Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 1140 - CEO Jun Takes Action

Chapter 1140: CEO Jun Takes Action

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Now, Jun Shiling’s words seemed to have made up for the regrets and grievances of her previous life.

“You’re so good to me.” Xia Wanyuan sighed from the bottom of her heart. Jun Shiling always hit the softest spot in her heart.

Jun Shiling picked her up. “Are you stupid? If I don’t treat you well, who should I treat well? I’m not working today. I’ll accompany you.”

Xia Wanyuan hugged Jun Shiling’s neck, her eyes bright. “Then, let’s go to the amusement park, okay?”

It had been a long time since she had been there. Seeing Xiao Bao’s toy in the morning, Xia Wanyuan suddenly had this thought.


This time, the two of them had an idea at the last minute. They did not go to the place where the crowd was cleared. Instead, they wore masks and sneaked into the Beijing amusement park.

On the other hand, Lin Jing had already sued all the news media that guided public opinion with the Jun Corporation’s legal team.

@ Jun Corporation’s official Weibo: “In order to clear up public opinion, the corporation’s legal team has filed a lawsuit against the following companies according to the law…”

Everyone looked at the long list and gloated.

[Which marketing accounts are so pitiful to be targeted by the Jun Corporation’s legal department? The Jun Corporation’s legal department has never lost a battle.]

[Don’t you think the names of these media outlets look a little familiar? F*ck, aren’t these the media outlets that criticized Xia Wanyuan’s paintings for being too expensive? Jun Shiling is too domineering. The reporters are just speaking the truth. Are they going to be sued?]

[Hehe, so what if you’re rich? The news media are just reporting the truth. Is there any justice?]

However, the news media that were still active just now were already in chaos.

The reason was that they were not sued by the Jun Corporation because of Xia Wanyuan, but because of some past reports.

In the past, in order to attract attention and achieve sales, the media would naturally have some false reports. The public did not discover it, but these loopholes were all found by the legal team of the Jun Corporation.

“Didn’t you say that it’s fine to publish it? Why is the Jun Corporation suing us now?” The higher-ups of the media gathered for a meeting.

“Don’t worry, the Lin family will take action on this matter. The Jun family is the leader in construction industry. In the media industry, it’s not up to him to criticize.”


The news of many media defendants quickly spread to the ears of the various families.

When Jiang Kui heard this news, he said, “Tsk tsk, Jun Shiling can’t hold it in anymore. Looks like he really lost his mind for a woman.”

Now that Jun Shiling had suddenly gotten someone to file a lawsuit against the media on a large scale, it would only cause a backlash in the end, making everyone feel that Jun Shiling was threatening the media for Xia Wanyuan. This was not a positive image.

Beside Jiang Kui, the small baby leaned over. “Daddy, I want to go out and play. Can you accompany me?”

Jiang Kui pinched his son’s face. “Okay.”

Xiao Yu was smart and intelligent. He had not accepted him at first, but now, he liked this son very much. He even felt Xiao Yu’s mother was much better.

Jiang Kui picked Xiao Yu up and was about to walk out when the phone suddenly rang. Seeing the caller’s name, Jiang Kui subconsciously frowned and put Xiao Yu down. “Son, be good. Go and find Mommy first. Daddy has something on.”

“Okay.” Xiao Yu glanced at Jiang Kui’s phone and obediently ran away from his arms.

Jiang Kui pressed the answer button. “Speak.”

To his surprise, Zou Man did not cry and shout at him anymore. Her voice sounded very calm. “Jiang Kui, I want to do a surgery and need my family to sign it. You’re the only family I have in the country. Can you come and sign it for me?”

Zou Man had always been arrogant in front of Jiang Kui and would easily argue with him. Now that her attitude had suddenly softened, it triggered the pity in Jiang Kui’s man nature. “Okay, I’ll go over now.”

Jiang Kui drove to the hospital. After signing the papers, the doctor looked at him with a complicated expression. “Your wife is still calling for her husband in her sleep. As her husband, you didn’t even visit her once. It’s too much to leave your wife in the hospital like this.”

Jiang Kui’s expression changed slightly, but he did not refute the doctor. “I’ll go and see her.”

In the ward, Zou Man’s face was pale, but without her exquisite makeup, her delicate facial features had a hint of delicate beauty.

Hearing footsteps, Zou Man turned around. There was no hatred in her eyes and she looked calm. She even smiled at Jiang Kui. “You’re here? My stomach hurts. Pour yourself some water.”

Such a calm Zou Man made Jiang Kui a little helpless. He took a step forward. “Are you okay?”

Zou Man nodded, and her pale face lit up. “Ahem, can you pour me a glass of water?”

“Okay.” Jiang Kui went to the side to pour a glass of water and helped Zou Man drink it.

Zou Man took a sip and frowned, as if she was very uncomfortable. She leaned on Jiang Kui’s shoulder.

Zou Man was wearing a hospital gown. She was soft and weak, but she still looked very beautiful. This was the first time Jiang Kui had seen her like this. He did not object to her leaning on his shoulder at all. He even reached out and hugged Zou Man’s waist. “Why have you lost so much weight?”

Hearing Jiang Kui’s words, Zou Man looked up. Her eyes were filled with tears that could not be shed. She looked like a camellia after the rain, fragile but unique.

Zou Man gently pulled Jiang Kui’s clothes and said softly, “Jiang Kui, we lost our child.”

Hearing her fragile voice, Jiang Kui suddenly felt complicated. “Don’t be too sad.”

Zou Man slowly hugged Jiang Kui’s waist with complete attachment and dependence. “I was wrong. Can you forgive me? I only know now that I can’t live without you.”

A man like Jiang Kui seemed to be smooth-sailing and had everything at his fingertips, but only Zou Man, who had lived with him for a long time, knew.

Jiang Kui had been under Father Jiang’s shadow for a long time and yearned for his approval no matter what he did. He especially liked the feeling of being needed and affirmed by others.

As expected, when Zou Man said this, coupled with the perfect vulnerability and attachment in her eyes, Jiang Kui’s secret point was poked. He hugged Zou Man tighter. “I didn’t blame you. Don’t worry, rest well. I’ll visit you after I’m done.”

In Jiang Kui’s arms, the corners of Zou Man’s lips curled up slightly. Bone-chilling hatred flashed across her eyes, but when she looked up, her face was filled with hesitation and dependence.

“Can you stay here with me for ten more minutes? I haven’t seen you in a long time. I need you.”

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