was considered a huge honor.

However, Jun Shiling and Xia Wanyuan, who were present, knew very well that this was not inviting Jun Shiling to a banquet. This was clearly a threat to Jun Shiling to give Master Danny a way out on account of the Carmel family.

Unfortunately, Jun Shiling had no intention of giving him a way out.

Jun Shiling glanced at Master Danny. “You don’t understand British English? Then I can say it again in the American English. What is a thief’s teacher?”

This was considered Jun Shiling not answering Master Danny’s threat. Master Danny’s expression changed. “CEO Jun, watch your words. You have to have evidence when you speak. You have to be responsible for saying that my disciple is a thief.”

Jun Shiling held Xia Wanyuan’s hand and walked in. He looked down at Li Na. “Of course you can have evidence. It’s just that after the evidence is taken out, it’s up to you whether you can bear it.”

With that, Jun Shiling and Xia Wanyuan walked into the dining room.

At the entrance of the restaurant, facing everyone’s suspicious gazes, Master Danny smiled. “They’re Chinese. You know, arrogant and conceited.”

“Yes, yes.” Even if everyone was suspicious, no one would say it in front of Master Danny. After all, the Carmel family stood behind him. No one could afford to offend them.

When had Li Na ever suffered such humiliation? She pursed her lips and followed Master Danny. The group quickly left the dining room.

In the dining room, Xia Wanyuan glanced at Jun Shiling. “Is it okay to fall out?”

After all, Master Danny had the Carmel family behind him.

Jun Shiling shook his head. “What can he do alone? Furthermore, the Carmel family has been using their power for a long time to interfere with the Jun Corporation’s businesses in America. We have long fallen out in secret. Now, we’re just showing it to the public.”

Only then was Xia Wanyuan relieved. Then, she smiled. “CEO Jun, you don’t have any protective feelings for the fairer sex.”

Jun Shiling glanced at Xia Wanyuan. “Aren’t I protective of the fairer sex? When have I not protective of you? I’m just short of placing you in my palm and serving you.”

Xia Wanyuan squeezed Jun Shiling’s hand. “I was just joking. Why are you taking it seriously again?”

Jun Shiling snorted coldly. “I think you’re looking for trouble.”

Xia Wanyuan squeezed to the side and sat beside Jun Shiling. She took a dessert from the table and fed it to Jun Shiling. “CEO Jun, calm down.”

Jun Shiling smiled. “Only you know how to.”

The two of them joked and laughed as they finished dinner.

On the other hand, Li Na endured the strange gazes of others and returned home. Just as she entered, she threw her bag to the ground.

“Aiyo, my good daughter, what’s wrong?” Zhang Man walked over and picked up Li Na’s bag. “Who provoked my good daughter?”

Li Na pounced into Zhang Man’s arms. “Mother, that Xia Wanyuan and Jun Shiling bullied me.”

“What’s wrong? Why is Xia Wanyuan here in America?” Zhang Man still did not understand the situation.

Li Na’s eyes were filled with jealousy. “I suspect that they came on purpose. Today, in front of so many people, Jun Shiling called me a thief and said that I stole Xia Wanyuan’s painting.”

Hearing this, disbelief flashed across Zhang Man’s eyes. “Jun Shiling really said that?”

Li Na nodded. Zhang Man pulled Li Na to sit on the sofa. “Jun Shiling is still the head of the Jun Corporation. We can’t provoke him directly. Calm down first. Don’t worry, Mommy has a way.”

Li Na looked at Zhang Man in confusion. “What way?”

“Don’t worry.” Zhang Man patted Li Na’s hand. “Alright, go up and practice your painting.”

“Okay.” Since her mother had said so, Li Na did not say anything else. She took her bag and walked upstairs.

Watching Li Na’s back disappear into the stairwell, a few traces of anxiety appeared in Zhang Man’s eyes.

Unlike Li Na, Zhang Man was most worried that Xia Wanyuan had come to America to inherit Mr. Blue’s inheritance.

