Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2019 - Too Impulsive

Chapter 2019: Too Impulsive

“What’s wrong with me hitting him? It’s that fella who deserves to be hit! I couldn’t hold my anger when I listened to him speak!” Ma Haodong tidied his lapel. He didn’t think he did anything wrong at all.

“Even if the words he said were unpleasant, you still need to take care of your own image. You are a celebrity right now. Lowering yourself to those people’s level will only affect your own future!”

“I’m not afraid of affecting my future!” Ma Haodong pulled a chair over and sat down.

“I know you are not afraid but I am afraid! You are under my management right now so I am responsible for you! If something happens with you, I will have to bear the blame! Also, please calm down a bit before you do something in the future! Don’t be so impulsive, okay?”

Ma Haodong couldn’t take any of it in at all. “Okay what? Didn’t you hear how unpleasant the words he said were? He said you are an old cow eating young grass. How can you endure that? I can’t endure it! In any case, he bullied you and that is absolutely unacceptable!”

Xiao Yuqian knew he did it to protect her but she wished he wouldn’t cause trouble because of it. “I know you did it for my sake. However, I won’t lose anything no matter what other people say. If I really cared about what other people thought, I wouldn’t have decided to be with you.”

“In the end, you still think I did wrong, right?” Ma Haodong raised his head and asked.

“That’s right! I think you are too impulsive. Like a big boy with a bad temper who forever cannot grow up.”

“You still care about my age, right?”

Xiao Yuqian didn’t answer. Ma Haodong treated her silence as an affirmative and felt very hurt in his heart. He didn’t say anything more and stood up straight away. He slammed the door and left.

“Hey! Ma Haodong!” Xiao Yuqian shouted at him but he didn’t stop.

Ma Haodong left in anger and Xiao Yuqian also felt a bit angry. Just look, his personality was as such. He left just like that and was extremely headstrong. Even the words she spoke were all useless.

The two of them didn’t contact each other ever since they fought.

After Xiao Yuqian got off work and went home, she realized Ma Haodong wasn’t at the lakeside villa. It was a bit late and she didn’t know where he went. There wasn’t even a single call.

She somewhat couldn’t feel at ease about him and took the initiative to call him. The phone only connected after waiting a while. The sound on the other side was very noisy.

“Hello, I’m looking for Ma Haodong!”

“Brother Dong is drinking…”

The one who picked up the phone was unexpectedly Xiao Yuxin. She told Xiao Yuqian through the phone that Ma Haodong had been drinking to drown his sorrows. He was in a bad mood and wouldn’t listen to anyone’s advice.

No matter what, Xiao Yuqian wanted to be beside Ma Haodong. She didn’t feel at ease.

Xiao Yuqian got his address, picked up her car keys, and rushed over to the bar where they were.

Xiao Yuqian immediately heard a familiar singing voice when she entered the bar. She looked at the stage and realized her little brother Xiao Yuche was performing here with his band.

Xiao Yuche was currently performing a song on stage so Xiao Yuqian didn’t bother him. She went directly to the booked room to look for Ma Haodong.

She pushed open the room’s door and there were five or six men and women in the room. There was someone singing and there were people drinking and playing the finger-guessing game. Ma Haodong was sitting in the main seat within the crowd and Xiao Yuxin was accompanying him beside him.

Ma Haodong kept on drinking to drown his sorrows as he had been doing before. Xiao Yuxin kept on pouring drinks for him nonstop.

Xiao Yuqian went over straight away without even thinking. She took away the cup in his hand and advised him, “That’s enough! Stop drinking!”

“None of your business!”

Ma Haodong took back the glass and said to Xiao Yuxin, “Pour the drink!”

Xiao Yuqian stared at Xiao Yuxin and Xiao Yuxin said, feeling guilty, “Sis, I ran into Brother Dong at the company and I only came here with him because I saw he was in a bad mood. You shouldn’t think too much of it.”

“Ignore her, I asked you to pour the drinks!” Ma Haodong intentionally ignored Xiao Yuqian. His heart was still filled with anger as before.

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