President Wife is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 502 - Purchasing the Qin Corporation

Chapter 502: Purchasing the Qin Corporation

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

“How can I take care of you when you’re all acting like you’re dead? All of you have become mute the moment I’m in trouble! Let me tell you, my outcome today is the same as yours in the future.”

Hu Qunhai’s arrogant voice grew further and further away from the conference room.

“As you can see, in the future, if anyone doesn’t behave, they will end up the same as him. Of course, I will need everyone’s help since I’m new, but I won’t cause so much pressure on everyone. There are rewards and punishments, as you can see.

“In the future, if anyone does well, there’s no need to look for me, just look in the rewards and punishment list, then go to the finance department to get the reward. If you don’t do well, then don’t blame me for being heartless.

“I’m new and everyone might look down on me. I understand this. The reason I wanted to hold this meeting today is to take over the Mo Family’s market.

“Mo Jinrong took over most of Rong City while he was in office. Now that he isn’t around, the market is a little empty. Besides, there is news from within that Mo Shengli is going to sell the company. This is a good opportunity for us to snatch up the available market. I wonder if anyone has any ideas?”

Qin Tian smiled.

“We all have our own ideas. The Mo Family has always monopolized the Rong City market and their territory in the food processing industry is still very large. Why don’t we just swallow the food market and snatch his old customers? The Qin Family has just moved over and although we have some results, it isn’t enough.”

“In my opinion, the Mo Family’s fashion industry is excellent. That designer Qiu Cha brought them a lot of profits. I think poaching that designer over is an important matter.”

After Hu Qunhai left, everyone felt insecure of their position and quickly expressed their opinions.

Qin Tian smiled and spoke directly.

“Everyone’s idea is good, but I want to take over the entire Mo Family’s company and their market. What do you think?”

Many people were surprised by Qin Tian’s idea.

Although the Qin Family was big, it was comparable to the Mo Family. The two companies that were neck and neck had to devour each other to advance. They weren’t afraid of not being full, they were afraid of bursting from being too full.

The Qin Family had a lot of influence abroad, but not in the country. The Mo Family had rich resources and connections, so it would be a big price to obtain it.

“Boss Qin, this idea is a little risky. The Mo Family’s resources and connections are good, but it is too big. I’m afraid our Qin Family’s funds can’t keep up with it. If anything goes wrong, we will become the target of acquisition.”

After careful consideration, he raised his idea.

He had been in the Qin Family for many years and Old Master Qin was a reliable person. He would always consider the pros and cons before making a decision, but his son was too radical and impulsive.

“I’ve thought about Uncle Zhou’s worries, but the Mo Family is a juicy piece of meat that everyone wants to have a bite of. If we don’t hurry and take it down, I’m afraid we won’t have a chance. As for the funds, I think we can get a loan from the bank.

“The Qin Family isn’t very powerful right now but previously, my father had interacted with the presidents of several banks and had a good relationship with them. It should still be possible for us to get a loan.

“The Mo Family has many stores and a wide sales channel. If we swallow it, we won’t have to worry about not being able to become the number one in the world. I have discussed this with Mo Shengli.

“In my opinion, he has given up on the current crisis. It would be easy for us to talk about the acquisition with him.”

Qin Tian’s plan was thorough and he had thought about it for a long time. The Mo Family and the Qin Family had long formed a deep grudge. He made this decision not just for his own selfish reasons, but more importantly for the development of the Qin Family.

“I heard about it too. We have insider news that the Mo Corporation is now an empty shell. If such a big company becomes an empty shell, there will definitely be a huge debt for us to bear, but I support Boss Qin’s decision. It’s not too large a risk,” Sun Liang said.

Qin Tian finally smiled. After everyone agreed, he was about to start the acquisition plan.

He would have avenged his father after the acquisition was complete.

After all, if it weren’t for Mo Jinrong, his father wouldn’t have been angered to death by his sister.


Qiu Cha hid at home every day and didn’t go to work. She hugged Lan Anran’s photos in a daze and drank alone.

Lan Anran gave her this villa. When she was in a daze and lonely, Lan Anran helped her by her side. Half of Qiu Cha’s spiritual sustenance was gone now that Lan Anran was dead.

“Anran, why did you leave me behind? Why didn’t you care about me?”

Qiu Cha lay alone on the ground, surrounded by wine bottles. She was no longer the happy girl.

There were countless missed calls from Zhao Han, but she hadn’t seen any of them. She didn’t want to hear comforting words.

“Anran, I didn’t even see you one last time and you abandoned me. You really value your lover over your friend.”

Qiu Cha cried as she drank the beer in her hand.

Zhao Han hadn’t seen Qiu Cha in days. He thought that she must be very sad so he drove to her house.

The door was tightly shut and there wasn’t a trace of light. This was the nth time he came here after Lan Anran’s accident, but the door was always tightly shut. He knew that Qiu Cha was inside, but he couldn’t do anything about it.

He mustered up his courage, walked forward again, and knocked.

“Qiu Cha, I know you’re inside. Open the door and see me.”

Qiu Cha was drinking in the living room when she heard the noise outside. She threw the empty bottle at the door impatiently. The sound of the broken bottle made Zhao Han certain that she was still alive.

“I don’t want to see you! Leave! Anran is dead, she died with Mo Jinrong. If you stay with me, we will end up like that. Leave!”

Qiu Cha cried, looking drunk while swaying from side to side. She struggled to her feet and walked to the door, leaning against it with a bottle of beer in her hand.

“What are you saying? Anran and Mo Jinrong passed away and we are both upset. You can’t give up on yourself, Lan Anran wouldn’t like you like this.” Zhao Han chided.

“So what if she doesn’t like it? Can she stand up and scold me? Hurry up and leave, don’t disturb my drinking,” Qiu Cha said angrily.

Zhao Han called the locksmith when he knew that persuasion was useless. Soon, the door was opened.

Qiu Cha was grabbed by Zhao Han from behind the door.

“Let go of me! Let go of me!”

Qiu Cha struggled.

Zhao Han snatched the bottle from Qiu Cha’s hand and carried her upstairs.

“Qiu Cha! You’re not allowed to drink anymore!”

“Boohoo… If Anran was here, she would definitely let me drink. You’re a bad person!”

Qiu Cha cried and said, “You picked the lock? I’m going to sue you! Stupid Zhao Han!”

Qiu Cha’s face was flushed and she looked a little cute.

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