There was already news that Xia Wanyuan was Mr. Blue’s daughter.

Zhang Man had already felt that Xia Wanyuan looked like him. Now, at the critical moment before Mr. Blue’s death, Xia Wanyuan had actually come to America.

This made it difficult for her not to think too much.

Thinking of this, Zhang Man panicked. She made a call. “Hello, this is Zhang Man…”


In Continent F, Lin Yi and Stone were locked beside Xia Yu. Seeing Xia Yu fall asleep, Lin Yi’s face was filled with worry.

Stone’s eyes were swollen from crying. “Sister Lin Yi, will Brother Xia Yu be fine?”

Lin Yi looked at Xia Yu with a heavy expression. Seeing that his face was pale, she was worried. “I don’t know either. We’re all locked here now. I don’t know when we can get out.”

Xia Yu’s injuries were already very serious. Without enough medicine to treat them, Lin Yi could smell the inflammation of Xia Yu’s wounds.

If this continued, Xia Yu would fall into a high fever in less than a day. Fever in such an environment was simply a dead end.

Lin Yi was still thinking about Xia Yu’s situation when Stone looked at Xia Yu quietly for a long time. Suddenly, his eyes widened. He ran towards Xia Yu with all his might, but his limbs were locked by the chains.

“Sister Lin Yi, why isn’t Brother Xia Yu breathing?”

Stone shouted at Lin Yi. That was not the case just now. Although Xia Yu’s breathing was weak just now, one could see that he was slowly breathing. Now, Stone could not see any fluctuations on Xia Yu’s body.

Lin Yi’s expression turned cold. She looked at Xia Yu and studied him seriously for a moment. Suddenly, her expression changed drastically, and she shouted, “Someone!!”

Stone cried with her. Soon, a guard walked in. “Why are you shouting? Are you looking for a beating in the middle of the night??”

Lin Yi’s hand that was pointing at Xia Yu was trembling. “You killed him.”

The guard frowned and glanced at Xia Yu. “Bullsh*t. I only injected a little tranquilizer. Little girl, stop talking nonsense here. Shut up, or I’ll slap you to death.”

Lin Yi’s eyes were filled with tears. She looked at Xia Yu. “This is someone your leader values very much. If anything happens to him, how many heads can you bear?”

The guard was really frightened by her words. He hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he still went forward to check Xia Yu’s breathing. With this check, the guard stood up straight.

Why isn’t he breathing?!

He walked forward again and checked all the arteries on Xia Yu seriously this time. There was no movement.

Oh no! Cold sweat broke out on the guard’s face. He stood up and hurriedly shouted and pressed the alarm on his body.

Soon, the doctor and Wei Zimu walked into the room.

The doctor carefully diagnosed Xia Yu and even inserted all sorts of needles in him. In the end, he shook his head. “Young Master Wei, this person probably overdosed on tranquilizers and can’t be saved.”

Wei Zimu’s expression was serious. “How did you overdose? Didn’t I tell you to use the medicine according to the dosage?”

The doctor was a little terrified. “We followed the normal dosage, but this little brother’s injuries were serious. We didn’t notice that we used too much, causing the patient to die from shock.”

As the doctor spoke, admiration flashed across his eyes.

To be honest, it had been almost two to three days since Xia Yu was captured.

This person did not show that he was a patient at all. He did not even cry out in pain when he was tortured.

It was even more impossible for doctors like them to treat a prisoner every day.

Now, no one realized that Xia Yu was so seriously injured. It was too late to regret it.

Wei Zimu glanced at Xia Yu. “How unlucky.”

The doctor persuaded, “Young Master Wei, the temperature here is high. After a person dies, it’s very easy for bacteria to grow. It’s best to deal with him as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will give birth to bacteria.”

Wei Zimu frowned. “What for? Bring him back underground and see if he needs it.”

