Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2062 - Image of a Married Couple

Chapter 2062: Image of a Married Couple

“President Yi, you’re drunk! Let me take you home!”

Guan Mei “kindly” helped them hail a cab and helped Yi Xiao into the car. Yi Xiao had drunk too much and fell asleep in the back seat.

“President Yi? President Yi?”

Guan Mei called him several times, but there was no response. After confirming that he was drunk, Guan Mei smiled smugly.

“Sir, please send us to the Hilton Hotel.”

When they arrived at the hotel, Guan Mei asked the doorman to help her carry Yi Xiao in. She then found his wallet and used Yi Xiao’s identity card to check in.

After everything was done, she asked someone to send Yi Xiao upstairs.

After the doorman left, Guan Mei eyed the man lying on the bed as if she was gazing at a heap of gold.

She rubbed her hands gleefully and came to Yi Xiao’s side. She helped him take off his shirt and covered him with the blanket, revealing some of his muscles.

After that, she told her paparazzi friend to come and wait to take some photos of them leaving the room tomorrow.

She then found Yi Xiao’s phone and unlocked it with his fingerprint.

She looked through Yi Xiao’s contact list and found his “wife” number. She wrote a message and sent it over.

She then took off her clothes and went to the bathroom.

In the hospital, Lu Zeyan had checked and found that his arm was fractured. The doctor had given him a cast and bandages and he was temporarily unable to drive.

Fang Xiaocheng apologized again and again. “I’m sorry, Mr. Lu. I didn’t expect my husband to come to the company and cause you trouble! I’m really sorry… causing you to get hurt like this!”

Lu Zeyan also guessed that the couple might have gotten into a fight. He said, “I’m fine. Go back and speak with President Yi. Don’t stay here with me. I’ll get my assistant to come over later.”

“Alright then! I’ll go back first. Call me if you need anything!”

Fang Xiaocheng rushed back from the hospital and was about to call her jealous lover when she received a message from Yi Xiao.

It read: [Honey, I’m drunk and my clothes are dirty. Please send me a set of clean clothes. I’m in room 6288 in Hilton Hotel.]

He went to drink again?

He even asked her to help him deliver his clothes?

Fang Xiaocheng really did not want to care about him, but she could not bear to be ruthless to him. She went straight back to get his clothes and drove to the Hilton Hotel.

Fang Xiaocheng followed the room number on the message and found the door with the bag of clothes.

After verifying everything, she rang the doorbell.

No one opened the door for a while. She wondered if Yi Xiao was drunk and had fallen asleep. Did he not hear the doorbell?

Just as she was thinking of calling him to wake him up, the door suddenly opened. It was not Yi Xiao, but a strange woman.

The woman had just taken a shower. Her hair was dripping with water and she was wrapped in a white towel. She could see the alluring scenery in front of her.

There were also quite a few hickeys on her fair skin. It was obvious what she had experienced.

“Who are you?” Guan Mei asked.

She felt that she was much prettier than President Yi’s wife. She wondered why President Yi loved his wife so much.

“This is room 6288. I’m here to deliver clothes to my husband. Who are you?”

Even though Fang Xiaocheng was divorcing Yi Xiao, she still maintained her image as a married couple in front of outsiders.

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