“Uh…” The doctor was in a difficult position. He thought to himself, What’s so good about this corpse? The boss is a doctor himself. He definitely knows the logic of bacteria breeding and won’t agree to move the person back. Hence, the doctor suggested, “Why don’t we report the matter to the boss and see what he says?”

Soon, the call from Yu Qian was connected.


“The person you want is dead. I want to bring him back. The doctor won’t let me. Tell him yourself.”

As Wei Zimu spoke, he handed the phone to the doctor. The doctor took it and reported Xia Yu’s various data to Yu Qian in fear and trepidation. In the end, he kept persuading Yu Qian not to bring him back, as he was a moving petri dish.

In the end, Yu Qian agreed. The doctor returned the phone to Wei Zimu. “Young Master Wei, the boss has agreed to cremate this person on the spot.”

Wei Zimu nodded. “Mm.”

With that, Wei Zimu looked around and finally chose two people. “The two of you, carry them to the junkyard ten miles away and burn them. Don’t burn them here and pollute the environment for no reason.”

“Yes.” When the two of them received the order, resistance subconsciously flashed across their eyes.

Ten miles and three people. That was too far. 

However, they had no choice but to listen to Wei Zimu.

The two of them found a wooden plank and carried Xia Yu up, quickly walking towards the junkyard.

When they were about to approach, a fatter person said, “There’s a saying in my hometown that we can’t burn people. They’ll come back for us.”

At that moment, it was dark all around. From time to time, some unknown strange birds would cry. Another companion was more timid and his heart trembled when he heard this. “Brother, don’t scare me. I’m very timid.”

“Really.” The fatter person really did not want to carry them deeper into the junkyard. He continued to scare his companion. “I heard that this place is a mass grave. There are corpses everywhere. You’ll be haunted by ghosts if you go in.”

“Forget it, let’s leave him here. He’s dead anyway. Why should we keep him?” His companion could not stand such words, especially in such a gloomy environment. He threw the stretcher away and pulled his other companion back.

From time to time, there was the sound of the wind in the dump. It sounded like the roar of evil spirits. The two 1.9 meters tall men were so frightened by the sound that they did not dare to turn around.

The two of them ran away. Lin Yi and Stone, who had been injected with tranquilizers, were also thrown to the ground, together with Xia Yu on the stretcher.

At that moment, the world was pitch-black. Other than the sobs of the wind blowing through the junkyard, there was nothing else.

The three people on the ground lay in a ball. A handful of yellow sand floated over and covered the three of them.


In America, Xia Wanyuan and Jun Shiling returned to the castle after dinner.

Xia Wanyuan was preparing lesson materials in the bedroom, while Jun Shiling was contacting his subordinates in the study.

“Reporting, sir. According to the traces left by Xia Yu, we followed him to a relatively large city in State F. A team of people has taken Xia Yu hostage. We’ve been observing them for the past few days, but we haven’t found a chance.”

Jun Shiling frowned slightly. “Is Xia Yu safe?”

“It’s safe for the time being. We have observed their daily food scores.”

“Continue searching. You must save Xia Yu within two days.” Jun Shiling gave his last instructions.


Just as the subordinate hung up the video call, someone came to report, “We’ve already discovered Xia Yu’s traces. Someone left just now at night.”

“Go now.”

With that, a group of off-road vehicles set off in a deep forest. A few large groups of armed people sat in the cars.


The commotion here quickly attracted the attention of others.

Other than Wei Zimu, a group of people also noticed the commotion.

At that moment, the Chu family members were reporting the situation to Chu Yi.

Hearing the scene described by his subordinate, Chu Yi tapped his finger on the table. “I believe they’ve found him. We don’t have to go up and join in the fun anymore.”


After hanging up, Chu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly. On the sofa not far away, Feng Wuyou was sleeping peacefully.

A hint of gentleness flashed across Chu Yi’s eyes, but it was covered up. He stood up and made a call.

“Hello, are you in China?”

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